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Symptoms of coronavirus in a person without fever by day
Symptoms of coronavirus in a person without fever by day

Video: Symptoms of coronavirus in a person without fever by day

Video: Symptoms of coronavirus in a person without fever by day
Video: Recognizing Day to Day Signs and Symptoms of Coronavirus 2024, October

The symptoms of the coronavirus are very varied. In an adult, they appear on a daily basis, depending on different circumstances and periods of flow: no fever, no cough, with a cough.

Knowledge and progression of the global pandemic

The global information space is filled with disturbing, but somewhat outdated, publications written by journalists and epidemiologists at an early stage of the detection of a dangerous disease. Therefore, the main symptoms of coronavirus in an adult are still considered to be a sharp increase in temperature and a dry cough, but it is argued about a flow without a temperature that it can only be in the latent or incubation period.

Lack of knowledge about the cause of the global pandemic is one of the main factors in its total spread. While among people moving from country to country, from mainland to mainland, they were looking for common symptoms with cough and fever, sick people with an asymptomatic form, but apparently healthy people, moved around the world.


Over time, there was a clear realization that the disease can proceed without characteristic symptoms. A likely explanation for this has been found - the action on the planet of two strains of COVID-19.

The first is aggressive, causing the main symptoms of coronavirus in an adult. And the second (weaker strain of protovirus) - without temperature, and often without other characteristic signs.

Even later, it was discovered that a strain that activated after humans began suppressing the root cause of the outbreak in Wuhan could replicate with failures. Although such matrix errors do not significantly affect the manifestation and symptoms of a viral infection, it is possible that they can affect the symptoms of the virus.


It has now been established that COVID-19 can occur in the human body in three scenarios:

  • initially active - with fever, cough, runny nose and the likelihood of complications;
  • with mild symptoms - a scenario of the gradual development of symptoms of coronavirus in an adult, characteristic and uncharacteristic, without fever (high and low-grade), fever is described;
  • asymptomatic - a disease with non-obvious signs that are easily correlated with other conditions, the external well-being of the patient, who is still a source of infection.

At the end of August 2020, the symptoms and duration of the stages of viral infection are still not fully understood. Their duration and severity are determined by the following factors:

  • timely medical actions taken;
  • the patient's behavior and his ability to analyze his own state;
  • the state of the immune system and the preventive measures taken.

Temperature-free flow: when it happens, what to focus on

Any viral disease rarely does without temperature. This is a defensive reaction provided by nature in the open system of the human body, and even in some way a favorable sign indicating that the immune cells have detected an intervention and have begun to fight it.

Earlier, among the characteristic symptoms of coronavirus in an adult, there was invariably an excessive rise in temperature. At first, the temperature-free course of this disease was considered atypical.


By the middle of summer 2020, the processing of a certain array of information received gave rise to scientific generalizations. Coronavirus may not cause fever in 3 cases:

  1. During the incubation period. The penetration of the virus into the body has already taken place, but its activity is practically not expressed, since it has not become active and does not cause significant damage to tissues and organs.
  2. In the latency period. It is mistakenly mixed with incubation, but at this time a person is already a distributor of an infection that has become active, but develops in a latent form. There are different data regarding the duration of the first and second periods.
  3. In the asymptomatic form of the coronavirus. It has its own characteristics, but there is no fever, no cough, no runny nose, inherent in a more aggressive strain.

Now, according to statistics, 4/5 of cases of infection are precisely the asymptomatic form. The wording itself implies the absence of any clearly expressed symptoms. But we can talk about weak manifestations of the activity of the coronavirus, which indicate its presence with a careful analysis of the human condition.


Approximate symptoms for time periods

Scientists conduct scientific experiments in laboratory conditions, on the basis of which the course of COVID-19 is described. In this case, the duration of the periods inherent in the disease is revealed. However, all conclusions are broken about the individual reaction inherent in every human organism.

It is difficult to reproduce their uniqueness on artificial material, which is determined by the uniqueness of each natural system. All scientific conclusions in China are based on practical material, but relate to an aggressive strain.

The standard diagram (model of the course of the disease by day) looks vaguely blurry:

  1. The total duration (without complications) is from 3-4 weeks to 113 days.
  2. The latent and incubation periods are not taken into account in the given model, but they can also be of different duration.
  3. In the first 4 days, there may be a feeling of apathy, depression, muscle pain, permanent fatigue (feeling weak), in some cases, low-grade or even febrile temperature (not all patients). Everything feels like a cold or a pre-flu condition. Recently, an increasingly blurred, almost imperceptible clinical picture has often been noted.
  4. From the 5th to the 7th day, problems with the respiratory system may appear: a feeling of heaviness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. They can be distributed over the day for a longer period, go into a complicated variant, respiratory failure, but the alarming statistics of 1: 6 have decreased markedly. Now emergency care on the 8-9th day is required for every 10th patient with COVID-19 at risk.
  5. A characteristic picture is a decrease in negative feelings on the 12th day.
  6. Convalescence - starting from the 13th day.

The given dynamics of the asymptomatic form by day is approximate, as is the duration of the incubation period of the pathogenic agent in the human body. The average figure is 5 days, but a lightning-fast form (from 2 days) and a prolonged one - up to 2 weeks are described. Coughs and runny nose, which were previously considered characteristic signs of coronavirus infection, are now avoided by 4 out of 5 patients.

Atypical (rare) symptoms

Numerous studies, already based on practical material, show that the name of the asymptomatic form in the case of a disease with a non-aggressive strain was not appropriated by chance. The disease really proceeds without pronounced symptoms if the patient:

  • is not at risk (elderly or with chronic diseases);
  • has a healthy immune system (so far very little is known about the formation of natural immunity after an illness);
  • receives timely treatment.

In this form, the main symptomatic triad is absent (cough - fever - breathing problems). Rare manifestations occur in certain conditions:

  • headache (in 8%) - with intoxication with the products of the activity of the virus (symptomatic antiviral therapy is not carried out (bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids);
  • hemoptysis (in 5% of the surveyed) - the result of intensive reproduction of the pathogenic agent and its advance into the lower part of the respiratory system;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - the addition of an enterovirus infection (coinfection);
  • heart palpitations - a violation of the normal state of the CVS, the result of the implementation of negative prerequisites that already existed in the body.

As for the loss of taste and smell, these are not symptoms, but the result of neurogenic damage - a complication resulting from damage to neurons in the brain. This is a sure sign that the patient needs immediate treatment or rehabilitation after an asymptomatic coronavirus infection.



  1. COVID-19 is a dangerous disease that can take many forms.
  2. In the asymptomatic course, there are no pronounced signs.
  3. The duration of the incubation, latency and active periods depends on the patient and the circumstances.
  4. Abnormal symptoms may indicate the development of complications.
  5. The best way to diagnose the disease is through testing.
