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What is kinesiology and what are the doctors' reviews
What is kinesiology and what are the doctors' reviews

Video: What is kinesiology and what are the doctors' reviews

Video: What is kinesiology and what are the doctors' reviews
Video: WHAT IS KINESIOLOGY? 2024, April

Kinesiology as a technique was developed in 1964 by J. Goodhart, a sports physician from the United States. It consists in special methods of chiropractic diagnosis. Find out about what kinesiology is, what it treats, read the doctors' reviews.

What is the essence of the technique


Translated from Greek, the word "kinesiology" means "the science of the movement of muscles, joints, bones and psyche, their relationship." Kinesiology allows you to correct increased tone in tense muscles, which has a positive effect even on the state of internal organs. Kinesiological treatment is carried out without medication.


Answers to questions about a person's state of health are kept by his body. From birth, cells contain information about the events of his life. What it is - kinesiology, why the doctors' reviews about it are only positive, it is important to know and understand the person to whom such a new treatment is prescribed.

The essence of the technique is that it allows you to work not with the complications of muscle and bone pathology, but to eliminate the immediate cause. The main concept of kinesiology is the "Triad of Health", it lies in the Mind, Soul, Body, which act as a united front, uniting the state of the body with the psycho-emotional background.


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In other words, the state of the Spirit affects health. Each of the organs has a direct connection with "their" muscles, internal disturbances in their work are immediately reflected on the body - the gait and even facial expression change. Specialists-kinesiologists by the face determine the presence of diseases in a person, the general state of his health.

Only the person himself influences the events taking place in his life. Kinesiologists look at health in a different way than medical practitioners. They find a rational approach, apply their own methods of correction, change a person's outlook on life.

Kinesiological correction is unique in that problems do not return after it. Specialists transform the situation from negative to positive, and a person's life changes. According to doctors, a person who knows what it is - kinesiology, and applies its methods, no medication treatment is required at all.


Reviews of doctors about kinesiology

Sergey K., kinesiologist, Moscow:

“A woman came to me, after retirement she developed severe psoriasis all over her body. For many years she was treated unsuccessfully by various doctors. She was advised to consult a psychologist, and there she was already sent for consultation to a specialist kinesiologist. Initial testing indicated severe stress experienced by a woman in her 50s. It was then that the patient was retired, although she assumed that she would continue to work for a long time. She was very worried, and the body responded to her with a serious illness. After a course of directed classes, the woman managed to get rid of a serious illness, she took an active life position, began to read a lot, to help her daughter take care of her grandchildren."

Ivan S., kinesiologist, Kostroma:

“A young singer came to my appointment and tried unsuccessfully to get rid of scoliosis with manuals and surgeons. Her main complaint is that after the manual sessions she did not "keep her voice". During the examination, I asked the patient to sing all the time. Muscle reflex tests showed that favorite singing turned into a strong stress on the nervous system. I immediately saw that scoliosis was a secondary pathology, the primary was the different tone of the muscles supporting the vertebrae. At the same time, the change in tone was asymmetric; both hypotonia and hypertonicity were observed in different muscle groups. This caused a dysfunction of the diaphragm, which caused the vocal cords to suffer. My actions:

  • treat the primary cause;
  • bring muscles to an even tone;
  • restore the function of the diaphragm.

At the same time, I did not heal by force, only helped the body to recover on its own. After the diaphragm was restored, the singer's voice sounded as before - strong, beautiful."

Judging by the doctors' reviews, what it is - kinesiology, experts are sure: this is the science of the future, which makes it possible, without medications, operations to restore the developing dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system, the mental background of a person.


Kinesiology for children

The children's direction of kinesiology is a complex of physical and psychological exercises. They increase the energy of the body, balance the balance of mental abilities, body, emotions. The potential is revealed in the health of children, their general condition, academic performance, and the ability to adapt in a team improve.

The pediatric kinesiologist conducts an examination, begins to treat the child from the very first consultation. Therefore, it is important to contact a specialist as early as possible, so that it is easier to correct problems, to give favorable forecasts.


The doctors' comments, their answers to the question of what kinesiology is, unanimously agree that soon the official medicine will recognize science and will add it to the list of professional practice.

Reasons why parents should make an appointment with a kinesiologist:

  • birth trauma;
  • history of minor head injuries;
  • violation of the bite;
  • delay in speech, psychomotor, mental development;
  • congenital neurological disorders;
  • difficult recovery after injuries, illnesses, operations;
  • spasm of the muscles of the back, arms, legs;
  • congenital deformity of the spine;
  • congenital flat feet.

The children's kinesiologist deals with such issues of the child's health. In examining children, in choosing a correction technique, he takes into account individual characteristics, conducts muscle testing. In general, the entire examination shows the state of the child's psyche.

Analyzing gait, range of motion, the doctor sees the condition of the skeleton, muscles, their dysfunction. Compensation for the lack of development, which is given by classes with a kinesiologist, helps the child's body to be healthy, to develop in accordance with age requirements.



Kinesiology has developed exercise cycles involving arm and leg movements, the purpose of which is to direct neural connections and improve interdependence of the cerebral hemispheres. Exercises do not require physical strength, special training.

The meaning of the exercises:

  • cheer up a person;
  • tone up muscles;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • sharpen attention, thinking;
  • to increase concentration on studies, work.

In general, the efficiency increases, the psycho-emotional background improves. There are many kinesiological exercises, for each group of diseases.

A short list of commonly used exercises:

  1. Hooks. Starting position (s. P.) - sitting on a chair, legs crossed so that the left leg is on top. Execution: connect the fingers in the lock so that the thumb of the right hand is on top. Stretch your arms forward, "turn" the lock with your palms away from you. Press the tip of the tongue to the upper palate, look forward. So sit for 1-5 minutes.
  2. "Mirror Drawing". I. p. - sitting at the table, hold a pencil or felt-tip pen in each hand. Fulfillment: draw letters, numbers, simple figures with both hands on a blank sheet of paper.
  3. "Ear - nose". I. p. - with the left hand to hold the tip of the nose, with the right hand - the left ear. Concentrate. Execution: at the same time lower your hands, clap your palms, change the position of your hands - grab the tip of your nose with your right, and grab your right ear with your left. Ridiculous and rather difficult.
  4. "Poker". I. p. - sitting or standing, depending on the general condition. Fulfillment: raise the foot, turn it inward, swing the foot back and forth 8 times. Do the same with the other leg.
  5. "Energizer". I. p. - sitting at the table. Cross your arms in front of you on the table. Fulfillment: press your chin to your chest, tilt your head back while inhaling, arch your back, expand your chest. On exhalation - return to and. NS.

The duration of the general course of correction depends on the patient's condition. This is usually 2-3 months. Neglected cases require long-term treatment in order to get a full recovery.

Already the first lesson gives a positive result, but patients should tune in to long-term and productive communication with the doctor. Be sure to do all exercises at home.



  1. Kinesiology is the science of the future. It makes it possible to be treated without medication.
  2. Kinesiologists are confident that their work will soon be recognized by official medicine.
  3. It is important to follow the prescriptions of the kinesiologist, to do exercises daily at home.
