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Full Moon in January 2021
Full Moon in January 2021

Video: Full Moon in January 2021

Video: Full Moon in January 2021
Video: Guide Meditation Full Moon January 2022 ✨ 2024, April

The full moon in January 2021 is an emotionally unstable period, so you need to know in advance when, from what date to what date it will take place in order to prepare (at the end of the article - a table with full moons for the whole year). It is also the time of lunar magic. If you want a pleasant change, several rituals can be performed.

Briefly about the full moon

The full moon is the time between the waxing and waning moon, when we are overwhelmed with energy and emotions overflow. Small children and animals are especially sensitive to the full moon, they show increased anxiety on these days.


When the moon is full, there is a high risk of catching an infection, so you need to engage in prevention, monitor your health. The well-being of those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, insomnia may worsen. When the moon is full, you need to try to avoid stress, take sedatives. Do not get involved in arguments, avoid conflicts, be more lenient to the attacks of others.

The full moon is also a period of creative expression. A particularly productive time for artists, musicians, writers, screenwriters, designers. You can think of something truly grandiose.

We will find out what date and what time the full moon will be in Moscow.


Full moon date

The January Full Moon will fall on the 28th. Its effect will be felt at least a day before the onset and a day later. Unfavorable days will be considered January 27, 28 and 29. The peak of the full moon will be at 22 hours 19 minutes.

The full moon will occur on the 17th lunar day. This is a day of intuitive learning and making hasty decisions. Therefore, it is advisable to pause all important matters. Another 17th lunar day is suitable for cleansing and getting rid of toxins. It will last until January 29, 17:26.


Interesting! Lunar health calendar for january 2021

Moon position

The full moon in January 2021 will pass under the sign of Leo, which means that when it comes, most of us will focus on ourselves and our achievements. It is useful on this day to remember what you can be proud of. Don't be afraid to compliment yourself, it will build confidence. Do not hesitate to demonstrate all your strengths, especially since Leo will force many to show will and determination.

On a full moon in Leo, astrologers recommend being careful in your statements: a little later, you may regret the carelessly thrown words at someone else's address. Here are some more tips:

  • talk heart to heart with loved ones from January 27 to 29;
  • do self-knowledge, look for something you like, a hobby, devote more time to it;
  • think over current affairs, make a decision in favor of changing the strategy of behavior;
  • create an intention for a successful career and good health;
  • intellectual activity on these auspicious days is also encouraged.

The Full Moon in Leo is a period of colossal energy, you should not be passive on this day, the main thing is to be careful in everything and restrain emotions.

Magic full moon

For the new moon and full moon in January 2021, you can make interesting rituals to attract good luck, beauty. For example, you can pour a glass of water on the night from 28 to 29 (morning) and leave it under the moonlight, and in the morning you can drink or wash with this water. Lunar energy will make you more beautiful, give you strength.


The magic of the full moon in January 2021 will also help in making your dreams come true, you just need to know when, from what date to make a wish. At the peak of the full moon, January 28 at 10:19 pm, you can stand in front of the moon, close your eyes and imagine how your life is changing for the better. Ask the heavenly body to help you achieve what you want.

See the ritual for money in the video:


A full moon in a fire sign can boost your self-esteem. On the evening of the 28th, light a candle, write at least 100 of your merits on paper. Remember all the small and big victories, actions for which you are not ashamed. In a word, write whatever comes to mind, but there should be at least a hundred points. When the task is completed, leave the sheet next to the candle for half an hour, let it recharge with the energy of fire.

For the next 2 days, reread what you wrote before bed. This practice raises morale with a bang and gives energy.


On a full moon, it is useful to arrange a general cleaning, to get rid of everything unnecessary. This can also be done on the waning moon in January 2021, remember when from what date to what date it will last: from 1 to 12 and from 29 to 31.

Interesting! New Moon in January 2021

All full moons of 2021

The guidelines in this article apply to full moon in the following months. See the table with dates:

Full moon date Time
February 27 11:17
28 march 21:47
April 27 06:31
26 of May 14:31
June 24 21:39
July 24 05:36
August 22 15:02
September 21st 02:54
The 20th of October 17:56
19 november 11:57
December 19th 07:35

Now you know everything about the full moon in January 2021, when, from what date to what date to expect it, in the table is the schedule of the full moon by months. Good luck!
