Table of contents:

What determines the character of the child?
What determines the character of the child?

Video: What determines the character of the child?

Video: What determines the character of the child?
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Is the child born with certain character traits or acquires them later? Does it make sense to fight some of his inclinations or do you need to learn to accept the baby as he is? In search of an answer to these questions, let us turn to the followers of Freud.


Modern parents and teachers never cease to wonder what in the behavior and character of a child depends on upbringing and what does not. Wanting to understand the situation, our compatriot, Viktor Tolkachev, finalized Freud's theory of the relationship between physiology and personal qualities and identified 8 types of character.

His student, Lyudmila Perelstein, compares the children's collective with an Indian tribe and gives its members the following titles:

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  • The Chief
  • Sniffer
  • Chatterbox
  • Artist
  • Rumor
  • Calculator
  • Kopusha
  • Strongman

In his book "Beware, children!" she describes each type and tells you which way of communicating with them is most effective. Let's take a look at each of the types separately.


Personality Traits:

Leader, the soul of the company. Very sensitive to criticism. With all his might, he achieves approval and recognition. Brave, determined, loves to try new things. Not able to concentrate for a long time on what he considers boring. Keeping things in order is not his forte.

How to behave with such a child:

To build a good relationship with the Leader, you need him to feel that his opinion is taken into account. Give him the opportunity to make decisions for himself, even if you see that they are unsuccessful.

A leader craves praise, and this can be a problem in dealing with others. Therefore, try to orient him so that he himself evaluates his own successes. To do this, state the fact of his achievement and ask how he feels and thinks about it.




Very sensitive to odors. Often sniffs food and objects. Regularly gets sick with respiratory infections. Curious, but careful and circumspect. Homebody. Prefers the role of an observer.

How to behave with such a child:

If the Sniffer assures you that he has discovered an unpleasant smell in food that seems completely fresh to you, be sure that he is not inventing anything, and do not force him to eat.

Do not scold the Sniffer child for picking his nose, it is better to tell them that it is better to clear the nose in the toilet, because this is an intimate process.

By virtue of his nature, it is difficult for the Sniffer baby to communicate with peers. Let him connect with adults, because this also teaches communication.

The less attention you pay to "bad words", the faster he will forget them.



She talks loudly and incessantly. He asks a lot of questions, tries to share the news he has just received with everyone. Loves sweets very much. He puts his finger, pencil in his mouth, bites his nails.

How to behave with such a child:

It is very important for Chatterbox to feel the taste of food, so if your child is overweight because of the love of food, do not try to put him on a "tasteless" diet. It is better to choose a less high-calorie, but tasty menu.

Chatterboxes take an interest in foul words simply because they like the way they sound. Therefore, do not hesitate and do not scold the kid if he suddenly gives out something like that. The less attention you pay to "bad words", the faster he will forget them.




Impressionable, trusting. Afraid of the dark. Vulnerable, it is easy to offend him. Kind. Has a good imagination, believes in magic. Loves everything bright.

How to behave with such a child:

Color is as important to the Artist child as taste is to the Chatterbox kid. If you intend to engage in developmental exercises with him, you can always attract his attention with bright pictures and beautiful manuals. Take your child to exhibitions, concerts, to the museum, give the opportunity to attend theater and art circles.

Respect the tears of the Artist Kid, it doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl. Shame in your child can make them think they are bad. Better to say that you understand that he is sad, and add that there is nothing wrong with crying, because even adults sometimes cry.

Take your child to exhibitions, concerts, to the museum, give the opportunity to attend theater and art circles.



Loves listening to music. Can't stand loud noises, speaks softly. Can plug his ears if yelled at. At school, she perfectly remembers what the teacher says, even if it seems to him that the student is in the clouds. Loves to be alone, in silence. Likes to listen or read poetry.

How to behave with such a child:

The Hearing-Man child does not perceive loud sounds and completely ceases to understand the meaning of words when they are shouted at him. When talking to the Rumor, do not demand that he look you in the eye - forced eye contact can only interfere with focusing on what you are saying.

Do not force the baby-rumor to participate in noisy festivities or to walk with you for a long time in the malls. In both situations, there are too many loud sounds for him.




Often asks to be stroked, hugged. He keeps something in his hands all the time. He can grab an object he likes and not give it away for a long time. Doesn't like to share. Shows an early interest in money. He readily fulfills requests, but expects a reward for them. Rational, inclined to save. Punctual and disciplined.

How to behave with such a child:

For a calculator child, physical contact is very important. If you rarely hug him, he may think that you love him a little. Do not try to take away from the baby the objects that he is cluttering in his hands. If you do not want him to take something, just make sure that it does not fall into his eyes.

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Do not force the child to share toys, it is better to offer to leave at home those that he is not yet ready to give to others. Do not shame the Calculator for asking for financial incentives, this is his understanding of justice.

Kid-Calculator loves to create and hide "treasures". Do not forbid him to bring small finds from the street to replenish the collection and do not throw away the items that he collects.


Personality Traits:

Neat, honest. Slow, unhurried. He always keeps order, does not like when his things are touched. Can concentrate on one thing for a long time. He is calmly engaged in activities that other children find boring. When he takes up something, he brings it to the end. Perfectionist, likes to put everything on the shelves. Often needs advice.

How to behave with such a child:

Do not think that you can teach the Kopusha child to do things faster. Such is his temperament, and it does not lend itself to change. Support your baby and give advice if he asks for it.

Kopushi do not like disorder very much and are especially sensitive to it at the age of 1 to 4 years - the inability to find a thing where it was left, or violation of habitual rituals can provoke hysteria. So if your little one suddenly gets mad, ask yourself what you did wrong today.

Be serious about what you say to your Kopusha, as he perfectly remembers even casually thrown words and of course keeps all your promises in memory.




Likes to spend time in large companies. Fidget, he needs to be in motion all the time. Loves physical activity, especially strength. Constantly breaking something. Hardworking, but learning can be difficult.

How to behave with such a child:

Strongmen are not stupid at all. However, the way of teaching that is offered at school does not quite suit them. If you need to pull your child up on an object, arrange with him an activity during which he can move.

Do not scold the Strongman kid for the head torn off from the doll or the cut chair, he didn’t want anything bad, he was just wondering what was inside. Strong men are kind, unless they get into bad company, so it is better to make sure that they have a good environment by giving them to a sports section or a circle where manual labor is required.

Explain to your Strongman child that some people are more fragile than they might seem, which means that you need to be careful not to accidentally harm anyone.
