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How to attract good luck and luck to yourself
How to attract good luck and luck to yourself

Video: How to attract good luck and luck to yourself

Video: How to attract good luck and luck to yourself
Video: Do This If You want to be Lucky | Attract Luck & Good People 2024, April

Luck is a capricious lady. When he wants to come, when he wants to leave, without even asking permission. But, meanwhile, we need it constantly in small, large, family and work matters. Let's tell you how to attract good luck and luck to yourself?

8 tips from a psychologist

Live in anticipation of the good

Put aside the nagging that you are always unlucky and that everything will be bad tomorrow. Remember: the more you think that joy lies ahead of you, the more you will attract good luck to yourself.

Neutralize Failures

It does not happen that a person has never failed. But really successful people know how to treat it as some kind of annoying misunderstanding, and not as a tragedy of a lifetime. Think of your failure in anything as a harbinger of victories to come.


Do you feel like your principles prevent you from doing otherwise? Try to be inconsistent and unpredictable, change old schemes and beliefs. After all, the meaning of life is in constant changes. Who told you that the principle of never dating on social networks is the only correct one? Try to break it and see what happens.

Look for good omens

For hundreds of centuries, people have invented a lot of bad omens for themselves: about a black cat, and about empty buckets. Why don't you come up with your own unusual lucky omens? For example, if you meet a blonde, then you are sure to get lucky.


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Listen to tips

Listen carefully to everything that people around you will advise you, and then ask yourself: "What do I want to do in reality?" Act as you wish, not smart advice!


You have a lot of talents and abilities that you have not yet studied, but you still do not show them in any way. Or maybe your main talent is the talent of a flute player? Try to try different, previously unknown things and activities.

Collect your victories

Whenever you succeed in something, praise yourself and say how lucky you are. You can have a special "box of luck": a pretty box or casket where you will put a beautiful button or pebble every time you win. When a fit of pessimism suddenly attacks you, just open this box and start sorting through the pebbles.

Compliment yourself

When something goes well for you, be sure to compliment yourself: "This is because I am so smart (attentive, resourceful)." You should not blame the success of your business on circumstances, good helpers, or the weather. Remember: if you won a victory, then this is your personal merit!


What is luck psychologically?

Someone works hard to achieve success, while others are helped by various circumstances that have developed successfully. Did it happen by chance or does something help them? This is a question that has worried many people for centuries and makes them use various ways to attract luck. Even in our very enlightened and very pragmatic age, the question of how to attract good luck has not lost its relevance. Even such a clear science as psychology has been seriously studying this phenomenon for a long time.

From the point of view of the science of psychology, luck is a vague concept. Because everyone has their own ideas about success, due to their personal perception of the world and needs. For some, the object of desire is money, and becoming rich for him is luck. Someone sees luck in successful career advancement or gaining fame, wide popularity. For someone, for happiness, it is enough to get a slender figure or a beautiful face, while someone is not happy with the full bins of goodness and continues to dream of good luck. Luck is what is beyond our reach and what we strive for. Only and it can be done in different ways. If we want to understand how to attract good luck, we turn to the authoritative opinion of famous psychologists.

Two categories of people

It is believed that the lucky ones fall into two categories. Some of them go through life easily and without any stress receive a whole series of favorable circumstances that lead him to his goal. People say that they were born under a lucky star and easily get what the bulk of people can only dream of. Such people know well how to attract good luck and how to make the best use of it.

Another category includes the random lucky ones, on whom luck descended suddenly and at the same time - winning the lottery, fateful acquaintance, miraculous healing, and so on. Such people should not be allowed to delay and should immediately take their chance. After all, there may not be another such case.


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How to attract good luck

Hearing in childhood fairy tales about good sorceresses and miraculous transformations of useless poor people into rich and influential people, everyone would like to get their own personal fairy, who would instantly fulfill all our "want". But few people realize that in real life such dramatic changes are also possible. Thinking about what we lack in life and how to attract good luck and luck to ourselves, one should clearly realize that thoughts also have a material basis. At a certain stage, their quantity smoothly turns into quality, materializing, it would seem, out of nothing.

The thing is that our desires are clots of energy of a very high level. The higher the quality of thoughts, the higher the level of vibrations emitted by them, the faster they are embodied in material and moral goods. By controlling the energy of thoughts, you can learn to always achieve what you want, no matter how difficult it may seem at first. Psychology has long studied the question of how to attract good luck into your life. Over the years of research, she has developed various techniques that are available to anyone who can connect to the universal earthly energy field. But these practices are effective only when you enjoy the process, in other words, you emit high vibrations. The process of attracting good luck is simple and easy, does not take much time and creates a good mood.

Right in the morning, over a cup of coffee or tea, tune yourself in a positive mood, give the mindset that the world is beautiful and it is looking forward to you with very pleasant and joyful news. By repeating this course every day, you get a powerful positive charge and activate the vibrations that will lead to the fact that every morning will become truly kind and joyful for you. In the surrounding space, noticeable changes for the better will begin, and you will replenish the category of lucky ones without much hassle.

If something negative happens that hurts your heart, you need to neutralize the negative vibrations in three seconds, switching them to the mode of calmness and pacification. To do this, you should apply a ritual to neutralize negative emotions - breathe in sharply, fixing it for a short time in the throat, and together with the exhalation say: PVB, which means "get out, you idiot!" This exhalation activates the vibration of the throat chakra, which is responsible for your emotional state. This technique clears the space of negativity.


Snapping fingers

There is a technique of clicking fingers with both hands at the same time - these clicking create a very powerful positive vibration. Since the right hand is responsible for the past and the left for the future, the simultaneous activation of positive wave vibrations removes all negativity from the past and gives an impetus for happy events in the future. By strengthening the clicks with the commands "allow" and "cancel obstacles", you can work wonders. When giving a command, imagine that it has already happened, and click the fingers of both hands.

Love sphere

If you are unsure of how to attract good luck on your own in the area of love and romance, use the following technique:

  • get into a comfortable position for your body, close your eyes and relax;
  • imagine at chest level a white-silver luminous sphere, which you will call the sphere of love;
  • mentally reduce its size to a pearl and pull it to your heart;
  • imagine the spread of light from the pearl through your body, increasing the intensity of its radiance;
  • feel yourself as the source of this light inside the pearl and generating love and gratitude;
  • gently get out of this state by returning to reality.

To achieve maximum harmony with the world, use this technique - relax, at chest level with your eyes open, imagine a volumetric number 8, shining with a white-silver light. Let a stream of light through it, which you release into space. The entire exercise is given 30 seconds, it works in all situations. It is not recommended to do it before going to bed.


Influence of symbols

People interested in esotericism have an idea of how different symbols, numbers or colors can affect a person's fate. Given the volatility of luck, special symbols have always been used to attract good luck to her favor. They need to be kept in the home, at work, or worn on the body in order for them to "work". The most common ones are:

  • four-leaf clover, which is kept in the form of a herbarium;
  • a horseshoe made of metal, copper or gold, which is nailed over the door in the form of an arch. She will attract good luck and wealth, protect from negativity;
  • a figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth symbolizes great luck, activates monetary energy, taking on the negative and transforming it into gold coins;
  • sailboat - good luck in business. This is a very effective technique, according to which the house is the harbor and the ships are the sources of income. The more of them in the harbor, the better things are and the greater the profit;
  • goldfish is a symbol of abundance and harmonious family life. Start a goldfish aquarium and enjoy your personal and family happiness.


Some colors that attract good luck are considered to be no less lucky. Red, green and yellow are considered to be the most effective in attracting luck. Yellow symbolizes supreme power and imperial greatness. Red is associated with beauty, happiness, success, while green attracts finance. When people want to succeed in one of these areas, they surround themselves with these flowers - in clothes, in the interior, decorate themselves with products and accessories with a predominance of the correct lucky colors - and sooner or later success comes.

The words

There are also magic words that attract good luck. There are only ten of them, and the more often they are pronounced, the more they are deposited in the subconscious and causes a reaction of attracting good luck. Here is this simple list:

  • luck;
  • happiness;
  • love;
  • well-being;
  • gratitude;
  • success;
  • confidence;
  • confidence;
  • health;
  • hope.

They will help you invoke good luck into your life.

How to attract good luck? Top 6 tips from the book

Although the book "The Unwritten Code of the Lucky Man …" is not at all big, there are so many pieces of advice in it that you cannot make out all of them in one article.

Therefore, let's look at the most important ones.


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1. Take the world easier

To be lucky means to have a special mindset. I would even say - worldview. That is, a view of life that greatly facilitates your existence, if only because there is less anxiety, fuss and tension in life.

An excerpt from the book “The Lucky Man's Unwritten Code. How to become a darling of fate”Ainur Safin

In psychology, this is called acceptance. Our life is constantly changing, something is constantly happening, unforeseen circumstances arise, which we have to adapt to. Sometimes these circumstances are pleasant, and sometimes not at all.

And most people react to this very violently: they get angry, shout, get upset, torment themselves, etc. Some even get depressed. But such an attitude never leads to a resolution of the situation.

So, acceptance is when you just perceive something as it is, and say: "So, this is how it is."

Acceptance is when you say, "This is what it is." This is the basic philosophy of the lucky one.

Perhaps, after reading the lines above, you will ask me: “So what, come to terms with everything that happens in life? Turn into a log and sail according to the will of the wind?"

In an excerpt from the book “The Lucky Man's Unwritten Code. How to become a darling of fate”the author, Ainur Safin, urges people to learn how to react easier to what is happening. This is one of the secrets of how to attract good luck into your life.

So, the first thing to do to be lucky is simply to consciously accept the situation. After all, this is the only way you can soberly evaluate it and choose the right decision. Maybe you don't even need to change anything at all …


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2. Be optimistic (Luck loves optimists)

In my opinion, this is the most obvious and simple answer to the question of how to attract good luck into your life.

What kind of luck can we talk about if a person lacks positive thinking? Therefore, if you are a pessimist, in order to become lucky, at least, you need to change your attitude towards life.

The lucky one is always tuned in to a positive outcome and is confident in excellent prospects for himself. And when a person is tuned in to them, sooner or later they appear.

And to failures, if they happen, the lucky ones are stoic and still with the same optimism. They change attitudes towards them in such a way as to mitigate their negative emotional impact.

“The unwritten code of the lucky one. How to become a darling of fate”Ainur Safin

And here, to the question: "who does luck love?", You can safely answer: luck loves optimists!


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3. Love change (Luck loves change)

To understand how to attract luck and money, you need to take a very important, maybe even key, step - to love the change.

Most people never leave their comfort zone. They are simply afraid of changes, they feel good in their “cocoon of stability”. You know what they say: “We didn’t live richly, there’s nothing to start”.

For this category of people, desires will not be fulfilled, and the standard of living will not improve. Change is perceived by them as threatening a familiar stability - which may in fact be a swamp.

Lucky is not afraid of change, like most people on Earth. Moreover, he loves and welcomes them.

Because change is always something new.

“The unwritten code of the lucky one. How to become a darling of fate”Ainur Safin

Not sure how to attract luck and money? What to do to be lucky in life? Get out of your comfort zone. While everyone around you is afraid of change and trying to avoid it, you may find that there are many chances and opportunities for change.


4. Trust the world

A person who knows how to attract good luck has little to fear. Or rather, he understands that he does not need worries and fears, because it is they that prevent him from catching the blue bird.

Fears are always negative, and, therefore, they cannot realize anything good in your life.

Remember the law of attraction? All our fears are realized in the same way as positive intentions. The more negative emotions you experience, the more unpleasant situations will happen in your life.

Conversely, when you create good, happy feelings within yourself, the Universe gives you even more events that will bring you even more joy and serve as a real magnet for good luck.

For a lucky person, the Universe is a friendly environment. He does not expect, like losers, a catch from everywhere and from everyone. And everyone and everyone answers him the same: that is, they do not prepare ambushes and unpleasant accidents for him.

Superstition is the religion of weak minds.

Any accident, any sign he has - for the better. Fortunately. To be lucky. To a good acquaintance. Finally, money. He himself invents / assigns / notices what they are for.

Even black cats and broken mirrors predict something good. Well, because it can't be otherwise. He's lucky:).

“The unwritten code of the lucky one. How to become a darling of fate”, Ainur Safin

So, if you want to attract good luck and luck into your life, drop fears, negative attitudes and doubts, trust the Universe and make sure that your thoughts are bright and positive. Then luck will find you.


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5. Don't be afraid to want

How often we are afraid of judgment from the outside. The opinion of others is too important for us, and sometimes it even outweighs our own desires and ambitions. And we ourselves limit ourselves in desires.

But this is definitely not the thinking of a lucky person. Remember, in order to attract good luck and luck into your life, you must first become lucky in your thoughts. And the lucky ones are not afraid of their desires, on the contrary, they dream easily, knowing in advance that fortune is on their side.

Therefore, the author urges not to be afraid to want. Dare to desire what you dream of getting. Don't listen to anyone but your inner voice. After all, only you, and no one else, know what exactly will make you happy.

To be lucky, you have to be brave. But brave not in terms of walking on a bear with bare hands, but in terms of being honest with yourself and admitting your real desires.

And not to give them up out of fear "what they will think of me - such desires are indecent / blasphemous / too ambitious / frivolous / atypical."

Often the losers and middle peasants want to get something significant, and after a while, for unknown and far-fetched reasons, they "understand" that it is "inaccessible" to them.

“The unwritten code of the lucky one. How to become a darling of fate”Ainur Safin


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6. Stop feeling sorry for yourself

And another very important secret of how to attract good luck into your life is to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Worries about the past, about actions that you did or did not do, or about the fact that you are somehow wrong and something is wrong with you, only take your energy away and prevent your dreams from coming true.

A happy person never regrets anything.

He does not feel sorry for himself unhappy - he is not unhappy. Doesn't regret missing something - there will still be chances. He does not regret his mistakes - he is a man, not a god.

What was, what was - the past cannot be changed. Why then spoil your nerves and corrode yourself from the inside?

Does this somehow solve the problem? Does it bring peace of mind? Does it help you make more money or be happier?

No. The lucky one does not need all this mental suffering.

“The unwritten code of the lucky one. How to become a darling of fate”Ainur Safin

And you don't need this mental suffering. Always remember that you are in control of your thoughts and feelings, not they are you.

Past events are the result of your old thoughts. But since you are reading this article, it means that you are already on the path of changing your way of thinking, and, consequently, your life.

And now there should be no room in your thoughts for negative experiences. It's time to fill yourself with only happiness and joy.

12 rituals for good luck in different fields of activity

Each person knows that a lot depends on the goodwill of fortune to him. You can be smart, responsible, hardworking, but if you are chronically unlucky, it will be incredibly difficult to succeed.

How to win over this capricious young lady? Carry out a ceremony for good luck!

He guarantees you the help of higher powers in any difficult matter: career, earnings, love, and more.


Rite of passage for good luck: what it is and how it is performed

Any kind of magic must be taken seriously. It is unreasonable to believe blindly and rely only on witchcraft in everything, but it is also impossible to ignore the simplest rules and show inappropriate skepticism.

Rite of passage for good luck and luck: what you need to know about it

Luck is a rather capricious young lady, and if she dislikes someone, go to waste. It will be possible to win her favor only with the help of rituals.

There is no need to be afraid of magic if you do not resort to dark sorcery, wishing the other person evil.

Naturally, any magical ceremony in itself is not a panacea. If you do not work hard and achieve your goal, you will not see success.

A ceremony for good luck can be compared, for example, with a wedding, which is also a kind of ritual in itself. After all, you can live together without a stamp in your passport, you can just sign at the registry office and do without the traditional wedding celebration, or you can throw a fun wedding.

At the same time, marriage does not guarantee happiness in your personal life, because relationships need to be worked on every day.

Here are some tips on how to choose an effective rite of passage for good luck and luck:

  1. Stop your choice on simple and understandable rituals. An untrained magician will not be able to carry out complex rituals.
  2. Don't use dark magic. It is more effective, but also dangerous. And the price for the luck bestowed by the dark forces will have to pay a huge price.
  3. Trust your intuition. If you do not like a certain ceremony, and while reading the description of some you directly feel that it is yours, feel free to choose the one that attracts your attention.

There are people who can do without witchcraft at all in order to be successful in business. It all depends on the inner mood, faith in your own strengths and the signals that you send to the Universe.

Only a positive attitude and confidence that you can handle any business will attract luck to you.


Features of the ceremony for good luck

The world of magic is full of secrets. He lives by his own laws. Professional sorcerers are trained all their lives in various wisdom in order to gain full strength.

You, as an amateur, will not have to study for a long time, read ancient books and practice various rituals.

There are specific rituals for good luck in a career, earnings, love, and others. What is required of you? Do everything as described.

It is also important to follow the advice of experienced magicians, such as:

  • Purification of Karma. The word "karma" is used here rather conditionally. It is about strengthening your energy flows. And this can be done with the help of at least a week (or even better - a month) abstinence from alcohol, animal food and sex.
  • Well-being. The ceremony will take a lot of your strength, which is why it is not recommended to carry it out when you are sick, upset about something, carry a baby or lose blood during menstruation.
  • Thorough preparation. After you have chosen the ceremony for good luck, carefully read its description in order to purchase the necessary components in advance, memorize the text of the conspiracy, etc.
  • Belief in Success. If you are generally not very fond of magic and consider such rites to be stupid, look for other ways to attract good luck. Sincere faith enhances the effectiveness of the ritual, while skepticism reduces its effectiveness to zero.
  • Keeping secrets. Hivemind and outside advice are inappropriate in a magical rite. Do not tell anyone that you are going to conjure, and of course, do not explain to everyone in a row why you suddenly became so lucky.

As for the timing, it may differ depending on the ceremony, but most often such ceremonies are held in the evening or at night on the new moon.

Interesting ritual

However, there is one simple ritual that does not carry any risk, and it can be used by any layman who wants to attract happiness:

  • take 9 coins;
  • to each assign a name that reflects your desire - happiness, love, joy, wealth, fame, health, strength, help, luck;
  • put everything in a glass jar and keep next to the money tree;
  • on Wednesdays, take out coins and, sorting out, call their names.
