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Magnetic storms in November 2021 and adverse days
Magnetic storms in November 2021 and adverse days

Video: Magnetic storms in November 2021 and adverse days

Video: Magnetic storms in November 2021 and adverse days
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The streams of the solar wind and charged cosmic particles entering the earth's atmosphere destabilize the earth's magnetic field. With some stretch, it can be called a natural phenomenon caused by natural causes. However, magnetic storms in November 2021 and unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people can provoke an increased number of traffic accidents and negative symptoms in people exposed to the influence of natural factors.

Important information

For centuries, mankind has been monitoring the activity of the center of the solar system. The sun is called the source of life on the planet, but if it were not for the earth's atmosphere, all living things could have perished long ago under its rays. Magnetic storms, as a result of the activation of the processes occurring in the daylight, have a negative effect on the state of the human psyche, disrupt the work of the cardiovascular system, and make people with acute and chronic diseases experience unpleasant symptoms.


As in any other month of the year, magnetic storms in November 2021 and unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people are determined by the results of astronomers' observations from the earth's surface and from outer space. They are predicted based on statistical analysis of long-term data. The distance from the star makes it possible to detect flares and prominences in advance, to determine the potential probability of the penetration of charged cosmic particles onto the earth's surface.

In November 2021, magnetic storms and adverse days for weather-sensitive people are expected in three standard forms:

  • a strong one is capable of causing a negative effect even on relatively healthy people, and for meteopaths and meteoneurotics it is a real danger;
  • the effect of the average is felt by all meteorological ones even at an early stage of the development of pathology - a deterioration in well-being can manifest itself in physical or emotional terms, depression and decreased performance;
  • weak does not appear so pronounced, but you can notice some unpleasant symptoms: headache, drowsiness or insomnia, apathy, mood swings.

The number of unfavorable days in a month can also vary. To the two standard ones, the full moon and the new moon, astrologers, according to some signs, add a few more days to the lunar calendar, when any undertakings will be unsuccessful - from concluding business deals to caring for the exterior and planting plants. The imposition of a magnetic storm on an unfavorable day creates additional risks for physical well-being and psycho-emotional state.


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Unpleasant expectations

Forecasts from specialists made in advance are certainly discussed as preliminary, with possible correction when the situation changes. But this does not mean that you do not need to listen to them.

In November 2021, magnetic storms and unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people were distributed as follows:

Date of month, November The nature of magnetic vibrations Notes (edit) Bad days: the reason
11 Strong storm, gradually increasing towards evening. People with chronic diseases - consult a doctor, take everything recommended. The elderly are better off staying at home. November 1 - 25th lunar day.
15 An average degree of intensity of magnetic vibrations is expected in the morning. Take the usual precautions - in a timely manner - medicines and food, drinking regimen without stimulating drinks. November 4 - 29th lunar day.
18 Average degree of intensity of magnetic vibrations, danger - in the evening, on the eve of the full moon. Take the usual precautions, add sedatives or sedatives if you feel anxious or aggressive. November 5 - new moon.
25 Strong storm, with attenuation and renewal throughout the day. People with chronic diseases need to consult a doctor, take everything recommended. The elderly are better off staying at home. November 19 - full moon.

November 29-30 - 25th lunar day.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar:

  • November 1 - 25th lunar day;
  • November 4 - 29th lunar day;
  • November 5 - new moon;
  • November 19 - full moon;
  • November 29-30 - 25th lunar day.

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Symptoms indicating a worsening of the condition appear depending on the stage of development of the pathology, the individual characteristics of the organism. Some patients already on the eve noted a deterioration in well-being, unpleasant pain symptoms, depression or aggression, sudden mood swings. For others, the effects of fluctuations in the geomagnetic field increase by the time of transit, and then pass or are felt for some time.

Even if the symptoms are not pronounced, but coincide with the dates of the passage of cosmic streams indicated in the table, this may be evidence of a developing meteorological dependence, a signal to pay attention to your own health, to consult a doctor. During the days of magnetic storms, it is strongly discouraged to consume alcoholic beverages of any strength.



  1. The magnetic storm calendar is a source of useful information for people susceptible to meteosensitivity.
  2. On the days of the passage of streams of cosmic energy, the state of health worsens.
  3. Preventive measures can be taken.
  4. Troubled dates are a signal to avoid alcohol.
  5. In the days of severe storms, older people are better off staying at home.
