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Effective Ways to Treat Gum Flux
Effective Ways to Treat Gum Flux

Video: Effective Ways to Treat Gum Flux

Video: Effective Ways to Treat Gum Flux
Video: How To Treat Gum Disease 2024, April

Many people know that the flux is a very unpleasant phenomenon that does not always respond to quick treatment at home. The disease can be in both an adult and a child.


Infection of the jaw occurs when bacteria get in from carious teeth or damaged gums.


Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of this problem are:

  • strong pain;
  • sore gums;
  • edema.

In the absence of medical measures, edema can spread to the entire jaw, and give to the ear and temple area.

These phenomena can be prevented by obtaining qualified medical advice. The doctor will prescribe a number of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs to the patient. In the case of large swelling, the pus is removed through the intervention of a surgeon.

The disease in its acute form is accompanied by edema of the mucous membrane and nearby tissues around the problem tooth.


Antibiotic use with flux

It is necessary to use antibiotics as directed by a doctor to treat periostitis.

Treatment of periostitis in an adult is impossible at home. But, often, in order to quickly recover, you have to take antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action, but always as prescribed by a doctor!


  • Doxycycline.
  • Tsiprolet A.
  • Digit.

Ointments for inflammation

It is possible to use ointments to relieve edema, reduce the size of the edema. Ointments should be used only after a medical examination - an attempt to independently cure periostitis can aggravate the course of the disease.

Drugs acting on the cause of inflammation - pathological microflora.

Anti-inflammatory ointments:

  • Levomekol-reduces inflammation in the focus. This antimicrobial drug contains chloramphenicol.
  • Metrogyl denta applied to the mucous membrane has an anti-inflammatory effect.

mouthwash solutions

To reduce edema and accelerate healing processes, as prescribed by a doctor, it is possible to rinse your mouth with a variety of infusions and solutions:

  • soda - draws out purulent discharge if an incision is made. Dissolve a teaspoon of powder in 100 ml of water, the temperature of which exceeds room temperature. It is necessary to rinse your mouth with the resulting soda solution after each meal;
  • ready-made liquid solution of miramistin, which does not need to be diluted. To rinse the mouth, 15 ml of the drug is used, the procedure should be carried out 2 times a day;
  • for rinsing the mouth after a meal, diluted with water, pharmacy alcohol essence propolis is used (carefully following the instructions for dilution);

dried oak bark, sage and St. John's wort, mouthwash



Herbs for the treatment of periostitis

Linden broth

In order to quickly cure the flux on an inflamed gum in an adult, it is recommended to prepare a decoction of linden flowers at home.

To do this, put 4 tablespoons of the flowers of this plant in a shallow enamel pan, and, adding 500 ml of boiling water, put it on low heat for half an hour.

It is necessary to rinse your mouth with a strained broth, in which there should be no fragments of plant materials. The infusion should be used daily 4 times a day. Continue the treatment course for 10 days.


Alcoholic infusion of calendula

This rinse tincture can be made at home or purchased from any pharmacy. Method of preparation of alcoholic calendula: 2 tablespoons of dried marigolds, mixed with 200 ml of poured vodka, stir and infuse for a week in a cold place.

Ready solution: a tablespoon of the resulting liquid, diluted in a glass of water at room temperature.

Rinse your mouth with calendula alcohol tincture 4 times a day. In case of an acute course of the disease, accompanied by suppuration processes, the number of procedures increases up to 10 times a day. After a three-day treatment course, the number of procedures is reduced to 4 per day. This therapy lasts 10 days.

Below we will consider how quickly you can cure a flux on an inflamed gum and what to use at home to relieve pain in adults.


How to cure flux with salt and iodine

Iodine, used to treat purulent formations, can be found in any home medicine cabinet. In this case, the composition is used for double-sided lubrication of the affected area.

Method of preparing a solution for rinsing: dilute 250 ml of boiled water with 1 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of baking soda.

Dilute the composition with a couple of drops of iodine solution. The rinsing procedure should be carried out hourly.


Anti-inflammatory compress

The main goal in the case of periostitis is to relieve the focus of inflammation. With the help of improvised means, you can make medical compresses on an onion-cabbage, beetroot or potato base. A gauze soaked in the resulting juice is applied to the site of inflammation for half an hour. It is recommended to add sugar to the onion.

You can make a cabbage compress by scalding and kneading a fresh cabbage leaf until juice is obtained. Apply a cabbage compress for 20 minutes, then apply onion or potato juice to the gum surface.

NOTE. The term of treatment with the use of each of the presented types of compress is 5 days. The procedures are carried out 4 times a day. If there is no improvement on the third day, you should see your dentist.


All of the above methods of treating periostitis are effective in combination with qualified dental care.

However, quality treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist in dentistry, often with the forced adoption of measures such as surgery.

In order to avoid sepsis, which can occur as a serious complication, it is necessary to see a doctor. Periostitis can be cured only by opening a festering abscess and taking therapeutic measures of a medicinal nature.
