Table of contents:

The most unpretentious indoor plants
The most unpretentious indoor plants

Indoor flowers decorate the house and absorb harmful substances. But any plant requires an individual approach and compliance with optimal conditions. If you are a novice florist or are often away, then you need to choose the most unpretentious indoor plants for landscaping your home.

True, you should not take this concept literally: even the most undemanding plants need care - watering, pruning, transplanting in order to maintain their health and beauty. In addition, the unpretentiousness of plants is not always unambiguous. Sometimes they are not very demanding on lighting, but are susceptible to air humidity or will tolerate occasional watering, but cannot grow in the shade.


Everyone knows that the most resistant houseplants are cacti. They can survive without fertilization, do without water for a long time, but they love a lot of sunlight. In such harsh conditions, they are unlikely to actively grow and bloom, but they certainly will not die. For a comfortable existence, cacti need to be watered with water at room temperature as the soil dries up - rarely and abundantly. In winter, watering can be stopped altogether.

They can survive without fertilization, do without water for a long time, but they love a lot of sunlight.

Schlumberger (zygocactus, Decembrist)

Schlumberger - one of the varieties of cacti - grows quite quickly, has good immunity to diseases and pests, loves sunny and warm places without direct rays and moderate watering. This plant prefers loose soil and a third of the pot drainage.

  • Schlumbirger
  • Cactus
  • Cactus


Succulents are well suited for the novice gardener. These are plants with juicy, fleshy leaves or stems that can store water. Their types are very diverse and often do not look alike at all.

Any succulent plant loves direct sunlight and infrequent watering. They are not afraid of dry air, do not need feeding and transplants. For planting succulents, it is better to choose a small pot so that the soil has time to dry out between waterings, and add more sand to the soil mixture. In winter, they can be kept in a cool room at temperatures up to 10 degrees.

  • Sedum
  • Ragwort
  • Euphorbia, or Euphorbia
    Euphorbia, or Euphorbia
  • Aeonium
  • Fat woman (she is Crassula, money tree)
    Fat woman (she is Crassula, money tree)
  • Kalanchoe
  • Kalanchoe
  • Succulents
  • Succulents

Ampel plants

Ornamental plants with long flexible shoots that twist upward or spread along the ground are called ampelous.


Ivy grows well at a temperature of 20-24 ° C in the spring-summer season, and in the cold season - at 12-15 ° C. It requires regular moisture as the soil dries out. From March to September, it is recommended to feed ivy with mineral fertilizer 2-3 times a month.

From March to September, it is recommended to feed ivy with mineral fertilizer 2-3 times a month.


This flower with small leaves is able to take root in any conditions and requires spraying and abundant watering only in hot summers. In winter, it is even better to keep it at a temperature not higher than 15 ° C, otherwise the stems will be exposed. Asparagus should be planted in soil with a high sand content and fed every two weeks.


Tradescantia purifies the air and neutralizes harmful electromagnetic radiation. This flower needs sufficient light, periodic fertilization, high humidity and moderate watering. Tradescantia tolerates temperature fluctuations well, feels great both in partial shade and in the sun.


Scindapsus is a real indoor vine that effectively cleans the air from harmful substances. The plant grows quickly and can reach one and a half meters in length, it feels equally well in the light and in the shade, it easily tolerates changes in temperature and humidity. Its dense leaves and stems retain moisture well, so the flower does not need frequent watering, but requires periodic fertilization.

Hoya carnosa, or wax ivy

Hoya carnosa grows beautifully both on the south window and in the north room. Moisture accumulates in its thick waxy leaves, so it can easily survive even several months without watering. Wax ivy is transplanted very rarely, when there is absolutely no room in the pot. You can also do without top dressing. Under good conditions, the hoya will delight at all with abundant and lush flowering.

  • Hoya carnosa
    Hoya carnosa
  • Hoya carnosa
    Hoya carnosa
  • Scindapsus
  • Tradescantia
  • Asparagus
  • Ivy


Dracaena is a moisture-loving plant, so it needs to be watered abundantly.

Dracaena resembles a small palm and at the same time is completely unpretentious. It is better to place it in a bright place, protected from direct sunlight and drafts. Dracaena is a moisture-loving plant, so it needs to be watered abundantly: every day in summer, a little less often in winter. The earthen coma should not be allowed to dry out, but this flower should also not be flooded. Dracaena needs to be fed from March to August once every two weeks.

  • Dracaena fragrant (Dracaena fragrans)
    Dracaena fragrant (Dracaena fragrans)
  • Dracaena bordered (Dracaena marginata)
    Dracaena bordered (Dracaena marginata)
  • Dracaena deremskaya (Dracaena deremensis)
    Dracaena deremskaya (Dracaena deremensis)


Ficus is very conservative and does not like changes, so it is better to immediately determine a permanent place for it. He will feel good in a warm, bright place without direct sunlight. The plant needs good watering and regular spraying. It is recommended to feed ficuses from spring to autumn 2 times a month.

  • Ficus Tineke
    Ficus Tineke
  • Ficus Exotic
    Ficus Exotic
  • Ficus Belize
    Ficus Belize
  • Ficus rubber
    Ficus rubber
  • Ficuses

Flowering plants


Spathiphyllum is an unpretentious plant that blooms throughout the year. It is important for him to choose the right place - it does not like extreme cold or heat. In winter, a south window is well suited, and in summer, any other. The plant tolerates a lack of moisture well, does not require frequent transplants and can do without fertilization.


This unpretentious houseplant, easy to care for, blooms up to twice a year. Clivia tolerates bright diffused light or partial shade, but does not like when the pot is moved. It should be watered in winter no more than once every two weeks, and during the rest of the year - once a week. It is a good idea to periodically wipe the clivia leaves gently with a damp cloth.

Saintpaulia (African or Usambara violets)

Saintpaulia prefers brightly lit places, but without direct sunlight and drafts, watering with warm water as the soil dries up. The plant loves the humid atmosphere of the bathroom or kitchen, but is afraid of spraying.

  • Saintpaulia
  • Clivia
  • Spathiphyllum

Non-flowering plants


For a comfortable life, zamiokulkas needs to be kept in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. The flower does not require frequent transplants and fertilizing, grows well in a small pot, but does not react well to high soil moisture. Ordinary sod or leafy soil mixed with sand in equal proportions is suitable for him.

For a comfortable life, zamiokulkas needs to be kept in a bright place, but without direct sunlight.


Chlorophytum is one of the most undemanding and easy-to-care plants, it perfectly cleans the air in the room, feels equally well in the light and in the shade, it is not afraid of drought and excess moisture, heat and cold drafts. It tolerates irregular watering stoically, because its roots are able to maintain a supply of water.


This houseplant is ideal for northern rooms, for decorating rooms with a lack of daylight, for landscaping offices with artificial lighting. Aspidistra grows normally in dry and humid air, is not afraid of either drafts or heat, and does not suffer from excess moisture or lack of it. It is rarely necessary to transplant it, only when the rhizome begins to occupy almost the entire pot.

  • Aspidistra
  • Chlorophytum
  • Zamioculcas
