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Composition based on the painting "Morning in a pine forest" by class
Composition based on the painting "Morning in a pine forest" by class

Video: Composition based on the painting "Morning in a pine forest" by class

Video: Composition based on the painting
Video: Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin – Tsar of the Woods 2024, April

Parents of schoolchildren often have to deal with the fact that their children do not know how to coherently express their thoughts in writing. Writing an essay on a given topic causes them great difficulties. You can independently teach a student to write an essay based on the painting "Morning in a Pine Forest", by class choosing the format of such an independent written work.

Why a child should be able to write essays on their own

At school, children in different classes throughout all stages of education write essays, learn to logically express their thoughts, develop thinking and eloquence. The final work will be the final essay, in which the high school student will have to not only demonstrate knowledge of the Russian language, but also the ability to logically and reasonably express their thoughts.

For many children, writing an essay on a given topic seems impracticable. Parents should not help out their child by completing such a task for him. You can teach a student the necessary skills, using an essay based on the painting "Morning in a Pine Forest" as a training material, selecting options for writing such a written work by grade. Given the age of the child, using a simple and understandable topic for each topic, you can learn how to correctly perform such tasks.


Methodical recommendations for teaching children to write an essay

The child should understand that it is better to write an essay according to a plan:

  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion.

At the same time, it should be explained to the student that the introduction and conclusion are written shortly, and the main part of the essay should have a clear structure. After that, you need to think together with your child what should be included in each point of such a plan when writing a creative work. You can start learning even in the 7th grade if the student has difficulty writing an essay.

The ability to correctly express their thoughts in writing will help children develop logic and public speaking skills.

Narrative writing allows children to learn how to write descriptions. The picture provides excellent opportunities for this. The forest and the bear family depicted on it evoke positive impressions in children. The description of the activities of the animals and the forest, depicted by the artist in the picture, will be within the reach of elementary school children, who are eager to first tell their parents what they see, and then they will try to write it all down with an essay plan.

It is necessary to ask children leading questions:

  • what is shown in the picture;
  • what time of day in the forest;
  • what do forest dwellers do;
  • what thoughts come to mind when looking at a picture.

Essay examples for elementary school students

The narrative is the simplest, and is best used for elementary school children. In such an essay, the child will be able to express his thoughts and feelings that arise when looking at the picture "Morning in a pine forest." At the same time, he should be constantly reminded that he needs to describe what exactly he sees in the picture.

Example 1


In the picture, the artist Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin depicted a dawn in a pine forest, which is met by a family of forest dwellers - bears. Trees and forest are drawn so realistically, as if they were not painted, but photographed. Looking at this forest morning, it seems that you are there, in the forest, and quietly watching from a secluded place for the bear family. This is what came to my mind when I looked at this picture.

What thoughts and feelings arise when viewing a picture

It seemed to me that the mother bear is very similar to my mother, who always carefully looks around when we cross the road with her and her brother, or when we ride a bicycle in the yard. Probably all mothers are the same, like children. The cubs cheerfully climb the tree, like my brother and I.

At first it seems that there is no one in the forest except the bear and the cubs, but watching the behavior of the bear mother, you begin to understand that she smelled or saw someone and tells her children to be quieter. The third bear also smelled someone or listens to his mother. He is probably the most obedient of all her cubs. Those two are playing on a fallen tree and do not hear their mother, continuing to growl happily at each other.


Painting by artist I. I. Shishkina is not only beautiful, but also informative. It shows the life of bears in the wild. I don't know if the artist painted bears from life. It's very difficult to get so close to wild animals. Most likely, he drew them from memory, but he got it very realistic, as if he photographed a morning pine forest with huge trees and a cute bear family walking in the cool forest in the rays of the rising sun.


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Example 2

Schoolchildren in grades 3-4 will be able to complete a more difficult task by describing the canvas from an art history point of view, using a more complex and structured plan. Here's a short example of how it works:


The famous painting by the Russian landscape painter Ivan Shishkin "Morning in a Pine Forest" was painted in 1889 in the forest of Gorodomlya Island. The work will give a short analysis of the canvas with a description of the plot, composition and colors used in the work.

The plot and style of the image

The picture is painted in a realistic genre. The artist, who specialized in landscapes, depicted on the canvas, in addition to huge pines, animals, choosing for this the owner of the Russian forest - a bear.

The painting depicts a bear family: a mother bear and her three cubs. Choosing such a plot, the artist, as it were, emphasizes the eternal peace of the mighty pine forest, which protects the peaceful life of its wild inhabitants.


In the center of the picture, in the foreground, bears are depicted standing by an old pine tree blown down by the wind. Although the bear is a large animal, the bear looks less imposing and dangerous against the background of the century-old pines depicted. She, unlike the playing teddy bears, is in a tense position with an open mouth, sensitively listening to the silence of the morning forest.


In the background of the picture, in the upper part, the rays of the rising sun are depicted. The fact that the morning is just beginning in the forest is evidenced by the fog spreading from the bottom, clinging to the mighty roots of age-old trees. The artist portrayed him so realistically that it seems that you feel the morning freshness of a pine forest.

Color spectrum

Using the characteristic selection of colors and shades, I. I. Shishkin creates a light, like morning, mood of the life of the Russian forest, hiding the daily life of its inhabitants under the canopy of branches.

Shishkin gilded the tops of dark green pines in yellow, realistically depicting the first rays of the sun. They will soon heat the pine thicket, which will be filled by the noon of a hot summer day with the persistent scent of pine needles. In the meantime, the forest is quite fresh and cool, which only plays into the hands of the bear family, who decided to walk through the forest thicket.

Although the bears are located in the lower part of the painting, painted in dark tones, their behavior, coupled with the golden rays of the sun and the yellow rift of a felled pine tree, creates a pacifying and kind mood. Therefore, the contrast between the dark bottom and the light top of the picture very realistically conveys the elusive moment of the change of morning twilight with the onset of early morning, when the air is fresh and cool, and the trees around seem warm and cozy, not having time to cool down too much on a summer night.


The painting, painted in a realistic manner, has many dark tones, contrasting with the golden colors of the sun's rays. But at the same time, a light, like a summer morning, playful mood is created thanks to the image of teddy bears playing in the morning twilight and their loving shaggy mother, standing guard over her frolicking cubs.


Example 3

High school students can write a research essay on a painting, describing the little-known facts of the history of its writing. It is better for middle school students to offer more complex tasks, which include the preliminary collection of information about the painting and the history of its creation. Before writing an essay, you need to select the student's literature about I. I. Shishkina and about this picture. After that, the student will have to draw up a plan and, in accordance with it, write an essay that reveals the history of the creation of an artistic canvas.

You can't just rewrite other people's work. The student should be taught to think independently and correctly express his thoughts in writing according to a certain plan.


Everyone is well aware of the painting by the famous Russian landscape painter I. I. Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest". The plot of the canvas has long become a textbook and sold in a huge number of copies. But few people thought that this is the most atypical canvas of the artist, who devoted all his paintings to the image of Russian forest landscapes. Shishkin was a master of landscape composition and never painted pictures in the animalistic genre, with the exception of this one. Why did he depict bears only on this canvas?

The history of the painting

When I. I. Shishkin in 1889 worked on his canvas on Gorodomlya Island, his colleague in the workshop, artist Konstantin Savitsky, suggested drawing bears on the picture. When the merchant Tretyakov, the creator of the Tretyakov Gallery collection, bought this painting from Shishkin, he left only the master's signature on it, since he considered that the canvas was painted in his characteristic manner.


The well-known painting by Ivan Shishkin "Morning in a Pine Forest" as a true artistic masterpiece conceals layers of new information, acquaintance with which broadens one's horizons and helps to better understand the language of artistic canvases.

To develop the child's creative thinking, expand the vocabulary, he needs to read more. Parents should discuss the chosen topic with the student before writing the training written work in order to identify interesting points for him and direct his reasoning in the right direction.


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Advantages of the theme “Painting by I. I. Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest"

It is not at all difficult to write an essay based on the painting "Morning in a Pine Forest" by choosing a suitable option according to the classes. The theme of this picture will be clear to any child, he will be able to more easily express his opinion and learn to write according to the plan. It is necessary to explain to the student that the introduction should contain a question to which a detailed answer will be given in the main part of the essay. To teach this, the picture of I. I. Shishkina suits best. Primary school students will always be able to find something of their own in this canvas in order to fully reveal a topic of interest to them in the central part of the written work.

Younger students should not be given too long essays. It will be enough to briefly outline their thoughts that arise when they look at the picture.

The picture is well suited so that children can learn to structure their thoughts, presenting them in a certain sequence. They can compare cubs to young children playing with their mother in a safe environment.

It is worth asking them to describe the forest thicket, the time of day, the trees depicted, their associations that arise when looking at the picture. The very process of learning to write an essay should be brought closer to the form of play. The child should enjoy the fact that he coped with a difficult task and was able to learn something difficult. When performing such work, parents should praise the child for obvious achievements and correctly point out mistakes, gradually leading him to the correct option.

Using different formats of writing an essay based on the painting "Morning in a Pine Forest", selected by grade in accordance with the age of the child and the complexity of the task assigned to him, you can quickly teach a student to write such written works, focusing on the requirements of the school curriculum.
