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Composition based on Tolstoy's painting "Flowers, fruits, bird" by class
Composition based on Tolstoy's painting "Flowers, fruits, bird" by class

Video: Composition based on Tolstoy's painting "Flowers, fruits, bird" by class

Video: Composition based on Tolstoy's painting
Video: We paint with acrylic. Bird and flowers. Master class from Zhostovo Art Studio. Larisa Goncharova 2024, April

Middle school students are invited to write an essay based on the painting by F. P. Tolstoy "Flowers, Fruits, Bird". The artist specialized in painting still lifes based on natural elements. To write the best essay, you should familiarize yourself with the presented examples of work.

Option 1 - short essay

“Before me is a painting by Fyodor Tolstoy, which evokes joyful feelings. The work of a popular artist is made in a pleasant color scheme. You can see that the author gave preference to warm shades.


On the canvas, Fyodor Tolstoy depicted a still life consisting of flowers and fruits. In the foreground, thin twigs of red and white currants flaunt. Also in the picture you can see butterflies that flutter in the air. The playful bird clung to the vine. Surprisingly, it is she who creates the dynamics on the canvas.

I really liked the painting by Fyodor Tolstoy. Warmth, serenity and tranquility emanate from her. I associate the work with the middle of summer, when nature gives a rich harvest."

Option 2

“The painting“Flowers, Fruits, Bird”was painted by the talented Russian artist F. P. Tolstoy. The author is famous for his beautiful still lifes, and this picture is no exception.

First of all, you should pay attention to the brightness of the selected colors. The author focused on warm and contrasting shades, with the help of which he skillfully played the objects on the canvas. Moreover, F. P. Tolstoy talentedly conveyed all the naturalness of fruit and bouquet.


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In the foreground is a glass vase of flowers. Ripe apples, currant twigs and grapes lie nearby. You will notice that the fruits and berries were recently cut. Mischievous butterflies flutter in the air, and a playful bird slightly clings to a vine of grapes.

At the time of writing the composition based on the painting by F. P. Tolstoy's "Flowers, fruits, bird" I got an awareness of the love with which the artist created this work. With his canvas, the author wants to show the beauty that we often do not notice in everyday life. I hope a positive and warm piece will help pay more attention to our surroundings."

Option 3 - long essay

“Before me is a picture of the famous Russian artist F. P. Tolstoy's "Flowers, Fruits, Bird" is not just a canvas, but a real work of art that deserves special attention.

The title of the picture is fully consistent with the content. On canvas, the artist really depicted a bouquet of flowers, fruits and a bird. At the same time, each object is carefully detailed, so that the still life looks realistic and dynamic.


In the foreground is a glass vase of wildflowers. It is filled with crystal clear water, which is depicted incredibly realistic. Perhaps F. P. Tolstoy picked wildflowers and brought them home to capture them, for which he used very delicate colors. And only one flower has a brownish-yellow tint. At the same time, slightly dried petals do not spoil the picture at all. This combination creates an interesting play of tones.

Large apples, lying next to the vase, just ask for a hand. And to make the picture look harmonious, the artist diluted the composition with small details - sprigs of red and white currants.

Butterflies flutter over the table, giving the picture lightness and ease. The playful bird completes the picture. And although you may not immediately notice it, it fits organically into the composition. The bird sat down on the apple, as if looking for something.

Painting by Russian artist F. P. I really liked Tolstoy's Flowers, Fruits, Bird. Summer warmth and beauty emanate from her. And although the composition contains different objects, it looks very organic, picturesque and colorful."

Option 4 - essay according to plan

In some cases, teachers require you to write work with a plan. In order for the work to receive the maximum score, it is recommended to adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Introduction (here you can tell about the artist or what a still life is).
  2. Description of the composition.
  3. Conclusion (it is worth noting how you liked the picture and what feelings it evokes).

Having figured out the plan, you can start writing an essay.

Example composition

“The painting“Flowers, Fruits, Bird”is a real work of art created by the famous Russian artist F. P. Tolstoy. The author is famous for his vivid and memorable still lifes, in which he depicts the world as he sees it. It is known that the artist independently selected objects for the painting, so the canvas looks original and picturesque.

The description of the painting should start with a glass vase of flowers. It is located in the center of the composition. One gets the impression that the author picked wildflowers especially for the canvas. Thanks to apples, grapes and currant twigs, the picture looks varied and colorful. Also the bird and butterflies attract attention. It is they who give the canvas dynamism.

The painting "Flowers, Fruits, Bird" evokes extremely positive feelings. It brings back warm memories of summer and allows you to enjoy the beauty of the gifts of nature even for a moment”.



Now every student knows how to write an essay on a painting by F. P. Tolstoy "Flowers, Fruits, Bird". If you use the presented examples as a model, you can count on the highest grade.
