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Pelageya - the meaning of the name, character and fate
Pelageya - the meaning of the name, character and fate

Video: Pelageya - the meaning of the name, character and fate

Video: Pelageya - the meaning of the name, character and fate
Video: Значение имени Пелагея. Толкование, судьба, характер 2024, September

Pelageya is a very rare name, and this makes its owner unique. Before awarding a daughter with such a name, it is recommended to read about its meaning, the nature of Pelagia and her fate.


The name Pelageya comes from the Greek word πελάγιος, "Pelagios", which means "sea", "sea" or "sea coast". Therefore, the meaning of the name Pelageya is "sea", "free" and "willful". The name entered the Russian name-book with the adoption of Christianity in Russia and has survived in this form to this day. In mythology, this was the name of Aphrodite, and the stone-talisman of Pelagia was called pearls. Now the name is rather rare.


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The character of Pelageya is ambiguous and contradictory.

On the one hand, she is responsive and benevolent, loves to communicate with people, always comes to the rescue and does not leave in trouble, is capable of sacrifice and is ready to do something to the detriment of herself and her interests.

On the other hand, vindictive, vindictive and sometimes petty, will not allow herself to be controlled and will stand up like a mountain if her interests are offended. Usually he helps free of charge and sincerely, but sometimes he shows commercialism and puts his own benefit and interests above others.

Pelageya is active, sometimes indecisive and unstable, capable of an emotional outburst and uncontrolled behavior. But Pelageya's intellect is above average, a sharp analytical mind, well-read and worldly experience, which gives advantages in life. An innate sense of decency and respect for the personal boundaries of another person helps to find new pleasant acquaintances who can also come in handy from the commercial side. Pelageya is daring, impulsive, eccentric and peculiar, skillfully uses her virtues.


The owner of this name is calculating and self-sufficient, therefore she looks at the world from a practical point of view, somewhat cynically, and her special ability is to adapt to any situation. Pelageya will achieve success both in work and in family life thanks to her curiosity, passion, hard work and thirst for knowledge.

Has an aptitude for the humanities and creativity: drawing, dancing, poetry and writing. Work takes a significant place in her heart, but family values prevail, and household chores will only become a joy. Pelageya has high expectations, because she is looking for an ideal spouse and even in marriage she will not stop bringing her partner to the ideal, which can lead to disappointment, because a living person cannot correspond to the image created in her head.


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Astrology name

  • Astrological sign: Gemini, Virgo
  • Patron planet: Mercury
  • Talisman stone: emerald, rhinestone
  • Color: mixed, variegated colors
  • Plant: parsley
  • Animal: lark, weasel
  • Auspicious day: Wednesday

Hobbies and hobbies

The secret of the name is that Pelageya is a terrible homebody. She enjoys spending time watching her favorite shows or movies. She takes great pleasure in growing decorative flowers and plants. Even gatherings with friends are easier for her to arrange at home.

Profession and business

Practical Pelageya rarely works in her specialty. For her, the determining factor in choosing a profession is material income. She is looking for a job that does not require significant mental effort and physical exertion. A hardworking and executive bearer of the name, she is a great employee, despite the fact that she prefers to solve her personal issues during working hours. He copes well with creative professions: restorer, graphic designer, art critic, journalist, literary or music critic, head of an art studio, etc.


As a rule, Pelageya has excellent health, but she needs to carefully and seriously take the diet and structure of her diet. Her stomach and digestive system are very sensitive and vulnerable. There is some predisposition to psychosomatic illnesses, so she needs to regularly organize her rest and attend relaxation activities.


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Sex and love

Pelageya is in constant search of the only and reliable life partner, which, however, does not at all prevent her from starting romantic relationships with several men at the same time. She attracts representatives of the stronger sex with her meekness and dignity, evaluating potential candidates in terms of financial independence.

Family and marriage

Pelageya can get married early and at the same time create a long and lasting union. Her pragmatism has a positive effect on family life. She tries to share household chores with her husband, but so that everyone is happy. In some cases, the representative of the name never marries, preferring "free relationships" with several men.
