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Forecast of the 2020 crisis for Russia
Forecast of the 2020 crisis for Russia

Video: Forecast of the 2020 crisis for Russia

Video: Forecast of the 2020 crisis for Russia
Video: Huge crisis: Russia seizes about 600 aircraft by order of putin! 2024, September

Currently, financial publications and analysts unanimously say that a crisis will certainly happen in 2020. Therefore, many are interested in why they are waiting for it and what it will be like. We have reviewed the latest news and forecasts for Russia.

Why a crisis awaits in 2020

What the 2020 crisis will be like and why it is expected depends on a number of factors. The Russian economy is considered isolated, since it lacks the factor of import substitution, and the state debt is minimized.


Many countries are still putting forward sanctions against our country, but some experts believe that the global crisis can bypass it. According to financial analysts, the expected crisis may become more severe than in 2008.

If it's difficult to say unequivocally what it will be like, then what it will definitely be and why it is expected in 2020 is indicated by factors:

  • the cost of oil is gradually falling, which in the foreseeable future will lead to a decrease in income from its sale abroad;
  • the growth of markets will be slowed down due to the fact that the money supply in the world economy is also decreasing;
  • the interest rate on deposits for a long time has reached a minimum threshold, and this already indicates the lack of free funds in the state budget;
  • lending rates are gradually increasing;
  • due to the fact that sanctions are still in effect for Russia, it has become impossible for many citizens of our country to take out a loan abroad on more favorable terms.

In addition, an increase in the retirement age, an increase in VAT, a constant rise in prices for both essential and other goods, as well as a difficult situation with employment, a decrease in household income - all these factors contribute to the fact that the 2020 crisis will soon occur. …

Therefore, the answer to the question why it is expected and what the crisis of 2020 will be, taking into account the above factors, lies on the surface. Its consequences will hit, first of all, ordinary citizens.


What the crisis will be for Russia

The latest news about the 2020 crisis and forecasts for Russia suggest that when it does come, it will be difficult times for most of the population. The elite will have enough cash reserves to stay afloat, not to mention the fact that they managed to export part of their savings abroad.

Civil servants, as well as medium and small businesses will be especially affected. Large corporations may be able to avoid major shocks.


Given the latest news, it is still difficult to make any predictions for Russia regarding a possible crisis in 2020. Worst development options:

  • an increase in the lending rate and mortgage rates;
  • bankruptcy of some banks, due to which citizens will lose their deposits and savings in their accounts;
  • a sharp decrease in the number of jobs, a decrease in wages;
  • freezing the increase in pension payments;
  • cancellation of benefits, government grants and bonuses;
  • an increase in tax rates for medium and small businesses;
  • the rapid rise in prices, depreciation of labor.

The Crisis Inside Out - Earning Opportunities

Studying the latest news and forecasts for Russia in terms of the possible crisis of 2020, some experts talk about what opportunities may open up during it. Particularly enterprising people find an opportunity in difficult times to earn a little extra money.

For example, a girl from Voronezh told how in 2013 she sold her own apartment and bought dollars with all the means. During the year she lived with her parents, and when the rate increased to 70-75 rubles, she exchanged all her savings and was able to buy a two-room apartment and a car.

Such situations are very real, but you need to have flair and acumen in order to take risks and not lose. So during a crisis it is quite possible to get rich if you know exactly how.


How to survive during a crisis

For those people who are not inclined to adventures, it is necessary to remember how not to go into a negative during a crisis. The following checklist may help:

  • it is important to save, not waste money on trifles;
  • it is advisable to repay all loans, because in the future, when the rate changes, you will give a much larger amount;
  • save some of your salary money for a rainy day;
  • try to find an additional source of income, for example, open your channel or start blogging, find a freelance part-time job. So in the event of a sudden dismissal, you will have the means to survive;
  • keep part of the funds in foreign currency, because, as predicted by financial analysts, the euro and dollar rates will increase, and you will be the winner.

Thus, during a crisis, one should not despair in advance, its consequences may not be so dire. There is currently no reason to panic.



  1. There is nothing to worry about now, since there are no direct prerequisites for the emergence of a crisis.
  2. The most resourceful people can try to earn extra money during a crisis, but it is worth remembering that this is a very risky business.
