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A guide to how a woman feels during pregnancy
A guide to how a woman feels during pregnancy

Video: A guide to how a woman feels during pregnancy

Video: A guide to how a woman feels during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time filled not only with positive emotions, but also with worries, worries and anxieties. Women who are carrying their first child are interested in whether the child is developing correctly, whether her feelings are the norm.


It is not possible to constantly consult a doctor with questions. Therefore, it is very convenient to have at hand some kind of guide to how a woman feels during pregnancy.


Week 1

In gynecology, it is customary to distinguish two stages of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic. The first is used by obstetricians (hence the name) and is based on the date of the last menstrual period.

The first week, its course, has a great influence on the very fact of pregnancy - whether the embryo can gain a foothold in the uterus. And also for the further development of the fetus. There are no pronounced symptoms of pregnancy.

Gynecologists note that during the first seven days, discharge can be observed, but this does not affect the development of the fetus and the woman's feelings.


2 week

This is the time that precedes the actual conception. A woman already has a mature egg in her body, ready for fertilization. As before, the woman does not experience any sensations that indicate an impending pregnancy.

3 week

The active development of the fetus and egg cell division begins. The third obstetric week is the first week of the unborn child's life. There are no pronounced changes in the woman's body yet. Some may complain of dizziness, pulling pain in the lower abdomen, swelling of the mammary glands.

In the third week, the internal organs of the unborn child are laid.


4 week

In the fourth obstetric week, pregnancy is just beginning to take shape. The fetus is actively growing, undergoing changes, turning into an embryo. There are signs of pregnancy.

Females may have sensations that can be easily confused with premenstrual syndrome:

  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • breast tenderness;
  • mood swings.

5 week

Corresponds to the third embryonic week. The body of the expectant mother is actively rebuilding, the fetus continues to grow and change. The internal systems and organs of the fetus are laid. It is by the fifth week that symptoms appear that indicate pregnancy (although the test does not yet confirm this):

  • nausea, especially felt in the morning;
  • an increase, as well as an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • increased reaction to odors;
  • drowsiness, high fatigue.

In addition, a woman may experience emotional outbursts, and her sensitivity to surrounding events increases. For 5 weeks, vaginal discharge may be noted - if they are not abundant, not accompanied by severe pain, there is no reason for excitement.


6 week

If you are not guided by obstetric weeks, pregnancy is 4 weeks from the moment of conception. In the body of the expectant mother, progesterone is actively produced - a hormone that protects the body from external infections. It also strengthens the walls of the uterus, which makes it possible to more intensively supply the fetus with blood. At the same time, it is progesterone that is "responsible" for nausea, being produced in excess.

Women notice breast enlargement, darkening of the nipples. Sensitivity to odors appears. On ultrasound, you can hear the fetal heartbeat.


7 week

By this time, an active restructuring of the woman's body begins, the hormonal background changes, the signs of pregnancy become brighter. Many have toxicosis. A common occurrence during this period is drowsiness, changes in taste preferences, and mood swings. For the full formation of the child's nervous system, it is important to have a sufficient amount of folic acid in the woman's body.

A cause for concern is bloody, mucous discharge. This may indicate the development of uterine hypertonicity.

From week 7, the fetus is called an embryo. Outwardly, it is similar to a person, the brain is actively developing.


8 week

The symptoms of the onset of pregnancy become brighter. The level of hormones is increasing, as evidenced by the constant change of mood, tearfulness, drowsiness. The uterus increases in size. Urination becomes more frequent. Discharge accompanied by lower back pain, poor health is a reason to visit a doctor.

Starting at 8 weeks, the embryo begins to receive nutrition through the umbilical cord. On ultrasound, you can determine its size - from 1, 5 to 2 cm, legs and arms are clearly visible.


9 week

The uterus continues to enlarge, however, the natural stretch limit has not been exceeded, so there is no discomfort. Due to toxicosis, the weight of a pregnant woman may decrease. A small set is also the norm. The mammary glands enlarge, swell.

The fetus is actively developing the brain, which is already divided into two hemispheres. The fingers on the hands are lengthened, the membranes between them disappear.

10 week

If attacks of morning sickness were previously noted, they may worsen by 10 weeks. Often there is heartburn, colic, localized in the navel. Frequent urge to urinate is complemented by involuntary discharge of urine when laughing, coughing, sneezing. Pigmentation is noticeable on the skin.

At 10 weeks, the embryo continues to actively develop. The face, the lower jaw are formed, the facial muscles, the upper lips begin to develop.


11 week

Women may experience heartburn, constipation due to increased hormone levels. Vaginal discharge intensifies, normally they are white and have a sour smell. The mammary glands produce colostrum. Some pregnant women experience increased nail and hair brittleness.

The embryo is actively developing the digestive tract, there is a reaction to external stimuli.

12 week

Pregnant women notice an increase in heart rate. The uterus grows up to 10 cm wide. The load on the internal organs increases. Mood swings are noted.

The fetus has formed internal organs, there are eyelids, earlobes, nails. The child knows how to open and close his mouth, clench his fists. The brain is divided into two hemispheres.


13 weeks pregnant

The hormonal background that accompanies pregnancy stabilizes, as well as the woman's sensations. The mood swings disappear.

The embryo has milk teeth, the pancreas produces insulin. Muscles and bone tissue are actively formed. The vocal apparatus is being laid.

14 week

The abdomen rises slightly, looks rounded outwardly. Weight increases, appetite increases.

The fruit is actively growing. He has eyebrows, eyelashes. Taste receptors develop. The genitals are entering the final stage of development.

15 week

Some pregnant women begin to complain of an increase in hair loss, dry skin, brittle nails. For the full development of the child and the preservation of the mother's health, enough iron and calcium are required.

The fetus is sexually identified. The pituitary gland, sebaceous and sweat glands are actively working.


16 week

In some cases, pregnant women feel the first movements of the child. The woman's belly begins to protrude forward.

The fetus can turn its head, the heart is actively working. The liver begins to perform a digestive function.

17 week

The uterus grows upward, which is accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen, increased heartburn, shortness of breath and urination. Thrush is often exacerbated. Increased heart rate, bleeding gums, sweating.

The immune system begins to work in the fetus, fat appears under the skin. In girls, the uterus is forming. Permanent teeth are laid. The child is able to hear the voices of the parents, to feel the mother's emotions.


18 week

The movements of the fetus are felt more and more clearly. The eyes are closed, but the child is already reacting to light. The mother's health is normal.

19 week

The weight of the pregnant woman increases, the hips expand. It is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. Because the uterus is growing, sleep only on its side to avoid squeezing the vena cava.

The fetal brain continues to develop. The respiratory system is being improved.

20 week

The expectant mother is actively producing colostrum. The abdominal skin is highly stretched. Almost all organs and systems of the fetus are formed. Eyes open.

21 week

The weight gain can be 4 kg. The fetus is actively developing the digestive system, swallowing the amniotic fluid, it trains the esophagus and lungs.

22 weeks pregnant

The emotional stability of the expectant mother largely depends on the support of others. The growth of the fetus is about 19 cm and more, weight - 350 g.


23 week

The state of health of the pregnant woman is normal. From time to time there is pain in the region of the sacrum, in the legs. He can dream, is actively interested in the world around him, and reacts to harsh sounds and noise.

24 week

The child is actively gaining weight, the tremors are becoming more noticeable for the mother. A woman may feel pain in her back, lower back, so it is recommended to wear a bandage. Heartburn intensifies.

The organs and systems of the fetus are completing their formation. Sensory organs and reflexes are actively developing.

25 week

Weight is quickly gaining, the gain can be from 6 to 7 kg. The child is in the correct position - head down. A woman can feel like a baby hiccups.

The child has formed lungs, surfactant is actively produced - a substance responsible for the opening of the lungs after childbirth.


26 week

Due to the growth of the abdomen, shortness of breath appears, the gait changes, and independent shoeing is difficult. The weight gain is 9 kg. Unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region. The fruit actively accumulates fat.

27 week

Movement, sleep, and sitting are difficult. The uterus, which has risen to the level of the ribs, presses on the lungs and intestines. The consequence of this is constipation, nausea, decreased appetite.

The child's immunity can react to allergens. The movements become even more varied.

28 week

There are no changes in the well-being of the pregnant woman. The weight of the fetus is more than 1 kg, and the height is 34 cm. The child can blink, distinguish between sour and sweet tastes. Children born this week are viable.


Week 29

Many women experience insomnia, back pain, nausea, and heartburn. The child accumulates white fat, gains weight. He has formed vision, hearing, taste, smell. Its weight is 1200 g, its height is 35 cm.

30 week

Pregnant women are increasingly aware of the baby's movements. The gait changes, metabolism and sweating increase. The uterus presses on the heart, causing women to experience shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. The child moves more actively.


31 week

Due to the continued growth of the uterus, discomfort in the pelvis and chest of a pregnant woman may increase. The growth of the child is accelerating, as is the gain in weight. The child may feel pain. The liver is improving.

32 week

Pregnant women can retain fluid, causing veins to swell, fingers and ankles swelling. Contractions of the uterus become more frequent.

The child's weight reached 1900, and the height was 42 cm. By this time, external changes in the fetus acquire personality traits, directly related to heredity.


33 week

On the tongue of the child, taste buds are formed, he is able to distinguish sweet from sour. The immune, endocrine, and nervous systems are entering the final stage of development. The body parts become proportional.

Unpleasant sensations in pregnant women continue to persist. Weight gain ranges from 9, 9 to 12, 6 kg.

34 week

Braxton Hicks contractions are becoming regular - preparation for childbirth. The volume of the chest increases, the heaviness in the lower back remains. In the event of a premature birth, the baby will be able to breathe on its own.


35 week

The child's organs and systems are formed and functioning. He prepares to descend to the pelvic area. Weight reaches 2, 6 kg, height 47 cm. It is still difficult for a pregnant woman to breathe.

Week 36

The weight gain of a pregnant woman is 12 kg. The cervix softens, shortens, preparing for childbirth.

The child's growth slows down a little. His swallowing and breathing movements are being improved. The heart is fully formed. The maturation of the immune, endocrine and nervous systems is coming to an end.

37 week

A woman may begin to have a yellowish discharge with streaks - this is how a mucous plug comes out.

All systems of the child have matured, the hormone cortisone is actively produced, which is responsible for the ripening of the lungs. The nerves acquire a protective sheath.


38 week

The child's weight reaches 3 kg, and the height is 50 cm. His nutrition occurs through the placenta. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The woman feels the contractions more and more. Her hormonal background changes, the pelvic bones move apart.

39 week

The baby is ready to be born. The mother's body is also in a state of readiness. The growth of the fetus continues. Weight reaches 3-3.5 kg. The villi in the intestine are fully formed. The stomach produces enzymes needed to break down food. It becomes easier for a woman to breathe.

40 week

The baby occupies the entire space of the uterus. In many women, at this time, the mucous plug may come off, and contractions begin.

41 weeks

The baby is ready for birth. Bodies and systems have completed their development. The placenta continues to age. There is no change in the mother's well-being.


42 week

Pregnancy is considered post-term. In most cases, this does not affect the well-being of the child. The woman also feels fine.
