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Top 10 most common phobias: what are the stars afraid of
Top 10 most common phobias: what are the stars afraid of

Video: Top 10 most common phobias: what are the stars afraid of

Video: Top 10 most common phobias: what are the stars afraid of
Video: The Top 7 Most Common Phobias 2024, April

If you are embarrassed to admit that you are afraid of the dark and fall asleep alone only in the light of a night lamp, then know: there is nothing shameful in your fear. Contrary to popular belief, not only children, but also a great many adults living all over the world suffer from nytophobia (this is what the fear of the dark is called). Nobody phobia, by the way, is included in the top 10 most common human phobias, and therefore you can assume that you are the same as everyone else, and not at all special.

It is not enough for a person with any kind of phobic anxiety disorder to simply say, "Don't be afraid, this is just an insect / cramped room / reptile / vehicle." If the fear of something has taken the form of a pronounced obsessive phobia, then the "patient" will by any means try to avoid contact with an object, living creature or phenomenon that makes him so nervous and climb the wall because of panic. Interestingly, most fears defy logical explanation, and people sometimes do not understand at all where this or that phobia came from in their minds. The latter, by the way, there are a great many. You could even say that we are afraid of everything and everyone. Especially for you, "Cleo" has prepared a list of the ten most common phobias.

1. Aerophobia (fear of flying airplanes)

This obsessive fear is more common in women than in men. This phobia should be distinguished from simple fear of flying. The nervousness during the flight is understandable: we watch TV, read the news in print media and newspapers and see planes crash sometimes. But a person who does not suffer from a phobia will study the statistics and, seeing that the chances of dying in a plane crash are really extremely small, he will calm down and will not waste his nerves. And a person whose fear has taken the form of a phobia will not even take information from official sources seriously, treating any rare disaster as another confirmation of his innocence. Psychologists believe that such people are prone to an anxious mindset and are extremely afraid of losing control of their lives.

Jennifer Aniston, Ben Affleck and Sylvester Stallone suffer from aerophobia.

  • Ben Affleck
    Ben Affleck
  • Jennifer Aniston
    Jennifer Aniston
  • Sylvester Stallone
    Sylvester Stallone

2. Acrophobia (fear of heights)

Those who suffer from acrophobia stay away from any elevations, even not very high ones.

At high altitudes, any normal person can get dizzy, but those who suffer from acrophobia stay away from any elevations, even not very high ones. It doesn't matter if there is at least a minimal risk of falling or not, the acrophobe will still bypass the place that scares him. Such people, as a rule, do not visit ski resorts, flatly refuse to ride in all-glass elevators and even refuse hotel rooms if they are located above the third floor.

Tobey Maguire suffers from acrophobia.


3. Aquaphobia (fear of water, depth)

Psychologists say that mainly those who have once been in the role of a drowning person suffer from aquaphobia, and the fear of water is firmly entrenched in their minds. However, sometimes a person cannot remember anything like this, but he is still afraid of water bodies. On this score, experts say that, most likely, an unpleasant incident could have occurred at an early age, and not only in the river or sea, but even in the bathroom. Another explanation: a person witnessed someone else drowning, and water became associated with danger.

Carmen Electra suffers from aquaphobia.


4. Autophobia (fear of loneliness)

In some cases, the phobia develops after the loss of a loved one, such as a friend.

A great many people are afraid of loneliness, however, some just feel anxious and do not know what to do with themselves when they are alone, while others really panic and feel that they are not needed by anyone. Psychologists are sure that the roots of this phobia go back to the childhood of a person, in which he received insufficient attention from his parents. In some cases, the phobia develops after the loss of a loved one, such as a friend. An autophobe should not ignore his condition, and if the life situation is such that at the moment there are no loved ones or friends next to him, then in no case should he sit within four walls, it is necessary to find new acquaintances and communication.

Konstantin Khabensky and Jennifer Lopez are afraid of loneliness.

  • Jennifer Lopez
    Jennifer Lopez
  • Konstantin Khabensky
    Konstantin Khabensky

5. Claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces)

Elevators and cramped, windowless rooms are all a claustrophobic nightmare. This phobia is also considered one of the most common today. People who have a strong fear of confined spaces always try to keep the doors open, not ride in elevators, and if they do go up with their help, they avoid large crowds or stay closer to the exit.

Uma Thurman suffers from claustrophobia.


6. Nobodyphobia (fear of the dark)

There are indeed very, very many people suffering from nyphobia.

It was with him that we started this article. There are indeed very, very many people suffering from nyphobia. It is interesting that nymphobes are not afraid of the darkness itself, but that it can hide in itself. A rich imagination begins to draw pictures that do not exist in reality, but the "patient", even realizing all the strangeness of the fantasies arising in his head, still continues to fall asleep with the lights on. Even if the "patient" is already 40 years old.

Keanu Reeves suffers from nobody phobia.


7. Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)

The fear of spiders is explained as follows: the more an animal (in this case, an insect) differs from us, the more horror it causes. Spiders do not look like us at all, and therefore seem disgusting, frightening. Others argue that spiders inspire fear with their abrupt appearance: sometimes they literally in a second appear in front of our nose, descending from somewhere on a cobweb. Be that as it may, but arachnophobia is perfectly supported by hundreds of horror films in which spiders are the real embodiment of evil.

Victoria Bonya suffers from arachnophobia.


8. Glossophobia (fear of public speaking)

This fear is a real scourge of our time. It is difficult to find a person who is not afraid of the stage. There are actually few of them. Experts say that, despite the absence of obvious manifestations of glossophobia, about 96% of the world's population suffers from it. Glossophobe is usually very afraid to go on stage, speak in front of a large number of people, and even take an exam or interview. Before or during a crucial moment, he begins to get nervous, panic, feels dry mouth, trembles, and his legs feel like cotton.

Fortunately, our stars are doing fine with their performances. However, otherwise it would be strange, you must agree.

9. Thanatophobia (fear of death)

Fear of death is inherent in any of us; after all, it is the basis of self-preservation.

Fear of death is inherent in any of us; after all, it is the basis of self-preservation. But for some people, it becomes overly intrusive. Often thanatophobia develops due to the death of a loved one, when one unexpectedly comes into contact with the death of another. Against the background of this phobia, others can develop - cardiophobia (fear of getting a heart attack), carcinophobia (fear of getting cancer). A person cannot adequately perceive thoughts and conversations regarding the logical conclusion of the life of any of us, succumbing to panic whenever he thinks of death.

Natalya Ionova confessed to thanatophobia.


10. Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes)

People who experience an uncontrollable fear of snakes are afraid not only of being bitten by them - they are afraid to meet snakes not only in reality, but also turn away, even when they see them on TV or in a picture. The following reasons for the development of this phobia are distinguished: a snake bite, its threatening hiss, a terrible appearance of a person who has become a victim of a snake bite, various films showing these reptiles as true evil (for example, "Anaconda"), religious education (in denominations where a snake is the devil's messenger).

Alexander Peskov suffers from ophidiophbia.
