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9 tips for those who don't get enough sleep
9 tips for those who don't get enough sleep

Video: 9 tips for those who don't get enough sleep

Video: 9 tips for those who don't get enough sleep
Video: How to Fall Asleep FAST When You CAN’T Sleep! 10 Sleep Life Hacks! 2024, April

We look forward to spring and rejoice at its arrival, but our body is not so easy to rebuild.

In winter, he lacked vitamins, sunlight and water. Therefore, we tend to sleep from morning to evening. The Strong Sleep Blog has prepared a selection of tips on how to deal with fatigue, sleepiness and blues. Take note.


123RF / stokkete

1. Eat more natural vitamins

Many girls think that it is possible to replenish the supply of vitamins in the body with the help of multivitamin complexes in tablets. In fact, these drugs do us neither benefit nor harm. Better to spend your money on natural vitamins: eat them as much as you want, whenever you want. The exception is nuts: a small amount every day is ideal. Increasing the dose will cause stomach discomfort or headache.

What foods contain the most vitamins: apples, carrots, onions, garlic, kiwi, dairy products, honey, walnuts, fish, blueberries, herbs, green vegetables. But don't just dwell on this list of products.


2. Don't overdo caffeine

We are used to associating coffee with cheerfulness. This is far from the case: the drink causes vigor and fatigue at the same time. If you are a coffee lover, then this is another matter, but in order not to harm the body, consume no more than 2-3 cups in the morning. Doctors also advise choosing Arabica over Robusta and adding milk or cream.

If you drink coffee because it supposedly needs to invigorate, replace it with a drink that is healthier and possibly tastier for you: chicory, ginger, or green tea.

3. Come up with your bedtime ritual

A common cause of insomnia is obsessive thoughts about work, family problems, etc. In such cases, you need to be able to relax and tune in to sleep. Come up with your own ritual that will associate you with sleep. For example, a half-hour walk outside, reading a book, talking on the phone, taking a warm bath, listening to music, doing a hobby, and other pleasant things.

Think of anything, just cross watching TV, playing computer games and hanging on social networks from your list. Gadget screens negatively affect the production of melatonin (sleep hormone), which makes us not want to sleep.


4. Do not eat fatty foods at night

Think about the stomach: when you rest, it has to work. And if you decide to eat fried potatoes, a fat cutlet for dinner, and for dessert you will not deny yourself a cake, then he will have to make an effort to digest it all. At night, he simply will not let you fall asleep peacefully.

Therefore, here are a few rules: the optimal time for an evening meal is 2-3 hours before bedtime; nothing to eat is also undesirable, then the stomach has nothing to digest, which can lead to heartburn, and also to nightmares. Before going to bed, you need easily digestible food: lean meat or fish, dried fruits or nuts, protein omelet, oatmeal, fruits, vegetable dishes, etc.

5. Normalize your sleep schedule

The theory of healthy sleep may seem boring to some. Therefore, briefly about the main thing: there is a phase of REM sleep and a phase of slow wave sleep. While we sleep, the phases (can range from 1 to 1.5 hours) alternate and form a sleep cycle. It is important to wake up at the end of the cycle to feel good. The norm for a person is 4-6 such cycles, that is, 6-9 hours.

It remains only to choose how much sleep you need. To calculate, try getting up at the same time for two weeks and going to bed as soon as you feel tired. So the body itself will form a sleep schedule.

By the way, there are many apps for tablets and phones that will calculate your sleep cycle and wake you up at the right time.

6. Exercise at work

Most often, sleepiness catches us at work, especially those who sit in front of a computer for 8 hours: eyes, neck, back get tired, dizzy, and the brain refuses to solve problems. Give yourself a reminder on your phone or attach a colorful sticker at your workplace. Ventilate the area every hour or two for at least five minutes. During this period, you can just get distracted from work and do exercises. Organize a sports minute at the office or just walk around the office, and you can generally do eye exercises without getting up.


7. Don't forget to drink water

Each person needs a certain amount of water per day. And if there is not enough of it, then you should not be surprised at dry skin, constant fatigue and drowsiness. You need to drink exactly water - tea, juice and other drinks do not count. Water normalizes blood pressure, relieves joint pain, improves skin and hair condition. The opposite can happen with constant water shortages. By the way, it is for this reason that we often feel like eating, especially sweets. The norm per day is 40 grams of water per 1 kg of body weight.

If you don't want water, you need to force yourself, after a while the body will get used to it and will itself require more fluid. For a reminder, use the mobile app, which will notify you when it's time to drink water.

8. Be outdoors more often

We need oxygen and sunlight to feel refreshed and invigorated. The sun helps the body produce vitamin D. Go outside after lunch and walk for at least half an hour. When there is an opportunity to walk, get off the transport and walk. Take walks in the evenings and go out into the countryside on weekends. All this strengthens the immune system, relieves irritation, stress, relieves depression and makes the brain work better.

9. Create a comfortable environment in the bedroom

To get enough sleep, you need a comfortable environment in the bedroom. Throw away all the trash, let the room become freer, if after that the room seems empty, add decorative elements for comfort: garlands or framed photographs. It is also better to remove the TV from the bedroom, since the light from the screen negatively affects the production of the sleep hormone.

The curtains in the bedroom should be tight, because the slightest penetration of light into the room can disrupt sleep. You also need to monitor the temperature, the optimal one is 17-20 degrees, ventilate the room 15 minutes before going to bed. In no case do not do work in the bedroom, because this place should be associated with you only with sleep.
