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What to do if garlic leaves turn yellow in spring
What to do if garlic leaves turn yellow in spring

Video: What to do if garlic leaves turn yellow in spring

Video: What to do if garlic leaves turn yellow in spring
Video: 5 Reasons Your Garlic Leaves are Turning Yellow 2024, September

Often, garlic feathers turn yellow in spring - this is noticed by many summer residents. There are several reasons why garlic leaves turn yellow. What contributes to the color change, and most importantly, what to do in such a situation?

The main causes, symptoms and what to do

First of all, in the spring, the tips of the garlic begin to turn yellow, and only then the yellowness diverges down the leaves. This phenomenon slows down the growth and development of culture, so it is important to know what to do under the circumstances.


Lack of nitrogen

As soon as spring comes, the soil is not yet warmed up, which promotes the formation of minerals. Nitrogen deficiency is observed at the initial stage of culture development.

Symptoms that are a manifestation of a nitrogen deficiency include:

  • discoloration of garlic feathers to yellow and pale green;
  • small powerless shoots.
  • To provide the culture with the necessary level of nitrogen, they resort to fertilizers that contain nitrate or ammonium nitrogen. Such dressings include:
  • potassium nitrate;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • ammonium sulfate;
  • urea.

If the soil is acidic, it is better to add nitrate nitrogen. With neutral or alkaline acidity, ammonia nitrogen is used - ammonium sulfate or urea.


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Low temperature in spring

Unstable and unpleasant weather in spring is also the reason why the leaves of garlic can turn yellow. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the culture and doing whatever is necessary for its recovery.

Under the influence of spring frosts, still immature young shoots can be damaged. To protect feathers from frost in spring, the emerging seedlings should be covered with foil.

If damage could not be avoided, the yellow leaves of garlic should be treated with drugs with a stimulating effect - Epin, Zircon.


Lack of potassium

Thanks to potassium, water exchange is maintained and the immunity of the culture is strengthened, thereby the plant actively resists possible diseases. If there is not enough potassium, then the tips of the feathers of garlic in the spring can not only turn yellow, but other, equally unpleasant symptoms appear:

  • leaves turn a bluish tint;
  • along the edge of the foliage a "burn" of a bright brown color is formed;
  • plant growth slows down significantly.

To bring garlic back to normal and cure it, you need to know what to do in this case. It is recommended to fertilize the crop with potassium sulfate, wood ash or potassium magnesium is also used.


Insufficient watering

For normal growth and development, garlic requires moderate watering, if the lower and upper leaves turn yellow in spring, then one of the reasons may be a lack of moisture. A lack of watering leads to dryness of the feathers of the crop, so it is worth knowing what to do to eliminate the symptom. It is recommended to water the garlic according to the following scheme:

  • in the period from April to May - a maximum of 3 times per month;
  • watering should be stopped one month before harvest.

To find out if the garlic has enough moisture, the soil around the plant should be loosened. In addition to the determining factor, this procedure will allow the rhizome of the crop to receive the maximum amount of air.

It turns out that an excess of water for garlic is not as harmful as a lack of it. In dry weather in spring, the crop can be watered and more often than recommended - once a week. In a rainy spring, the plant does not need to be watered.


Acidic soil

The reasons that cause yellowing of garlic feathers include acidic soil, which is not at all suitable for growing a crop. It is important to test the soil for acidity before planting a plant.

In order for the culture to grow and develop normally, a soil of neutral acidity is suitable - pH 6-7. To reduce the acidity of the soil, liming or deoxidation must be carried out.

To reduce acidity in this way, add to the soil:

  • lime;
  • chalk;
  • limestone flour (dolomite);
  • wood ash;
  • any other deoxidizing agent.

Deacidification of the soil should be carried out in the fall, when the bed is dug up and prepared for the next season.


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Clay soil and lack of loosening

Another reason that garlic leaves turn yellow in the spring after winter is the lack of oxygen resulting from too dense soil, which is also important to eliminate and take all the necessary restorative procedures.

Under such conditions, oxygen does not enter the rhizome, causing a yellow color in the plant's feathers. This manifestation often occurs in too clayey soil.

To eliminate the symptoms, it is important to loosen the soil after each watering to avoid the formation of a dense crust that prevents air from penetrating to the roots of the plant.


Diseases and pests

Often, diseases and harmful insects cause the appearance of yellowness on the feathers of garlic. The problem can arise both in the spring, and in the summer, and in the autumn.

It all depends on at what point the culture was damaged and how much.

  1. Garlic can be damaged by the onion fly, which loves to feast on the crop. To get rid of it, use tobacco dust or wood ash. Alternatively, you can apply insecticides (Fufanon, Karbofos). These funds should only be added as a last resort. If you plant carrots nearby, the onion fly will not harm the garlic.
  2. Another pest is a nematode that lives in the ground and can infect garlic. Under the influence of the nematode, the leaves turn yellow, curl, and the head rots in the ground. If the bulb is viewed under a microscope, small twisted worms can be seen. To get rid of the pest, you need to add insecticides, for example, Actellik.
  3. Bacterial rot damages the teeth, they become covered with black dots and acquire an unpleasant odor. Feathers turn yellow, arrows dry. Fungicides are used to cure the plant, but they may not always help.
  4. Another fungal disease - fusarium, manifests itself in the yellowing of the tips of the feathers of garlic. With this disease, leaves and stems die. In the sinuses, there is often a bloom of pink, some of it above the ground becomes brown and striped. If you dig up the bulb, you will notice that it has no rhizome. The bottom of the bulb is watery and soft. There is no effective remedy for fusarium.
  5. Diseases that lead to yellowing of garlic feathers include black mold or basal rot. The first can not be cured, and to get rid of the second ailment, the drug Tiram is used.
  6. If severe damage to the garlic is identified, insecticides are often used. They should only be used if other methods do not help. Harmful elements contained in preparations accumulate in plants.

You can use folk remedies for pest control:

  • make a boiled broth of tansy (3 kilograms of flowers per 10 liters of water). As soon as the product cools down, they need to spray the tops;
  • water the leaves with a solution of ammonia (20-25 grams per 10 liters of water);
  • spray the foliage with salt water (200 grams per bucket of water). This solution will help get rid of the onion flour. The next day, the plant should be watered with clean water.

Preventive measures

To prevent diseases from affecting garlic, you should not plant it in the place where potatoes or onions previously grew, they are capable of suffering from the same diseases, and they are also damaged by the same pests.

The following measures act as a preventive measure against garlic:

  • careful selection of high-quality and healthy planting material;
  • seed processing;
  • handling equipment used for landing;
  • adding baits and fertilizers;
  • competent watering;
  • application of the principle of mixed landings;
  • annual change of the place of growth of garlic.

You can always find a way to eliminate the diseases of garlic. Yellow foliage is a serious problem that can be corrected only if you start to act correctly and on time.



  1. Garlic leaves yellowing in spring can occur for various reasons: lack of nitrogen, potassium, low air temperature, insufficient watering, too acidic or clayey soil, as well as exposure to pests and diseases.
  2. It is important to water moderately, as well as add fertilizing and fertilizing to compensate for the lack of substances in the soil.
  3. Only timely and proper care will avoid or quickly eliminate the problem.
