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Bowel cancer symptoms in women in the early stages
Bowel cancer symptoms in women in the early stages

Bowel cancer is an extremely alarming diagnosis, but when diagnosed in the early stages, many doctors consider it a very real cure. It is necessary to detect the initial symptoms of the disease. According to statistics, in women, death is usually noted if the first signs of the disease are ignored.

Description of the problem

The statistics of the World Health Organization show that among women, especially after the age of 45, mortality from intestinal cancer was 17%, while summarizing the data of 150 thousand deaths from cancer, while in 177 thousand men who died from cancer, the cause death he became only in 12% of cases.


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Such statistics indisputably prove that in the female half of the population, such cancer occurs much more often and accounts for about one fifth of all malignant neoplasms. The need for constant monitoring of the state of the body after the onset of the period of extinction of reproductive function is obvious.

However, many women ignore the alarming symptoms of the disease that appear already in the early stages. They seek medical attention only when the signs are so obvious that they cannot be overlooked.


According to medical research, abnormal cell division in the intestine ranks second among the internal organs of a person. This can be explained by the specific structure of the intestine, its size and functions performed. The world medical community classifies any type of intestinal cancer as colorectal cancer, because the dislocation of the tumor is more common in the colon (colon) or in the rectum (rectum), and in other segments of the intestine it manifests itself much less often.


There are several reasons why the growth of a neoplasm starts, but none of them can be considered reliable. The usual list given in popular medical publications is more like a list of provoking factors in women:

  • overweight, age and unhealthy diet (including constant diets);
  • a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity;
  • bad habits or hereditary predisposition;
  • instability of hormonal levels or excessive use of drugs.

This list can be applied to any disease in men and women, but none of the provoking factors provides a direct answer to the question of why millions of people with similar problems do not get colorectal cancer.


At the same time, a certain part of the world's population begins to experience negative symptoms, uncharacteristic and subtle in the early stages, and more and more alarming as intestinal cancer develops.

The most plausible hypothesis is a disease of the immune system, supported by a combination of several circumstances. It explains why the immune system, which normally destroys cells prone to abnormal division, allows them to develop in a specific internal organ.

Signs and signals

Usually, in the early stages, the disease is asymptomatic, so neither a physical examination nor anamnesis can reveal a neoplasm. Even at the second stage of development, the proctologist can detect a small neoplasm, provided that it is located in a certain area - in the rectal space, accessible to palpation, and even then, if it has already reached the centimeter mark.


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The danger of bowel cancer is the ability to metastasize - to spread to other internal organs. But this process begins only after the development of the tumor to a significant size, when its detection can be carried out without particularly careful and detailed hardware studies.

But at this stage there is already a lesion with metastases, and the disease is recognized as inoperable. Due to the absence of symptoms at the first stage and an inattentive attitude to the manifestations of the disease - at the second, about 22% of all patients die from it.

It is rather difficult for a person without medical education to navigate the symptoms, especially in the latent period, when the development of pathology is not accompanied by pronounced signs.


The ideal option for detecting an oncological process would be a permanent examination, when hardware diagnostics are used in the early stages - it allows you to identify intestinal polyposis and persistent inflammation. It is in these areas that accelerated cell division most often begins and its natural consequence is tissue proliferation.

General symptoms in women are uncharacteristic, they can indicate any disease of the gastrointestinal tract or hepatobiliary system:

  1. In the early stages, there may be gradual weight loss, which subsequently becomes rapid. It is invariably accompanied by dyspeptic symptoms - heartburn and belching, lack of appetite, sometimes a mild loss of taste and, due to this, the previous pleasure from eating. In women, who often follow exhausting diets in order to achieve weight loss, such changes at first cause only positive emotions, general symptoms correlate with food intake, gastritis, and liver problems. The absence of pain and pronounced transformations does not suggest that this is intestinal cancer.
  2. In the early stages, intestinal bleeding is still absent, the result of which is blood in the feces, detected visually or during laboratory research. The coprogram is certainly carried out with hepatic pathologies, but often even traces of humoral fluid are taken for the consequences of hemorrhoids, which are often in women who have given birth. Against the background of such processes in the body, anemia develops. The level of hemoglobin, essential trace elements, decreases. At this stage, symptoms can be weakness and lethargy, permanent loss of strength, lack of habitual vitality, apathy, loss of mobility and working capacity that is usual for a woman.
  3. Bowel cancer may be accompanied by a low-grade fever, which is not always present in oncological processes, but for this type of neoplasm it is a recognized characteristic feature. Temperature jumps indicate acute processes that have appeared and usually lead to a doctor for help. Subfebrile temperature can be ignored, the accompanying chills and malaise can be mistaken for fatigue, banal chills, the influence of seasonal changes in the weather, a cold. But it is the permanent presence of a slight increase that is a consequence of the fact that the body has a constantly flowing inflammation, infection or colorectal cancer.
  4. At more significant stages, alarming symptoms appear - a disorder of normal bowel movements - diarrhea can alternate with constipation, fecal masses change their usual color due to the presence of blood. There is a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, which does not depend on food intake, difficulty urinating, pain in the pelvic region.

At a significant stage of the disease, the patient develops ascites - an increase in the abdomen to a large volume. This is due to the pathological state of the vessels.

Thinning of the vascular walls does not allow fluid to be retained, it accumulates in the abdominal cavity constantly, and even periodic manipulations to remove it do not bring a noticeable result, because the main reason continues to remain in place.


A timely visit to a doctor would make it possible to detect a pathological process at a stage when it can be dealt with. But the absence of visible manifestations at an early stage leads to the fact that treatment is often ineffective.


To avoid a negative scenario, it is enough to carefully monitor yourself:

  1. Check for general health periodically.
  2. Track any changes in appearance and physical parameters.
  3. Take laboratory tests prescribed by a therapist or specialized specialists.
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat properly and regularly.
  5. To carry out timely treatment of chronic and systemic diseases present in the body.
