Is your hell alcohol?
Is your hell alcohol?

Video: Is your hell alcohol?

Video: Is your hell alcohol?
Video: Alcoholic Manager Lies to Gordon About His Drinking | Hotel Hell 2024, September
Is your hell alcohol?
Is your hell alcohol?

Lately, I often see drunk … women on the subway. Just the other day I was riding in a carriage with a tipsy lady of about fifty, at first she swayed in all directions, and then just vomited among the crowd of the shocked public. I remember how the mood deteriorated for the whole day, and an unpleasant aftertaste remained.

Yesterday I was more than discouraged when exactly the same situation happened before my eyes again. Only this time with a young girl. I don't know how to describe my emotions and the feelings of others in a succinct phrase, but it was terrible. Terribly ashamed, terribly unpleasant, terribly physically and terribly for the soul.

"They drink because they want to forget someone, to forget their failures, weaknesses, sufferings, their bad deeds" - this is how Edith Piaf wrote in her book "My Life". This great woman overcame drug addiction, but, unable to withstand another depression, began to drink. She drank herself to a state in which she crawled on all fours around the hall and barked, showing the dog. Her life ended at the age of 48, but by this time she was able to break down and alcoholism. "No matter how low you fall, you can never lose hope. I am proof of that."

Since the time of Eve, ladies have been tempted by the green serpent. It is very important for us to remember that women are less protected than men from all kinds of addictions and addictions. In order, for example, to sleep with a completely normal lady, two years are enough. The only consolation is that very often ladies feel this fall, having reached the very bottom, when there is an opportunity to push off and quietly try to rise. A woman is stronger in this regard than a man and it is easier for her to find a way out and overcome addiction. This is one of many sex-based paradoxes.

This article is not aimed at those who are already sophisticated, but rather obliges the author to solve the initial problem in the fight against any ailment - to carry out informational prophylaxis.

Let's start with what is considered the norm and how it is considered.

A safe dose of alcohol for a woman's body is two units per day. A unit is taken as 125 ml of wine with a strength of 9% or 0.5 liters of beer. Therefore, if you drink two glasses of wine with a strength of 12%, then this is equal to about three units.

However, statistics say that every fourth young woman regularly drinks twice the established norm.

There are several standard situations, when a woman tends to start drinking alcohol:

1. The most common group of women over the age of 40. Home, household, grown-up children and often a very shabby relationship with a spouse. This is a critical moment in the family, when the wife ceases to be interesting and desirable, and she is replaced by a young, free and more attractive partner. The marriage is falling apart. Children begin to live their own lives. The woman is left alone, unoccupied and not in demand by anyone. "Nobody needs me … everyone left me …" - such thoughts very often lead to stress and mental anguish. And the woman herself (rarely in the company of a friend) drinks a little alcohol: her mood improves dramatically. This is memorable, and I want to repeat the experience. Further, even the intellectual level does not matter, degradation becomes noticeable only in the last stages, since women tend to drink on the sly.

2. Another "path" has been actively trodden down not so long ago. The wives of those who until recently were called "new Russians" began to fall into the risk group. There is everything - husband, children, home - a full cup. But the husband is busy practically only with work, the children are at school or in kindergarten. And the hostess of the house has absolutely no one to "present" herself, just as there is no one to take care of her, to follow what she does, being at home alone. But in this case, unlike the previous one, there is a wealth that allows you not to drink cheap beer, which leaves a bad smell, but to use expensive drinks and even drugs, which also initially give you mental comfort …

3. This category is reserved for the so-called independent business women, successful and "satisfied" with their freedom and dictation of the rules. They have a career, sometimes children, but no full-fledged family. As a result, it turns out that everything is in order: great job, interesting men, a car, an apartment and other benefits, but … getting married after 35 is more than difficult and even more difficult to give birth to your first child. What remains?

4. For example, depression can push a woman to alcohol. Moral discomfort, recent trauma, pain, suffering … alcohol and temporary relief. Very often women do not notice that weakness is another name for addiction, you take the first step, the rest go by inertia.

5. Young girls 14-18 years old drink several bottles of beer during the day, completely oblivious to the consequences. But beer, even low-alcohol (that is, containing about 5 percent alcohol), affects the body in the same way as 60 ml of vodka.. Carbonated cocktails, in which there is virtually nothing of those components that are named on the cans, are no better. rum, no real gin, no natural juices. It is simply a sweetened, diluted alcohol of unknown origin. Most often, these drinks do not particularly interfere with thinking, they allow you to quite tolerably control your body, and therefore do not cause serious attitude towards themselves. They just change the mood for the better. Although after a year and a half after the regular use of these weak and sweet "tranquilizers" it turns out that it is impossible to live without alcohol …

If you are not in any category test yourself for vigilance with a small test:

1. Have you ever thought that you need to cut down on your alcohol consumption?

2. Are you losing control of your alcohol dose?

3. Are you criticized for your intemperance to alcohol?

4. Do you sometimes feel guilty about drinking?

5. Did you drink in the morning to get rid of unpleasant sensations?

If you answered "Yes" for 3 or more questions, then you need to reconsider your attitude to alcohol and urgently consult with a specialist. In any other case, you have no problems yet.

It is worth noting a special risk group, in which the ladies, whose loved ones (especially in the male line) were dependent on alcohol. There is nothing scary in this, but it is still worth remembering about the norms and not exceeding them.

What does the enumeration of norms lead to? Special studies have shown that early aging of the body sets in, teeth fall out, vision and hearing decrease! Irreversible painful changes occur in the internal organs, primarily in the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract.

The central nervous system undergoes gross destructive changes. In the third stage, personality degradation occurs, which is characterized by acquired dementia. Sometimes alcoholics stop menstruation 10 years earlier. Alcohol abuse leads to undesirable effects on the fetus. Meanwhile, alcoholism is more common in childbearing years.

In the end, let me remind you about Edith's story and the advice of psychologists: if you already have an addiction, for example, smoking, getting rid of it you need to know that it can be reborn in a new form, so keep yourself in control, do not give free rein to negative emotions and do not look for dangerous adventure. Bless you.
