Table of contents:

Lack of magnesium in the body in women
Lack of magnesium in the body in women

Almost all elements of the periodic table are present in the body of a healthy person. In balanced proportions, these particles, together with vitamins, ensure the healthy functioning of all organs and systems.

The female body is more sensitive to imbalance in trace elements. The stresses and rhythm of modern life of the fair half are reflected in frequent disorders of the vegetative-vascular and nervous systems, impaired reproductive functions. Often, such symptoms in women are manifested against the background of a lack of such an element as magnesium in the body.


Why do you need magnesium

This trace element plays an important role in protein synthesis and regulates metabolism. To ensure these functions, 400 mg of magnesium per day is sufficient. Several, up to 450 mg, are required by his expectant mothers.


This important element does the job:

  1. Improves brain function and controls the expression of emotions. Lack of magnesium in the body can cause in women symptoms of nervous disorders, mental imbalance.
  2. Provides high-quality work of the heart muscle and blood vessels. Deficiency of the element causes an increase in bad cholesterol, which becomes a direct path to heart attacks or strokes.
  3. Strengthens bones, tooth enamel.
  4. It is the key to strong nails and healthy hair.
  5. They help to remove toxins and allergens from the body.
  6. Magnesium is vital for the functioning of the female reproductive system. Ego fullness is associated with the course of menstruation, the state of the female organs, the ability to conceive and bear a child.
  7. Deficiency of a trace element becomes especially dangerous when a woman reaches menopause. At this time, the hardness of bones and joints decreases, which is provided by magnesium along with calcium and phosphorus.

In women athletes, as well as those whose activities are associated with active physical activity, magnesium consumption is doubled. In these cases, supplemental micronutrient supplementation is almost always recommended.


Deficiency signs

Lack of magnesium in a woman's body is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Chronic fatigue, drowsiness with insufficient sleep at night.
  2. Metabolic disorders.
  3. Frequent muscle spasms.
  4. Development of bone diseases.
  5. Weakness, dizziness, nausea, which appear as a result of metabolic disorders.
  6. Frequent depression, unreasonable apathy.
  7. Irritability, decreased concentration.
  8. Memory problems.
  9. Arrhythmia, tachycardia, increased blood pressure.
  10. Increased cravings for sweets.

Acute Deficiency Symptoms

These signs indicate a catastrophic decrease in magnesium levels and require immediate intervention, taking additional medications. After a clinical examination and consultation with a doctor, of course:

  • frequent vaginal infections;
  • night cramps and numbness of the limbs;
  • overdried itchy skin;
  • persistent dry mouth and thirst;
  • frequent urge to urinate, bladder infections;
  • twinkling in the eyes;
  • sharp weight loss without special diets.

Magnesium Deficiency Causes

The primary deficiency of a trace element in the body can be a congenital hereditary pathology, or it can become acquired as a result of external factors:

  1. Drinking drinking water low in magnesium. Unfortunately, even bottled drinking water does not have the proper concentration of this element.
  2. Foods low in magnesium. The enrichment of the soil with nitrogen, fluorine, calcium leads to a decrease in the proportion of this metal, which affects the composition of most food products.
  3. Unbearable physical and mental stress, stress.
  4. Excessive passion for alcohol, smoking.
  5. The use of drugs.
  6. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency appear in women during pregnancy and menopause.
  7. Deficiency of the element occurs against the background of diabetes, cardiac pathologies, disorders of the nervous system.

How to fill the gap

As you can see, the manifestations of magnesium deficiency are similar to those of many ailments. Therefore, it is impossible to diagnose and prescribe drugs to oneself to increase it, especially since an excess of this metal is no less harmful than a shortage. Magnesium and calcium are closely related elements that tend to displace each other.


With an increased filling of tissues with magnesium, the amount of calcium decreases, which leads to other problems. Only a doctor can prescribe and recommend drugs after a biochemical blood test.

To replenish the magnesium deficiency, doctors recommend to their patients:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid increased stress and stress.
  2. Taking a number of vitamin complexes and food supplements.
  3. Diet regulation in favor of foods high in this micronutrient.
  4. It is possible to replenish magnesium by introducing pumpkin seeds, almonds and walnuts, cocoa, peanuts, beans, rye bread into the menu.

A significant particle of the trace element is found in sunflower seeds, mackerel, granular caviar, carrots, bananas, porcini mushrooms, buckwheat honey.


Magnesium is an element of calmness, strength and heart health. Its proportional content in the body can be ensured only if a healthy diet and lifestyle are observed, if necessary, supplementing the diet with vitamin complexes.
