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Dollar exchange rate for January 2021 by days
Dollar exchange rate for January 2021 by days

Video: Dollar exchange rate for January 2021 by days

Video: Dollar exchange rate for January 2021 by days

Analysts and economists cannot predict exactly what the dollar exchange rate will be in January 2021. Formed forecasts based on the table by day from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other agencies are tentative in nature. Experts still assess the behavior of the dollar in 2021 and the economic situation in the country.

The dollar in January 2021 will rise or fall

Analysts at an independent foreign exchange forecasting agency make projected forecasts for exchange rates. Below is a table with data on how the dollar will behave in relation to the Russian ruble in January 2021.

Currency dynamics Indicator until January 10, 2021 Indicator after January 20, 2021
Enhancement 87, 04 rubles 93.6 rubles (+6, 56)

The quoted dollar quotes are formed in accordance with the factors and events taking place in the world community. They may change at the appropriate date. Then the forecast rate is adjusted.


Expert opinions

According to the Bloomberg consensus forecast, the dollar rate in the third quarter of 2020 will reach 73, 39, and in the fourth - 72 rubles. In the first quarter of 2021 - 70 rubles. The dynamics of the USD exchange rate is affected by the limitation of foreign travel trips and a decrease in the Central Bank's operations to acquire foreign currency.

Forecast from the Ministry of Economic Development on the average value of the American currency:

  • in 2020 - 72.6 rubles;
  • in 2021 - about 74, 7 rubles.

The information was formed based on the scenario of socio-economic development for the period from 2020 to 2023. The document was developed by employees of the ministry.


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The dollar can be depreciated only in 2022. In addition, the forecast says that GDP in Russia this year will decrease by 5%, and in 2021 it will increase by 2.8%.

Yevgeny Nadorshin, chief economist at the PF Capital consulting company, believes that there is currently no significant potential for strengthening the Russian currency. He predicts that the dollar will reach 85 rubles.

The head of the dealing center of Metallinvestbank Sergey Romanchuk believes that the dollar could cost 80 rubles if the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic begins and significant economic consequences arise. The expert believes that this can only be prevented if a vaccine is created.


What will happen to the Russian economy in the near future - the forecast of TsMAKP specialists

The report of the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting examines three scenarios for the development of events in the economy.


It is assumed that GDP in Russia at the end of this year may decline by 8-8.2%. The unemployment rate will rise to 8-8.3%. In 2021, wages will be reduced by 4.5-4.8%, and will only increase in 2023.

Oil demand will rise gradually, with prices ranging from 35 to 37 per barrel until December 2021. Starting from the IV quarter of 2020 and until 2022, the US currency rate will fluctuate between 87-91 rubles.



Russia will quickly come out of the economic crisis. In the third quarter of 2020, the price per barrel of oil will reach $ 35-37. In the second half of 2021 and in 2022, the oil price will increase to $ 45-47.

GDP in Russia will decrease by 4.5% in 2020. Unemployment will reach 5, 3-5, 6%. Wages will increase by 0.5-0.7% in 2021. Forecast for the dollar exchange rate:

  • at the end of 2020 - 85 rubles;
  • in 2021 - from 82 to 85 rubles;
  • in 2023 - it will drop to 73-77 rubles.


GDP is projected to collapse by 11% in 2020. Economic growth in 2023 will reach the mark of 1, 9-2, 3%, no more. The cost of oil will remain low until the end of 2021 - from $ 25 to $ 30. It will stabilize only at the end of 2023 and will be equal to $ 40.

The unemployment rate will rise to 10.5-10.7% in 2020. Until 2023, this figure will not decrease. In line with high inflation and rising unemployment, wages will decrease by 9-9.3% this year, and in 2021 - by 1.7-2%.


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Forecast for the dollar exchange rate:

  • from the end of 2020 to 2022 - from 95 to 103 rubles;
  • in 2023 - from 87 to 90 rubles.

The forecast for the dollar exchange rate for 2021 by days can only be approximate and is now being formed on the basis of events occurring in the external and internal conjuncture, in the money and foreign exchange markets. The experts analyzed the data of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other financial structures and compiled a table with the approximate value of the American currency for January, as well as for the entire next year.



  1. Analysts at an independent agency predict the dollar's value against the ruble in January 2021.
  2. The rate before January 10 is 84, 04 rubles, after January 20 - 93, 6 rubles.
  3. The formed forecast is indicative and can change under the influence of factors and events taking place in the world.
