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Dollar exchange rate for October 2020 by days
Dollar exchange rate for October 2020 by days

Video: Dollar exchange rate for October 2020 by days

Video: Dollar exchange rate for October 2020 by days

Experts give different forecasts for the dollar exchange rate for October 2020. It is believed that quotes are influenced by many factors. Consider the main indicators that allow you to determine the dollar rate, a table by days, compiled by analysts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The reasons for the instability of the American currency

The exchange rate is considered volatile because it is influenced by various factors. They are divided into 3 types:

  • external;
  • internal;
  • unpredictable.

They are closely related. The quotation of the national currency depends on the internal ones. Such factors include: the political activity of the country, GDP, the level of consumer prices and inflation, the purchasing power of citizens, the economy, and the rate of production. When analyzing the dollar exchange rate, it is important not to forget about the events, processes and phenomena observed in the Russian Federation and the United States.


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Everything that happens in the world is distinguished from external factors. Any events on a global scale can affect exchange rates. This category includes military conflicts, adopted laws, quotes of precious metals, oil prices.

The last group includes factors that are considered unpredictable. They appear suddenly. I mean catastrophes, terrorist attacks, natural disasters. But bad events can cause favorable changes: for example, capital may flow from other countries as financial assistance to the affected state.


Will the dollar rise in price in October?

A rise in USD in October 2020 is quite possible. This is due to events in Russia and the United States. In America, presidential elections are expected in November, which can weaken the political situation, lead to unrest, and cause aggression against some countries, including the Russian Federation.

New sanctions are not ruled out that will limit the economic ties of our country, as well as slow down the economy, which will undoubtedly affect the dollar exchange rate for October 2020 by day.

Another ruble is getting cheaper due to internal factors that are observed in the country:

  1. Decrease in the level of GDP. Although now it is small, some experts believe that in case of a negative development of events, it will decrease by 3-3.5%.
  2. Sanctions in force against Russia. Even if they are canceled by October (which is unlikely), it will take time to restore trade ties and the economic situation.
  3. Economic downturn. The rates of production are not yet high, the number of jobs does not compensate for the need for them, and the incomes of the population do not allow achieving the required well-being.
  4. Due to the decrease in the Central Bank rate, an outflow of foreign capital is expected, which weakens the national currency of the Russian Federation.

The likelihood of the ruble strengthening

At the end of 2019, the ruble grew. Is an increase allowed in 2020? Perhaps, but with positive changes: if the level of GDP increases, the sanctions will be lifted, the rate of production will accelerate, and oil will cost about $ 80-95. Can we hope for such a change?

According to some experts, the American economy is now entering a stage of a slow decline. But it is not considered critical, and a global crisis should not be expected. This is likely to negatively affect the dollar, and its rate against the Russian currency will decline. The slowdown in the rate of production also has a negative effect.


Ruble stabilization

The neutral position seems more reliable, according to which the dollar will not rise and the ruble will not fall in October. The level of GDP is dropping slightly, Russia has trade ties with large partners, and the rate of production is not greatly underestimated. Inflation is observed in the range of 3%, and by the end of 2020, a position of 3, 6-3, 8% is expected. But this is a slight hesitation.

Nor should we expect a rapid rise in the ruble, since the Central Bank is restraining price surges so that the currency is not heavily dependent on oil. Taking into account the fiscal rule, income in excess of $ 40 is spent on the formation of foreign exchange reserves and the purchase of international currencies.


Approximate figures

The forecast of the dollar rate for October 2020 by days, made by analysts, shows approximate changes. The table shows these indicators.

date Dollar rate
01.10.2020 63, 7
02.10.2020 64
03.10.2020 64
04.10.2020 64
05.10.2020 64, 6
06.10.2020 64, 7
07.10.2020 64, 9
08.10.2020 65, 1
09.10.2020 65, 2
10.10.2020 64, 4
11.10.2020 64, 4
12.10.2020 63, 6
13.10.2020 63
14.10.2020 62, 6
15.10.2020 62, 5
16.10.2020 62, 4
17.10.2020 62, 4
18.10.2020 62, 4
19.10.2020 62, 2
20.10.2020 62, 3
21.10.2020 62, 4
22.10.2020 62, 6
23.10.2020 62, 7
24.10.2020 62, 9
25.10.2020 62, 9
26.10.2020 63, 5
27.10.2020 64, 4
28.10.2020 64, 8
29.10.2020 65, 2
30.10.2020 65, 2
31.10.2020 65

These figures are considered approximate, since the table is compiled on the assumptions of analysts. Although there is still time before October, it is difficult for experts to form long-term forecasts. In fact, it is not so easy to foresee all the factors that may appear in the future.
