Maria Sittel: "Children make us wiser"
Maria Sittel: "Children make us wiser"

The famous TV presenter Maria Sittel became a mother of many children last year. Now the star is raising four children, and this troublesome occupation does not at all interfere with her career. Moreover, according to Sittel, it is time to forget about the stereotypes according to which employers do not really like parents with many children.


Now Maria, together with her husband Alexander Tereshchenko, is raising one-year-old Nikolai, two-year-old Savva and four-year-old Ivan. The eldest daughter of a TV presenter from her first marriage is already 19 years old. Raising three boys in almost the same weather is not very easy, and Sittel does not hide it.

"It's complicated. I'll be honest. Probably, the Lord gives strength, - the host confessed to the edition of "7 Days". - I recently watched a young mother walking down the street with a child, he was four years old. And so she scolded him: “You pulled me! Stop! Don't shout, I told you …”I in no way condemn her, I just wanted to help her and support her with a word. I immediately remembered myself, with one small child in my arms. I felt so sorry for myself at times: it seemed to me that I had no time to do anything, that there was no way to take care of myself, that life consisted only of worries and worries about the child. And such thoughts sometimes appeared exactly before the birth of the next one. And now everything is fine! I have time for everything. Children make us wiser. I don't know where this understanding comes from, but now the main thing for me is that they are all here, they are near, they are mine!"

By the way, the host herself is no longer going on maternity leave. “You won't wait! - said Maria. - When my boys grow up a little and I have a little more free time, I will make myself a workshop somewhere in the bathhouse - and there I will sew, tinker, saw, plan. And I will definitely put the potter's wheel on."

The presenter once again reminded all the girls planning motherhood: “With the birth of a child, your whole life changes, and you need to be ready for this. In any case, no matter how many children there are, becoming a mother, you will no longer be able to just sit with a book or watch TV all evening."

She also advised not to worry about your career. "I want to say to all women who are afraid to give birth because of their career: believe me, most people will understand your desire to become a mother."
