Potential mistress of Evgeni Plushenko is being discussed on the web
Potential mistress of Evgeni Plushenko is being discussed on the web

One of the most discussed couples in Russian show business are Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko. They regularly display family photos that capture the happy moments of their married life. With the same enviable regularity, haters strive to separate the producer and the skater. So, recently, information appeared in the media about Plushenko's secret mistress.


As stated in the press, the girl lives near Yevgeny's parents and is a St. Petersburg model. The relationship between them has been going on for 2, 5 years. In addition, the journalists reported that Rudkovskaya knew about the betrayal, and that is why she insisted on a wedding with her husband. However, this did not save the situation, and Eugene did not give up this love affair.

Moreover, Plushenko allegedly even managed to light up with his mistress at some social events and go on a joint vacation with her. As for how Yana reacts to what is happening, several assumptions have been made in the media.


According to one version, the producer values the beautiful picture of her family life too much, and in no way wants to ruin it. To this end, she prefers to close her eyes and forgive the betrayal of her unfaithful husband.

Another assumption is that Rudkovskaya herself initiated this story and invented it for PR. This does not seem so unreliable, given the recent story of the attempted assassination of the Dwarf Dwarf.

At the same time, it should be said that the source from which the information about Zhenya's betrayal was obtained is not indicated, the distributor of these rumors wished to remain anonymous. However, this did not embarrass the media, which happily picked up the gossip.


Yana and Eugene have already reacted to it. The producer in her Telegram channel posted a message from her husband, where you can hear that he laughed when he heard this news. Zhenya asked why the press did not write that he had as many as five mistresses, and said that their project could be considered successful if there was so much hype around him.
