How to draw attention to yourself?
How to draw attention to yourself?

Video: How to draw attention to yourself?

Video: How to draw attention to yourself?
Video: Как привлечь к себе внимание. How to Draw Attention to Yourself 2024, April
Your advertising campaign
Your advertising campaign

Today, for almost any modern girl, terms such as: "PR", "advertising campaign", "action to stimulate demand" are actively and meaningfully used constructions. But, cleverly and skillfully operating with tricky concepts in our native office, not each of us implements "new technologies" into Personal Life, far from office austerity and job descriptions. And, you must admit, where, where, and even in personal life, such "professional techniques" as "ambulance" (or even "resuscitation"), "black PR" or "artificial market stimulation" are always relevant!

So, first, let's develop a draft of your Advertising Campaign. The Word has long been the girl's most faithful assistant on the way to "personal life" success. The "great and mighty" communication tool still occupies one of the first places in the rating of methods of popularizing one's own person in society. Do you crave fame ?! Remember the most active (and, as a result of a well-conducted advertising campaign, the most famous) consumers of the services of PR specialists. Who comes to mind first? Right! Hollywood stars, popular singers and singers of all stripes and other celebrities. Here is who bathes in the glory! But you are also quite capable of organizing for yourself your beloved your personal hour (day, week..) of the Great Triumph. The scale, of course, is more modest, but you will not spend so much effort to immortalize your name in the hearts you need.

A great way, tested for success by the same celebrities, is Gossip. In this context, this biting word loses its disgusting meaning, turning into your ally. Yes Yes! After all, gossip about your precious person you will "dissolve" yourself! And, if in the case of "dirty insinuations" at your expense, the authors of which were elements unfriendly to you, the content of gossip still drives you into shock, everything is under control here.

Do you want them, wide-eyed, whispering behind your back about your closest friendships in famous circles? Tell the "secret" of the most indefatigable of the familiar "chatting" lovers that in order to achieve any goal, "mere mortals" are inaccessible to you, "alas, although I am not a fan of such methods, but … I had to use the warm support of the faithful buddy … "- something like that, yes. And do not forget to add in a half-whisper "Just don't tell ANYONE!" Everything. Wait for the results tomorrow: views "with meaning" and conversations "about the role of a good friend in our life" in your presence. And "behind the back" there is an envious hiss that "to someone everything (in our case - to you …), and to someone a fig …" You are popular! The goal has been achieved. And with "competent business management", that is, by launching another duck into the voyage, you can remain popular as much as your soul (and imagination) desires! The main thing is not to slip into a banal lie. That is, periodically confirming your newfound status with quite tangible realities. (With a strong desire, this is not difficult).

I foresee the indignation of a certain part of the audience, they say, such actions are not quite an honest method for gaining popularity, and in general "is it really impossible to win the attention of others with anything else ?!" Can. For example, sports records, indisputable scientific achievements … and many other admirable deeds. And you can do it in the above way. As they say, everyone has their own …

Intrigue and manipulation are not in our honor. And even these words are rather negative. But, as they say nowadays: THEY WORK! And for those of us for whom not any, but, let's say, MANY means in achieving our own goal are good, they are quite suitable. And is it possible to condemn a person who stubbornly strives to conquer the heights of life, even if he cheated a little? In addition, it is a generally accepted fact that it is precisely the so-called Gray Cardinals who, by manipulating and creating a whole web of various kinds of intrigue and intricacies, actually control this or that situation. And they "rule" people the way they need and benefit at the moment. And, at least, no one will reproach such Manipulators in the absence of intelligence: effective manipulation requires large-scale thinking!

The same "black PR" after a network of high-profile revelations appears to us at every step: "Ah, this is why Sidorova divorces her husband so loudly and scandalously during the period of the quarterly report! Everything is clear - she wants her name to be heard., maybe they will remember her when the chief accountant, having failed to complete the report, retires … Unmasked! Declassified!"

But for many years they lived happily ever after, being absolutely sure that if, for example, some famous actress gets married, this is definitely love, and if the "dirty paparazzi" caught one of the "stars" in an "indecent" form, then this is some kind of disgrace! And not at all a carefully planned action aimed at creating (or maintaining) the hype around this or that character.

Here, very by the way, you can reflect on the interesting topic "How to avoid becoming a potential victim of someone else's PR campaign." Agree, there is something to think about!

Try to "filter" all the information that has come to you, for example, over the last week … Take away what caused the most emotional response in your soul. Now carefully analyze what facts or events can be presented to you, "hanging ears", as tools of a PR campaign? And who can benefit from your violent reaction to them? I assure you, if you, even if out of simple curiosity, carry out your mini-investigation, in the future its results will be very useful to you! Firstly, they will become an excellent "practical material" for creating your own "projects" in this interesting area, and, secondly, they will help you not to get hooked on other people's manipulations!
