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Essential toothpaste: new uses
Essential toothpaste: new uses

Video: Essential toothpaste: new uses

Video: Essential toothpaste: new uses

How many uses of toothpaste do you know other than its intended use? The most knowledgeable will remember its abrasive properties and the old ways of cleaning table silver. In fact, the treasury of useful tips can be replenished with a mass of new recipes from the category of "the mistress of the note."


Down with the smell

How to get rid of unpleasant odors quickly? For example, you peel an onion or garlic - the skin has absorbed the smell, and the soap solution cannot effectively solve this problem. What to do? Apply toothpaste to your palms, wait a couple of minutes and wash your hands with warm water - the specific aroma will disappear. You can do the same with cooking utensils that you used when handling strong-smelling foods. Knives, cutting boards, graters, blenders, bowls, plates can all be rubbed with toothpaste to get rid of the smell.

Are air fresheners for bathrooms and toilets getting more expensive? Try mint paste.

Along the way, a little secret for young mothers: the sour smell from baby bottles will also disappear if they are cleaned according to the above scheme.

Are air fresheners for bathrooms and toilets getting more expensive? Try mint paste. If you make several punctures in a plastic tube and place it in a cistern, then the output will be a real menthol waterfall. The odor will be persistent compared to conventional nebulizers. In addition, from a medical point of view, for allergy sufferers, this type of room aromatization is safer.

Anti-stain agent

Versatile stain remover: even tough stains can be dealt with without dry-cleaning. Before sending laundry with traces of lipstick, stains from coffee, tea or berries to the washing machine, apply “tooth foam” to the contaminated area (you can get it by squeezing a little mass from the tube onto a clean wet sponge, which then needs to be squeezed several times) … Housewives who have adopted this method assure that the cleaning properties of such a homemade mixture are much higher than industrial counterparts.


In addition to fabrics, you can do the same with fat and stubborn dirt on dishes, with darkened rims of cups and plates, stains on spoons, forks, pots. We apply, wait, three, wash off - minimum effort and maximum result.

What's more, toothpaste can replace expensive cleaning products for chrome plated sanitary ware in the bathroom and kitchen, such as water taps.

Cosmetic and medical procedures

Did you know that the inflammatory process in the formation of acne can be slowed down by applying a little ordinary paste to the skin? If you do this in the evening, then overnight the redness will disappear, and the pustule will dry out and decrease in size. Insect bites will also stop itching if you use this "ointment". And even the terrible herpes will surrender under the onslaught of an effective home remedy, however, only if the effect is exerted at the initial stage of the disease.

If you make mini-masks for 2-3 minutes in the evenings, then the result will be noticeable in a week.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, toothpaste has many more advantages. For example, it is an excellent remedy for strengthening and whitening nails. If you make mini-masks for 2-3 minutes in the evenings, then the result will be noticeable in a week.

Surprisingly, toothpaste can even be viewed as an anesthetic. Some experts advise using it as a first aid for burns, calluses and even … toothache! In the latter case, it is recommended to squeeze a little paste into the hollow and leave it there before going to the doctor, thereby reducing the level of pain.


Repair assistance

Children's drawings with markers and pens on freshly painted walls? Holes in drywall? Are there cracks in the ceiling tiles? It doesn't matter - we arm ourselves with another tube. We wipe the walls, cover up the holes and mask them with paint of the appropriate color, treat the cracks with a "dental" compound and let them dry - the paste will merge in color with the plates.

Want to extend the life of old things? Get rid of scratches on CDs with toothpaste! Apply, then gently polish in a circular motion, rinse off the paste, and almost killed specimens can be used normally again.

How to polish the headlights without making a dent in the family budget by buying special expensive ointments? That's right, with the same toothpaste! Apply in a thin layer, three times and rinse off. A simple way will provide the desired result without effort and wasted.

By the way, for all of the above, expensive brands are not required at all, you can get by with inexpensive domestic brands. Stock up on tubes and surprise your loved ones with an unusual approach to solving everyday problems.
