Health status depends on the length of the legs
Health status depends on the length of the legs

Video: Health status depends on the length of the legs

Video: Health status depends on the length of the legs
Video: Отек ног истинный и ложный. Почему, как распознать и как лечить. Видеобеседа для ВСЕХ и для врачей. 2024, April

The length of female legs, as scientists have found, is not only aesthetic value. The longer the legs, the less health problems a woman has, in particular with the liver. According to doctors who have conducted a study on several thousand women aged 60 to 79 years, women with leg lengths shorter than average are at increased risk of liver disease.

Researchers from the University of Bristol, during a special program, tested the activity of four liver enzymes in 4,300 women - gamma-glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase, ALT and AST. These indicators allow you to judge how well an organ is working or how badly it is damaged. In short-legged women, increased enzyme activity was recorded, while in women with long legs, the activity of three out of four enzymes was lower.

Another version of the relationship between leg length and liver health, put forward by scientists, is the effect of high growth on liver size, which, in turn, determines the activity of enzymes. Scientists intend to continue research on a larger scale.

"The activity of liver enzymes is determined, in principle, by the same factors as a good intensive growth of a child - proper nutrition and high physical activity, so long legs can be considered as an external indicator of liver health," - said study leader Abigail Fraser.

“Our work definitely demonstrates the importance of healthy lifestyles, which should be followed from childhood. We would like to advise everyone to follow a low-fat diet and not abuse alcohol, so as not to fall victim to liver disease, which, incidentally, affects one in five in Britain,”says Fraser.
