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How many calories are in one banana: nutritional value and composition of the fruit
How many calories are in one banana: nutritional value and composition of the fruit

Video: How many calories are in one banana: nutritional value and composition of the fruit

Video: How many calories are in one banana: nutritional value and composition of the fruit

Banana is a delicious and healthy fruit. However, nutritionists consider it one of the most high-calorie foods. Therefore, women who adhere to proper nutrition and monitor their figure are often interested in whether it is possible to include a sweet fruit in their diet.


The calorie content of a banana depends on many factors: size and weight, degree of ripeness, variety. Therefore, in order to maintain harmony, you need to learn how to choose the right fruits.


Calorie content of different types of bananas

People are used to seeing ordinary bananas from Ecuador on supermarket shelves. However, few people think about the existence of other varieties.

So, sometimes you can find mini-bananas on sale. They are also called "baby". These fruits are sold in large bunches. The main difference is the lower calorie content. In 100 gr. the pulp "baby" is present up to 80-90 kcal, while in the pulp of a regular banana - from 95-100 kcal.

Platano is a rare green banana with a low sugar content and a sour taste. The energy value of such a fruit is only 60 kcal per piece.


Ripe dessert varieties with very sweet pulp and pleasant aroma have the lowest calorie content. The reason is that these fruits contain a minimum of starch.

In one fruit without a peel, the calorie content will be different. The pulp of an unripe banana contains about 120 kcal, ripe - 90 kcal.

How much does a medium-sized banana weigh without peel

To correctly calculate the calorie content, you need to know the weight of an average banana without a peel. And this is about 150 gr. An average unpeeled fruit weighs 200 grams. That is, the peel takes up ¼ of the total weight.

Usually, a whole bunch of fruits is bought in stores. 5 pieces are tightened by about 1 kg.

The composition and calorie content of a banana

A single peeled fruit contains the following nutrients:

  • proteins - 1, 1-1, 5 gr.;
  • fats - 0, 3-0, 5 gr.;
  • carbohydrates - 21-23 gr.

In addition, banana pulp contains vitamins, minerals and fiber. Therefore, when consumed regularly, fruits have a positive effect on the entire body and serve as the prevention of depression.


Bananas are especially rich in B vitamins, ascorbic acid, potassium and magnesium. Scientists consider ripe fruits with dark spots on the peel to be the most beneficial for the body.

Scientists note that ripe bananas are the healthiest ones, which may have dark spots on their skins. It is these fruits that are desirable to choose in order to note the maximum possible benefit of the fruit.

As already mentioned, the calorie content of fresh bananas is determined by the variety and degree of ripeness. Usually, shops sell dessert varieties of bananas, which are small in size and weigh up to 200 grams on average. Large bananas of the Platano variety may not taste sweet enough, but they are also higher in calories and high in starch.

Ripe dessert bananas with very sweet pulp and pleasant aroma have the lowest calorie content.


In 1 piece of banana without peel, the calorie content will be different. The pulp of an unripe fruit contains 120 calories, a ripe fruit - 90.

Does banana contain starch

Bananas always contain starch. But the percentage of the substance may differ. So, unripe green fruits are rich in resistant starch. The latter is not digested in the small intestine, but is fermented in the large intestine. It is for this reason that unripe fruit often leads to increased gas production.

Ripe bananas contain highly digestible starch. In the human body, such a substance turns into sugar and is quickly digested. Therefore, ripe fruits taste sweeter than green ones.

Are bananas allowed during the diet?

Many dieters are only interested in how many calories a banana contains. At the same time, they forget about the pleasant effects of eating the fruit. So, bananas have the following beneficial properties:

  • reduce swelling;
  • provide a long feeling of satiety;
  • supply the body with useful energy, increasing efficiency;
  • gently cleanse the body of toxins;
  • stimulate intestinal motility, preventing constipation;
  • contribute to the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy;
  • normalize metabolism.

Thus, it is quite possible for a losing weight person to include 1-2 bananas in their daily diet.

Can i eat bananas after exercise?

Scientists believe bananas can and should be eaten after exercise. These fruits replenish muscle glycogen and accelerate the repair of damaged myofibrils.


In addition, the fruits contain potassium and magnesium. These macronutrients are very beneficial for replenishing energy and preventing muscle cramps after intense exercise.

Are bananas allowed for drying the body

No. During the drying period, the diet is limited to foods high in carbohydrates, including bananas. Then the body begins to lack energy, and instead of using glucose, it is forced to burn its own fat reserves.

Low-carbohydrate food is contraindicated for people who suffer from diabetes, heart disease, liver, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract diseases.

Is it possible to eat bananas at night while losing weight

A dietitian can either allow or forbid eating bananas at night while losing weight. Before giving a consultation, a specialist takes into account the individual characteristics of the body, current diseases, habits.

In most cases, eating bananas at night is undesirable. In the afternoon, the metabolism slows down, which leads to weight gain from eating carbohydrate foods.


Thus, bananas can be included in the diet even when losing weight. But it is important to take into account the calorie content of different varieties and not to overuse the product.
