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Haircut calendar in October 2018: lucky days
Haircut calendar in October 2018: lucky days

Video: Haircut calendar in October 2018: lucky days

Video: Haircut calendar in October 2018: lucky days

Mid-Autumn is a great time to refresh your look. You probably know that one of the most important parts of it is the haircut. She is able to emphasize dignity, hide imperfections, visually correct facial imbalances and completely change the inner perception of one's own "I".

In order for the reincarnation to go off with a bang, have a beneficial effect on the hair structure and have a positive effect on life events, be sure to choose a good day for a haircut in October 2018.


Calendar by day

The phase of the earth's satellite, its location in one of the 12 zodiacs, the sequence of the lunar days - all these parameters are taken into account by astrologers when drawing up a haircut horoscope. They affect the rate of hair growth, hair structure, natural radiance, and styling sensitivity.

In addition, these factors affect your bioenergetics and can significantly change the usual course of life.

If you follow the recommendations of experts and choose a favorable day for going to the master, you will be able to preserve the beauty of the strands, fill them with strength, and get rid of negative emotions. Feel a surge of energy, attract success, love, prosperity, find harmony with yourself and the world around you.


To independently choose a good day for a haircut in October 2018, carefully read the advice of astrologers:

  • 01.10 - you can slightly adjust the shape and trim the ends. But there is a possibility that the strands will slightly curl and fluff. But the manipulations of the hairdresser will improve the work of the respiratory system, relieve depressed mood and help to quickly find a common language with unfamiliar people;
  • 02.10-03.10 - not the best time to change the length. The structure of the hair will suffer, dandruff will appear. A chain of minor troubles is possible;
  • 04.10-05.10 - after visiting the salon, you will become the proud owner of lush, thick, shiny, strong strands. The hairstyle will keep its shape perfectly, it will be easy to give in to styling measures. But be prepared for the fact that your emotional stability may be disturbed. You will become more likely to conflict and spoil your position in society;
  • 06.10 - feel free to go to the hairdresser. Hair growth will accelerate, they will be filled with strength and energy, the ends will not split longer, and the neat shape of the haircut will remain for a long time. Thanks to the new image, your charm will increase, it will turn out to enlist the support of the right people;
  • 07.10 - despite the positive effect of this day on your hair, you may feel a general breakdown and fall into melancholy;
  • 08.10-09.10 - postpone the trip to the salon. You will not be happy with your new haircut, and your hair will start to frizz and tangle. October 9th is especially dangerous. On the day of the new moon, you will not only spoil your strands, but also significantly harm your health;
  • 10.10-12.10 - go to the master if you have thin, weak, dull and lifeless hair. Thanks to the correction of the length, their condition will significantly improve. The haircut scheduled for October 12, preferably before 10:32. Otherwise, get ready for minor troubles at work;
  • 13.10-14.10 - the growth of the strands will accelerate, but they will begin to get confused and stop giving in to styling. But you will feel a surge of cheerfulness, many new ideas will appear, you will find an unexpected solution to a difficult problem;
  • 15.10-16.10 - good days for a haircut in October 2018. Hair will become thicker, stronger, will stop falling out, the time before split ends appear, styling will be easy to manage. A new hairstyle will improve the functioning of the immune system, attract material benefits, charge with positive energy, relieve negative emotions and experiences;
  • 17.10-19.10 - days of experiments and unusual solutions. If you have long wanted to completely change the image, it's time to move on to action. The structure of the hair will not be affected, even strong chemicals will not cause significant harm to it. But on the 17th, it is advisable to visit the master only after 15:11, on October 18 until 15:41, and on the 19th after 16:06 (Moscow time is indicated). Otherwise, health problems and a series of misfortunes are possible;
  • 20.10-21.10 - bad days. The structure of the strands and the scalp will suffer, split ends will quickly appear. Wellness, restorative procedures will be beneficial;
  • 22.10-24.10 - the hair is very vulnerable. Careless handling of them will lead to deterioration of the quality of the rods. You will have to spend a lot of time recovering them. Inevitably strong loss, brittleness, an abundance of split ends;
  • 25.10-26.10 - the condition of the strands will improve markedly, but their growth will slow down. In addition, malfunctions of the circulatory and endocrine systems are possible;
  • 27.10-28.10 - the quality of the hair will remain unchanged. The hairstyle will turn out to be lush and light, but it will be almost impossible to make a decent styling. A haircut can weaken the immune system;
  • 29.10-30.10 - the strands will begin to get confused, become brittle, naughty. Despite this, the work of the master will improve mood, relieve sadness, melancholy, depression, and strengthen health;
  • 31.10 - a good day for a haircut in October 2018. The hair will become much thicker, stronger, stronger, a beautiful shine will appear, the hairstyle will turn out to be voluminous. You can get rid of failures, return a positive attitude.

Astrologers call the most favorable dates 6, 15, 16, 31 October.

These days, a haircut can improve the condition of the strands, strengthen the roots, restore strength and energy to the hairstyle.

But don't forget about proper care. In the middle of autumn, be sure to use high-quality and professional hair products. They must contain plant extracts and vitamins. Do nourishing masks 1-2 times a week.
