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How to choose a method of early development for a child
How to choose a method of early development for a child

Developing games and activities, new discoveries every day, a positive attitude, pleasure from the process - this is how you can describe in a few words the mother's contribution to the early development of the child. What is the secret of success from the first days of life? In creating comfortable conditions for the disclosure of the child's potential and in a reasonable combination of early development methods. Evgenia Belonoshchenko, an expert of the Nutrilon brand on early development, told us about the latter.


Right choice

The concept of "early development" came into use for many years and, nevertheless, is still controversial due to the variety of approaches and directions. What methodology should be taken as the basis of development for your child? Let's try to figure it out!

All the basic ideas of early development are based on one fact - the human brain grows and develops most actively only in the earliest childhood. It's about the age of three. If during this period it is not just to play and read with the child, but to apply the methods of early development, then the child begins to develop even faster and more intensively.


What to choose from?

There are many techniques. Here are some examples of the most famous ones:

Classes should be intense. They stimulate speech development and help build vocabulary.

  • Glen Doman's techniques stimulate the development of the brain and general erudition to a greater extent. The American physiotherapist relies on good visual memory in children from 0 to 3 years old. He recommends showing the kids cards not with letters, but with large written words that need to be pronounced clearly. Later, parents show pictures and just as clearly say what is depicted on them. Classes should be intense. They stimulate speech development and help build vocabulary.
  • Games by Cecile Lupan, author of Believe in Your Child, are based on the contact between mother and child and contribute to intellectual development. Cecile emphasizes the importance of live communication, advises to explain everything that is happening around him, without fear that the child will not understand, sing songs together, play more and stop any activities until the first signs of fatigue.
  • The Nikitins' technique teaches to reason, independently solve problems and unleash creative potential. It involves the joint play of children and their parents. The Nikitins call games “the steps of creativity” because you can improve the rules depending on your skills and add new tasks. Most games are more like puzzles.
  • Nikolai Zaitsev's techniques in a playful format teach children to read and write from an early age. And all this with the help of cubes of different sizes and colors. On their edges are syllables and sounds. Moreover, cubes with sonorous sounds are filled with the same sonorous material, for example, pieces of iron. Vowels - with copper details, voiceless ones - with wooden ones. The different color of the letters helps to associatively learn the rules of phonetics. Lev Tolstoy proposed such an approach to teaching at one time.
  • The Waldorf system is aimed at the spiritual development of children. They are not taught to read, write and count before school, they avoid stress on memory, but they focus on physical and creative development. The key factor is the special atmosphere: benevolence, lack of fuss, interior decorated with natural materials, abandonment of gadgets in favor of homemade toys.

Do you need to choose?

Masaru Ibuka, author of the book After 3 It's Late, spoke of early development as creating an environment in which a child actively learns the world around him. In his opinion, the goal of early development is to make the child happy.

Children will definitely grow up healthy and inquisitive if adults show them the limitlessness of their possibilities and give them the right to choose to do what they love.

This is why many experts consider the combination of the best techniques and the best working methods of different authors to be the most effective way of development.

The task of the mother in this matter is to choose programs that will take into account the psychological and physiological characteristics of the child. It is not difficult - it is enough to take into account the age of the baby, his skills and the desire to develop this or that ability, be it figurative thinking, creativity, speech or ear for music.
