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Cooking a delicious dried fruit compote
Cooking a delicious dried fruit compote

Video: Cooking a delicious dried fruit compote

Video: Cooking a delicious dried fruit compote
Video: Рецепт: КОМПОТ ИЗ СУХОФРУКТОВ, очень вкусно! / DRIED FRUIT COMPOTE, very tasty! 2024, April

Many housewives prefer not to buy various juices in stores, but to cook healthy compotes from fresh and dried fruits at home. Homemade drinks are more useful, while here the hostess herself controls the compote preparation process.

You can add a wide variety of fruits and berries to such drinks, but we will talk in more detail about how to cook dried fruit compote. Today there are many recipes with photos for preparing this drink, we will describe the most delicious, simple and popular.


Simple cooking tips

There are some simple guidelines to help you get a delicious and aromatic drink from dried fruits:

  1. Housewives often use dried fruits that are bought in the store, since there is no way to use homemade fruits. If you have to use purchased fruits and berries for cooking, you should be careful about the quality of the purchase. Good dried apricots, for example, should have a dull color, and there will be no inclusions in it. When the dried fruit has a bright hue, this may indicate the presence of dyes and preservatives.
  2. Before using dried fruits, they should be thoroughly rinsed in water and then dried. So that the berries are well washed, it is recommended to soak them in cold water for 15 minutes. Prepared fruits are placed only in boiling water.
  3. At least four liters of water are used per kilogram of dried fruits, since during the cooking process the fruits will double in size.
  4. The duration of cooking plays an equally important role, if you cook the compote for longer than the specified time, then the fruits will completely lose their beneficial properties. For example, pears and apples are first soaked, and then boiled for no more than half an hour. Raisins are allowed to cook for no more than five minutes, and the rest of the dried fruits are cooked for no more than 15 minutes.
  5. Many housewives want to know how to cook dried fruit compote, but the end of cooking plays an important role here. After the drink is ready, it is removed from the heat, covered with a lid and wrapped in a warm towel. In this form, the compote is infused for at least two hours.

Some recipes with photos suggest adding not only granulated sugar to drinks, but also a little natural honey, cane sugar and fructose. To enhance the taste, cinnamon powder and cloves are used. Apple and pear compote goes well with various citrus fruits.


Classic compote with sugar

Today, the hostess can purchase a set of dried fruits in any store, which is intended for cooking compote. Still, chefs advise to buy dried fruits separately, or cook them yourself to get a really tasty and healthy drink.


  • granulated sugar - to taste;
  • dried apples - 200 grams;
  • prunes - 100 grams;
  • dried pear - 50 grams;
  • dried apricots - 50 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Before you start preparing compote, you should prepare all the products. To do this, the ingredients are first washed and then dipped in boiling water several times. Thus, berries and fruits are cleaned of impurities. After that, you can transfer the ingredients to a colander and rinse with plain water.
  2. Now you need a deep saucepan, about three liters of water is poured into it and put on high heat. As soon as the water begins to boil, dried fruits are transferred into it, pears and apples are first placed, a little later, prunes and dried apricots are laid out.
  3. Apples and pears are boiled for fifteen minutes, after which they put prunes and dried apricots, and boil for another fifteen minutes. Only then add granulated sugar to the compote. The drink is stirred and boiled for another ten minutes.
  4. When the drink is completely ready, it is removed from the heat, covered with a lid and wrapped in a towel. In this form, the compote is infused for at least one hour.

Compote with cherries and honey

This recipe with a photo makes it possible to understand how to properly cook dried fruit compote so that it turns out to be fragrant and rich. As a result, the drink will get a beautiful color and incredible taste.


  • raisins - 30 grams;
  • purified water - 1 liter;
  • fresh cherries - 30 grams;
  • prunes - 40 grams;
  • dried apples - 50 grams;
  • dried pears - 30 grams;
  • natural honey - 100 grams.

Cooking process:

First, all dried fruits are washed in water, and then transferred to a large saucepan, where the drink will be brewed

  • Pour the prepared fruits with purified water, and put the container on the fire to start cooking the compote.
  • It is worth considering that first apples and pears are put into the water, and after fifteen minutes of cooking, other components are added, except for raisins.

The drink is cooked until fully cooked, and five minutes before the end of cooking, you can pour raisins into the compote

  • Then honey is added to the drink and everything is thoroughly mixed, if the compote is not sweet enough, sugar is added to it, or the portion of honey is increased.
  • When the drink is ready, cover it with a lid and leave to cool.

Dried apricots recipe

The composition of such a compote will contain a minimum amount of ingredients, but still, the result is a sweet and tasty drink that will appeal to both children and adults. Thanks to the recipe with the photo, each housewife will be able to understand how to cook dried fruit compote correctly.


  • dried apricots - 350 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 cups.

Cooking process:

  1. One liter of purified water is poured into a small saucepan, after which the liquid is brought to a boil.
  2. Half a glass of granulated sugar is added to boiling water, the syrup is boiled until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. While the syrup is boiling, you should start preparing dried apricots. The berries are washed in water several times, then they are sorted out and seeds are removed, if any.
  4. Once the dried apricots are ready, they are sent to boiling syrup and boiled for about seven minutes. After that, the pan is covered with a lid and the drink is infused for about one hour.

Pumpkin recipe

This is a rather interesting option for cooking compote, the recipe is great for those housewives who love pumpkin. In addition, this compote will be useful for young children.


  • dried rose hips - 50 grams;
  • pumpkin - 200 grams;
  • a mixture of dried fruits - 200 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick.

Cooking process:

  1. The pumpkin is peeled and cut into small pieces, and the dried fruit mixture should also be sorted out. If necessary, the fruits and berries are washed and soaked for some time in water.
  2. One liter of water is poured into a saucepan, the required amount of granulated sugar is added there, and then rosehip berries are added.
  3. The container is placed on fire, and everything is cooked after boiling for fifteen minutes. During this period, the rosehip will become quite soft, and the water will acquire a pink tint.
  4. Another two liters of water are poured into the broth, after which they put a mixture of dried fruits and pumpkin there, add a cinnamon stick.
  5. Compote is cooked for twenty minutes. Sometimes it is necessary to increase the time to half an hour.
  6. The saucepan is removed from the heat and covered with a lid; in this form, the drink is infused before cooling.

Raisin compote

For many of us, compote is a drink from childhood, because it was often brewed by our mothers, and it was this drink that was served for lunch in kindergarten. We will try to prepare an equally delicious drink according to the recipe with the photo. This recipe does not contain granulated sugar, as the compote will become quite sweet thanks to the raisins.


  • dried apples - 100 grams;
  • prunes - 150 grams;
  • apricot - 50 grams;
  • pear - 100 grams;
  • raisins - 150 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Now you can learn how to cook such a dried fruit compote; for this, the dried fruits are washed with water and then poured with boiling water for a few minutes.
  2. After that, water is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil, prepared dried fruits are sent there. First, apples and pears are stacked, you can also put apricots in the water.
  3. These ingredients are boiled for twenty minutes, after which the remaining berries are added, the heat is reduced and boiled for about fifteen minutes.
  4. If possible, it is better to add raisins to the compote at the very end of cooking.
  5. The finished drink is left to infuse under the lid, if there is a desire, after cooling the drink is filtered.

This refreshing drink can be served both cold and hot. Compote goes well with a variety of desserts, or it is used as a third course during lunch.
