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Cooking sun-dried tomatoes at home for the winter
Cooking sun-dried tomatoes at home for the winter

Video: Cooking sun-dried tomatoes at home for the winter

Video: Cooking sun-dried tomatoes at home for the winter
Video: Sun dried tomatoes at home! Delicacy! 2024, April
  • Category:


  • Cooking time:

    1 hour


  • tomatoes
  • garlic
  • Provencal herbs
  • salt
  • sugar
  • vegetable oil

Sun-dried tomatoes are an excellent appetizer in Mediterranean cuisine. Learn how to prepare such a delicacy for the winter at home.

Sun-dried tomatoes in the dryer

Preparing sun-dried tomatoes for the winter is not so difficult, especially if the house has a dryer. But in order to get closer to the original Italian recipe, it is worth paying attention to the choice of tomatoes.

They should be ripe, fleshy, plum-shaped and not too large. Although at home you can dry absolutely any tomatoes.



  • tomatoes;
  • garlic (fresh and dried);
  • Provencal herbs;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • vegetable oil.


We wash the tomatoes well, dry them, cut them in half and cut out the stalks

  • There are two ways to dry tomatoes. For the first - remove the pulp with a spoon. But it is with the pulp that the appetizer tastes more intense, only such tomatoes will dry longer.
  • Divide small fruits into halves, and if they are large, then cut them into four parts.
  • On the grate of the dryer, place the tomato slices tightly with the cut up.
  • Sprinkle the halves with salt to extract excess moisture from them and add flavor.
  • Then sprinkle with sugar, even if you have chosen sweet varieties of tomatoes.
  • Put the grates with tomatoes in a dryer, set the temperature to 70 ° C and the time to 12 hours.
  • Put the finished sun-dried tomatoes on a plate.
  • Now we take two clean dry jars. In each layer we lay out fresh garlic chopped with plates, Provencal herbs and sun-dried tomatoes.

Fill the jars with sun-dried tomatoes with hot oil. You can also use cold, but this enhances the taste and aroma, starts the pasteurization process, which means that the snack will be stored longer

  • We put the finished snack in the refrigerator, you can store it until next season.
  • If you often withered and dry vegetables or fruits, then it is better to buy a dryer. This is very convenient, because you can set the desired temperature and time. You do not have to change the places of the grates, you can add many ingredients at once. Plus, the drying process itself takes place without personal participation.

Dried tomatoes in the oven - a recipe from Ilya Lazerson

You can dry tomatoes for the winter not only in a dryer, but also in a regular oven. And for the recipe, we turn to the famous chef Ilya Lazerson, who knows exactly how to cook sun-dried tomatoes at home.


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  • tomatoes;
  • thyme;
  • dry garlic;
  • salt;
  • olive oil.


  1. Cut the prepared tomatoes in half through the stalk.
  2. Put the tomato halves immediately on a wire rack covered with parchment.
  3. Sprinkle the tomatoes with dried thyme, then add dried garlic and lightly add salt.
  4. Now sprinkle the slices with olive oil.
  5. We send the tomatoes to dry for at least 6 hours in the oven on the "Convection" mode at a temperature of 50 ° С. It is advisable to open the oven door slightly so that the tomatoes are dried rather than dried.
  6. We put the finished sun-dried tomatoes in a clean jar, fill in with oil and put the appetizer for storage in the refrigerator.
  7. Tomatoes should not be watery, otherwise they will dry for a long time, and the taste will not be the same. From domestic varieties, the types "Chio-Chio-San" and "Buyan" will be a good choice. Also, a very tasty appetizer is obtained from cherry tomatoes.

Sun-dried tomatoes - a simple recipe

In Italy, tomatoes are dried under the hot sun, but now we will tell you how to prepare such a snack for the winter at home. You can dry tomatoes in the oven or dryer.

The main ingredients are spices. Sun-dried tomatoes are perfectly combined with Provencal herbs, which include rosemary, thyme, oregano, and basil.



  • tomatoes;
  • salt;
  • fresh garlic;
  • fresh thyme;
  • olive oil.


  • Cut the small fruits of the tomatoes into four parts. If desired, you can remove the pulp along with the seeds.
  • Put the tomato slices on a baking sheet with parchment or on the rack of the dryer and sprinkle with salt. We do not add spices yet, as they lose their aroma during the long drying process.

Cooking tomatoes in a dryer at a temperature of 50 ° C from 20 to 24 hours or put in an oven preheated to 50 ° C for 5-6 hours

  • After that, put a few sprigs of fresh rosemary and the same number of plates of fresh garlic on the bottom of the jar.
  • Next, lay out the sun-dried tomatoes and thus layer the tomatoes and spices.

We tamp the contents of the jar well and fill it with oil - olive or odorless vegetable. The oil should completely cover the tomatoes


We close the jar with a lid, let the workpiece brew for a couple of weeks and use it as intended


Regardless of which variety of tomatoes is chosen for drying, the main thing is to remember that from 5-6 kg of vegetables, on average, 300-400 g of sun-dried tomatoes are obtained. This should be taken into account when calculating other ingredients.


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Sun-dried tomatoes - a quick recipe

We offer another recipe for sun-dried tomatoes that can be prepared for the winter at home. It will take from 1 to 1.5 hours to dry the tomatoes in the oven, but it all depends on the size of the tomatoes and how the oven itself works.



  • tomatoes;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • oregano;
  • garlic;
  • olive oil.


  • Choosing fleshy tomatoes, you can take cream or cherry. Cut in half and cut out the core.
  • After the tomatoes, add, mix and leave for 10-15 minutes so that excess juice comes out of them, which will then need to be drained.

  • Put the tomato slices on a baking sheet with parchment and lightly sprinkle with granulated sugar. During the drying process, the sugar caramelizes and gives the sun-dried tomatoes a brighter flavor.
  • Sprinkle the tomatoes with oregano and sprinkle with olive oil if desired.
  • We send the tomatoes to the oven for 1-1.5 hours, the temperature is 120 ° C.

Cut the garlic into a clean jar, put the sun-dried tomatoes and fill everything with olive oil


If you want to extend the shelf life of sun-dried tomatoes, then the jar needs to be sterilized, and add 1-2 tbsp along with the oil. tablespoons of vinegar


Sun-dried confit tomatoes

Confit - sun-dried tomatoes, which are often prepared in Italy from oblong varieties of tomatoes with thin skin "San Marzano". But at home, you can use any varieties, the main thing is that they are fleshy and not too juicy.

Sun-dried tomatoes for the winter can be cooked in a vegetable dryer or in a conventional oven.



  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • spices;
  • salt and black pepper;
  • olive oil.


First, let's prepare the tomatoes. To do this, we cut out the stalks from the fruits and make cuts crosswise

  • After that, pour the tomatoes with boiling water, and after 2 minutes we transfer them to ice water, so that it is easier to peel the tomatoes.
  • Cut the peeled tomatoes into quarters and cut out the core along with all the partitions, seeds and juice. For drying, only the pulp is needed.
  • Now we put the quarters of tomatoes in rows on a baking sheet with parchment.
  • Put crushed garlic cloves between the rows.
  • We also put fresh herbs together with garlic. This can be thyme, rosemary, or basil.
  • Sprinkle the tomato slices with salt and pepper and sprinkle them generously with olive oil.
  • We send tomatoes into an oven preheated to 100 ° C. The drying time depends on the desired result. So, to get semi-dried tomatoes, that is, mini-confit, we dry them for 2-2, 5 hours. And to get exactly confit, it takes from 3 to 4 hours.

We transfer the sun-dried tomatoes to a container or jar, lightly pour oil and store the snack in a cool place

To prepare a dressing for sun-dried tomatoes, it is best to grind the salt together with spices and herbs in a mortar. So they are well saturated with each other's flavors and give them to the tomatoes without a trace.


Sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave

You can dry tomatoes in a dryer, oven and even in the microwave. This is the easiest and fastest way to prepare a delicious and aromatic Italian snack.


  • 5 tomatoes;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 20 ml olive oil;
  • 1 tsp provencal herbs;
  • salt to taste.


Cut the hard tomatoes in half, and then cut each half into thin slices

  • We transfer the tomatoes to the plate on which the tomatoes will be dried in the microwave.
  • Now salt the tomato slices and sprinkle with Provencal herbs.
  • Then we send the tomatoes to the microwave for 6 minutes, setting the highest power.
  • At this time, chop the cloves of a spicy vegetable into plates.
  • Then we take out the tomatoes, cool and repeat the drying process two more times for 6 minutes.
  • Put a layer of sun-dried tomatoes on the bottom of a clean jar, then garlic and again tomatoes.
  • At the end, add the remaining garlic and add olive oil to the tomatoes.
  • We close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator.

If tomatoes are cooked without using olive oil, then it is better to store them in closed cotton bags and always in a cool dark place.


Sun-dried tomatoes can be safely called a culinary masterpiece, because they can turn even an ordinary dish into a real delicacy. They go well with cheeses, vegetables and seafood. It is also a great side dish for both meat and fish. Therefore, at home, you should definitely prepare such a snack for the winter to make sure how tasty it is.
