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How to get rid of aphids on trees with folk remedies
How to get rid of aphids on trees with folk remedies

Video: How to get rid of aphids on trees with folk remedies

Video: How to get rid of aphids on trees with folk remedies

Garden pests begin their activity already with the appearance of the first leaves on the trees. If measures are not taken in time, then the owner risks not only the harvest, but also the garden plantings in general. Folk remedies, which are considered less safe for both the plants themselves and for humans, will help get rid of aphids.

Universal folk remedies

The effectiveness of such methods is lower than that of chemicals, however, treatment with folk remedies is practically safe for plants, fruits, bees and humans. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in case of large-scale damage to trees by aphids, such methods may be of little use. Trees need to be processed several times at intervals of 3 days.


Baking soda formulations

Baking soda solution is the most affordable and safest plant treatment. To prepare it, it is necessary to dissolve laundry soap in boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. shavings for 2 liters of water, cool, add soda (4 tbsp. l.).

To completely destroy the parasites, the infected tree should be treated completely: the entire trunk, branches and crown with young leaves.

Tobacco dust

There are two options for using tobacco dust: spray the trees with the prepared infusion and fumigate the pest with tobacco smoke. To do this, you need to kindle a small fire in the garden, observing all fire safety measures, then put it out and put tobacco dust on the hot coals. The direction of the wind should be taken into account, since the smoke must go to the affected trees.


Infusion of garlic

Garlic (3 cloves) finely chop or crush in a special device, add water (1 liter) and place in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Strain the infusion, pour it into a spray bottle. Treat trees as usual.


It has a pungent unpleasant odor that can scare away insects (aphids, ants and others), but it is not at all dangerous for human health. Another advantage of an odorous solution is that, once it gets into the ground, ammonia acts as an additional fertilizer for fruit-bearing trees.

One of the following folk recipes will help get rid of aphids in the garden:

  1. Dissolve children's washing powder (1 tbsp. L.) In water (5 l.), Add ammonia (4 tbsp. L.).
  2. Grind a bar of laundry soap, dissolve the resulting shavings in warm water (10 l). As soon as the soap is completely dispersed, add ammonia (50 ml) to the solution. Pour the resulting composition into a container with a spray bottle and treat the affected trees, focusing on the localization of the pest and young shoots.

The treatment must be repeated several times, taking a break between procedures for 1-2 days. It is best to do spraying in the evening, when pollinating insects fly out of the garden. It is not necessary to spray the plantings in rainy weather, since there will be no effect from the manipulation.

These folk remedies are suitable for processing both fruit and berry trees.

Aphids on apple and pear

Aphids, which infect apple and pear trees, are more attracted to young plants, so the main attention should be paid to just such plantings. To get rid of the pest, you need to prepare a solution based on onions, ash, potatoes or laundry soap:

  1. Dissolve soap shavings (300 g) in water (10 l) and treat fruit trees with the resulting composition.
  2. A good option would be the ash left over after cooking kebabs. It is mixed with water at the rate of 300 g / 10 l, the composition is brought to a boil, crushed soap (40 g) is added, the trees are cooled and sprayed.
  3. To prepare another remedy, you will need healthy potato tops, which are crushed and poured with water (10 l), infused for 3-4 hours, filtered through cheesecloth. For this purpose, both fresh and dry herbs are used.

An onion infusion will also help to get rid of aphids on a pear and an apple tree: 200 g (5-6 onions) of raw materials are cut along with the husk and poured with water (1 bucket), infused for 24 hours and sprayed.

Aphids on cherry plantings

Most often, cherries, like sweet cherries, are attacked by black aphids, which are difficult to identify at the initial stages: the insect does not spoil the berries and does not eat the foliage. Nevertheless, it is urgent to destroy the pest, delay can threaten the loss of the entire tree.


Self-prepared folk remedies will help to get rid of aphids on cherries and cherries, if they are used in combination with other methods of struggle.

One of the most popular and effective remedies is soap solution. If you spray this liquid on trees, the number of pests will be significantly reduced. To prepare a solution, you need to dilute crushed laundry soap (200 g) in water (2 l). To enhance the effect, add 100 g of ash.


The pest does not like the smell of garlic, so the vegetable is ideal for making infusions. It is necessary to grind the head, add water, leave for 5-6 days. Then pass the infusion through cheesecloth and dilute with water. 5 liters will require 30 g of the finished composition.

You can prepare a folk remedy based on iodine. One vial of the drug is diluted with water (1 l). With this solution, you can get rid of aphids on currants, raspberries, strawberries and other berry crops. For greater efficiency, a little milk is added to the solution.

Aphids on plum trees

Aphids attacking plum trees is a huge danger to plants and can completely destroy them. A small insect feeds on juices, which is why the affected crops begin to lag behind in growth, become depleted, and acquire a painful appearance. You can destroy the pest with the help of nature itself.


Experienced gardeners recommend attracting ladybirds to the site - the natural enemies of aphids. The larvae of these cute insects are especially active in the fight against the pest; they are able to destroy entire colonies in a short period.

A calendula planted next to plum trees will help attract a ladybug. To prevent beneficial insects from leaving the area with the onset of cold weather, a shelter should be prepared for them, which can be a small log or a log with drilled holes.

Birds are good tree protectors, so you should take care of birdhouses. If you intend to use folk remedies, it is recommended to prepare one of the following formulations:

  1. A mixture of hydrated lime (or ash) and tobacco chips. Pollinate trees with the resulting composition.
  2. Pour cow's milk (1 l) into a bucket of water (7-10 l), use for planting.

To get rid of aphids on the drain, a double treatment with a soap composition will help. The procedure is carried out before and after flowering. Instead of laundry soap, you can use liquid green insecticide soap.

Other means:

  1. For spraying, onion peel infusion is also used. To prepare it, you need to fill a glass of raw materials with a bucket (10 l) of water, insist, strain, process the plants.
  2. Another fairly effective composition is a solution based on potato and tomato tops with the addition of celandine. Pour the mixture with water, leave for three days.
  3. For the same purpose, nettle is used: a composition is prepared from 1 kg of raw materials and 10 liters of water, insisted for three days.
  4. If you urgently need to carry out processing, a solution based on horse sorrel will help: pour the roots of the plant (300 g) with boiling water (10 l). After 4 hours, the composition is ready for use.

Aphids on apricots

Garlic, soap and ash solutions will also help get rid of aphids on apricot. Other means:

  1. Kerosene and soap. Mix soap shavings (40 g) and kerosene (80 g), pour water (10 l). It is important to respect the proportions, otherwise you can burn the trees.
  2. Ash and soap. Prepare a solution of liquid soap (can be replaced with a detergent) and water in a proportion of 2 tbsp. l. / 10 l. To prepare a soap-ash solution, take 4 g of soap and 100 g of ash, pour boiling water (1 l), leave for 48 hours. Processing is carried out every 10 days.

Aphids do not tolerate the smell of dandelion, nettle, chamomile, wormwood, celandine and calendula. All these plants are also used as folk remedies to combat the pest.

You need to take 100 g of calendula (wormwood, celandine or chamomile) or 40 g of dandelion herb per 1 liter of boiling water.

Aphids on peaches

You can get rid of aphids on peaches using the following folk remedies:

  1. Onion peels and garlic. Mix onion peel (800 g) and chopped garlic (10 heads), add water (10 l), leave for a day. Then the solution must be filtered, filled into a spray bottle and treated with trees. In order to enhance the effect, add half a bar of laundry soap.
  2. Soap and tobacco powder. Grind soap (1 piece), add tobacco powder (1/4 kg), add water (10 l), leave for three days, use for spraying trees.
  3. Composition of wood ash, mustard and red pepper. It is necessary to take a glass of each component, pour water (10 l), stir. The solution is ready for use.


  1. Aphids that hit fruit and berry plantations are capable of causing tremendous harm to trees, up to their death.
  2. You can get rid of the pest without the use of chemicals, using folk remedies.
  3. Herbal infusions, as well as soap, garlic, onion and ash solutions are considered especially effective.
