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How to deal with late blight on tomatoes with folk remedies
How to deal with late blight on tomatoes with folk remedies

Video: How to deal with late blight on tomatoes with folk remedies

Video: How to deal with late blight on tomatoes with folk remedies
Video: EZ Baking Soda Fungicide for Tomato Blight Mildew & Mold | MIgardener 2024, April

As soon as the ripening of tomatoes begins, they are attacked by such an insidious disease as late blight. Therefore, it is very important to know how to deal with folk remedies with late blight on tomatoes.

Late blight of tomatoes - what is it, signs

Late blight (late blight) is a dangerous fungal disease. Fungal spores can be found everywhere: on seeds, in the soil, on garden tools, on the walls of the greenhouse.


In some years, this disease destroys up to 100% of the crop.

Phytophthora resembles rot:

  1. Flowers fall from the bushes.
  2. Black-brown spots appear on the leaves and stems.
  3. The inside of the leaves is covered with white bloom.
  4. The fruits soften, turn brown, with an unpleasant odor.
  5. The leaf plates curl, turn yellow and dry out.
  6. The plant rots completely.

Causes of late blight

In order to fight late blight on tomatoes as successfully as possible, including folk remedies, you need to know the causes of this disease:

  1. The most favorable conditions are high humidity (over 65%), a sharp temperature drop. This is especially observed in July and August.
  2. The soil lacks phosphorus, potassium, copper.
  3. Excess nitrogen, which causes abundant growth of green mass. Because of this, the ventilation of the bushes, their illumination by the sun, deteriorates. Moisture evaporates poorly.
  4. Failure to comply with crop rotation.
  5. Greenhouses are characterized by poor ventilation and lack of air circulation.

Outdoor prophylaxis

To reduce the risk of infection of tomato bushes in the open field, so that you do not have to look for ways to deal with late blight on tomatoes with folk remedies, the following preventive measures must be taken:

  • water the bushes in the morning (the ground under the plants should dry out by the evening) directly under the root, without touching the stems and leaf plates;
  • mulch planting, as this retains moisture at the roots, and the leaves remain dry;
  • avoid contact with the ground of the lower leaves, cutting them off to the third brush;
  • do not grow tomatoes where potatoes were previously planted;
  • keep the area clean, disinfect garden tools;
  • pinch, which improves ventilation;
  • observe crop rotation;
  • the best predecessors of tomatoes are cucumbers, onions, carrots;
  • maintain immunity, apply potash, phosphorus fertilizers (according to the instructions attached to the package).

Prevention in the greenhouse

Both in the garden and in the greenhouse, so that you do not have to fight late blight on tomatoes with folk remedies, preventive measures should not be neglected:

  • in order to maintain optimal humidity and temperature in the greenhouse, a ventilation device is installed;
  • in the fall, hard-to-reach places are disinfected with phytosporin or a 3-4% solution of copper sulfate (300-400 g of substance per bucket of water);
  • clean the greenhouse from tops, spoiled fruits, old trellises, garters;
  • remove the top soil (up to 20 cm), fill with a new one;
  • when planting seedlings, the planting scheme should be followed, do not thicken;
  • certainly cut off the lower leaves - up to the second brush, as well as stepsons;
  • the plants must be tied up.

The use of folk remedies in the open field

Tomatoes grown outdoors are less likely to become infected with late blight at low humidity and sufficiently high air temperatures. Infection with a fungal disease occurs during prolonged rains and cold weather.

How to deal with late blight on tomatoes in the garden with folk remedies? They are used in the evenings in warm, dry weather to prevent sunburn on the leaves. Daily use of products using milk whey or kefir is completely safe for tomatoes.


Milk serum

Applied fresh (no pasteurization). It is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio and the tomatoes are sprayed as soon as the need arises. Better daily for a week. Repeat after 10 days.

You can use yogurt or fermented kefir. Pour ½ cup of sour product into a 1 liter jar, add water to the top, add 2 drops of iodine. The mixture is ready.


Boric acid

Thanks to this tool, the taste of the fruit will improve, the number of ovaries will increase, their ripening will accelerate, and late blight will not attack. To prepare a solution, you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of the powder first in a small amount of hot water, then pour the solution into a bucket of water. Can be sprayed.

Copper wire

A grown plant is pierced with a copper wire with a cross section of 1 mm and a length of 3 cm at a height of 10 cm above the ground. The ends are directed down the stem. To prevent injury to the bush and delay its growth, wire should not be wrapped around the stem.

The point of this procedure is that copper ions along with the juice move upward inside the stem. Thus, the whole plant is provided with a microelement.


Garlic infusion

It is known that garlic pungent phytoncides have a detrimental effect on fungal spores. To use this property of garlic, you need to crush 300-400 g of a vegetable, insist in a bucket of water for a day.

Then strain the infusion, add potassium permanganate at the tip of a knife (2 g). Spray every 10-12 days. You need to start during the formation of ovaries. To save the harvest, it is good to plant garlic between tomato bushes.

Milk and iodine

Pour a liter of milk into a bucket of water, add iodine (20 drops). Spray every 10 days in dry weather.


Tinder fungus

Pour well chopped dry mushroom (100 g) with boiling water (1 liter). After it cools down, drain, you can spray.


In addition to fighting an insidious ailment, soda is an excellent top dressing. 4 tablespoons of the product and 2 tablespoons of crushed laundry soap are diluted in a bucket of water. Stir well. It should be sprayed in the evening in the absence of dew. Treatment frequency is every 2 weeks.


Hydrogen peroxide

This wonderful remedy not only fights late blight, but also increases seed germination, has disinfecting qualities, and saturates plants with oxygen. In the soil, from the oxidation process of the hydrogen and oxygen contained in this agent, spores of a dangerous fungal disease die.

Application: a solution at the rate of 100 ml of peroxide per 7 liters of warm water is poured into the wells, 2 liters each 5 days before planting the seedlings. The bushes are sprayed every week with a solution: 2 tablespoons of the drug for 2 liters of warm water.


Wood ash

Within 3 days, a solution is insisted: half a bucket of ash in a bucket of water, stir well. After this period, grated laundry or liquid soap (35 g) is added to the mixture, adding water to 30 liters.

They are processed 3 times per season:

  • after the seedlings have begun;
  • at the first flowering;
  • when the first ovaries appear.

Processing folk remedies in a greenhouse

To grow an environmentally friendly crop in a greenhouse, it is enough to know how to deal with late blight on tomatoes in a greenhouse using folk remedies. You need to use the same folk remedies as in the garden. But at the same time, the rules for growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions should be taken into account:

  1. Observe the humidity regime in the greenhouse.
  2. Provide a temperature of 21-23 degrees.
  3. In autumn, remove up to 20 cm of the top layer of soil.
  4. Provide adequate lighting.
  5. Remove dried leaf plates, fruits lying on the ground.
  6. Watering by all means at the root.
  7. Ventilate the greenhouse.
  8. Do not thicken the planting.
  9. Be sure to pinch.

The first step to a healthy harvest is careful seed preparation and seedling treatment both for growing tomatoes in the garden and in greenhouses.


Tips from experienced gardeners

Here are some recommendations of experienced vegetable growers on how to deal with folk remedies with late blight on tomatoes:

  1. Early varieties of tomatoes with amicable fruiting should be grown. Phytophthora does not have time to reach them.
  2. It is necessary to choose the varieties that are most resistant to fungal disease.
  3. Crop rotation must be observed. For growing tomatoes, do not use the place where the nightshades were predecessors (eggplant, peppers, potatoes).
  4. Avoid excess nitrogen in the soil.
  5. To disinfect the air from spores of a fungal disease, open vials of iodine can be placed in the corners of the greenhouse.
  6. After planting seedlings, it is necessary to mulch the soil with peat, needles, sawdust.
  7. In protected ground, watering should be provided - moderate, air - dry.
  8. To ventilate the doors and vents in the greenhouse, you need to keep them open more often.
  9. If you want to grow tomatoes in the greenhouse again next year, you need to plant lentils and beans in the fall.
  10. The first treatment should be started only after two weeks from the moment of planting the seedlings.


Thus, in order to get an excellent and environmentally friendly harvest of your favorite vegetable, it is important to apply the knowledge gained on how to deal with late blight on tomatoes in the garden with folk remedies:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures to prevent the disease.
  2. Tomato seeds are subject to compulsory processing.
  3. Folk remedies should be used in accordance with the rules and proportions.
