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What does elevated creatinine mean in women?
What does elevated creatinine mean in women?

Video: What does elevated creatinine mean in women?

Video: What does elevated creatinine mean in women?

Creatinine (muscle protein) is the end product of the breakdown of protein compounds. Its blood level indicates the functionality of the kidneys. What does elevated creatinine in women say and what should be done in this case?

What is creatinine

Creatinine, a metabolic end product, is produced by the creatine phosphate reaction and is deposited in muscle tissue. With muscle contraction, the substance is transported into the blood plasma, along with it enters the kidneys, from where it is excreted from the body.

After all biochemical reactions, creatinine is of no value to the body, but on the contrary, it is a complex toxic compound.

Elevated creatinine in women can speak not only of impaired renal function, but also of the entire genitourinary system. What should be done if, during laboratory tests, a high concentration of a substance in the blood was revealed, only a doctor will say. Since for the formulation of an accurate analysis, it is necessary to carry out a number of additional diagnostic measures.


Why is creatinine elevated - reasons

It should be noted right away that in some categories of people, a slightly elevated creatinine is a completely normal indicator.

These include:

  • professional athletes;
  • persons whose activities are associated with high physical activity (for example, movers, builders, etc.);
  • persons consuming diet food with a maximum protein intake;
  • people who regularly take medications (in particular, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, antibiotics);
  • pregnancy (during this period, there are large hormonal changes, which can lead to a violation of protein metabolism).

In the above persons, creatinine is increased, but does not manifest itself clinically, this is just a physiological feature of the body. In this case, no therapy is required, after the exclusion of the causative factor, laboratory parameters return to normal.

Physiological reasons also include age. In older people, minor deviations from the norm are considered the norm. In adolescents, during their active growing up, the level of creatinine rises, but over time it normalizes.

One more factor can be noted - this is gender. In women, in comparison with men, the content of the substance in the blood is lower, which is understandable. The female body has significantly less muscle mass.


Now let's move on to the pathological reasons for the increase, what does this mean? An increase in the substance in medicine is called hypercreatininemia, and this condition can be a concomitant symptom of the underlying disease. Typically, high creatinine levels indicate pathological mechanisms that are occurring in the body.

There are 2 stages of hypercreatininemia:

  1. Moderate.
  2. Expressed.

The causes of moderate hypercreatininemia are:

  • renal failure stage 1 or 2;
  • any impairment of kidney function;
  • toxic or cirrhotic liver damage;
  • liver failure (organ inflammation);
  • necrosis of tissues of internal organs;
  • gangrene of the limbs;
  • damage to bone or muscle tissue from extensive burns;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diabetic nephropathy;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • hyperfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • infectious lesions of internal organs;
  • toxic effects on the body;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • peritonitis;
  • excessive loss of fluid as a result of severe poisoning;
  • autoimmune diseases, which result in extensive damage to connective tissues (in particular, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus);
  • decompensated heart failure.

The causes of severe hypercreatininemia are as follows:

  • renal failure stage 3 and 4;
  • severe inflammation of muscle tissue;
  • extensive muscle destruction with muscular dystrophy;
  • leptospirosis and other serious infectious processes.

Severe hypercreatininemia indicates the danger of developing pathology. Some of the reasons for this condition threaten with a detailed outcome. What should be done in this case can only be said by a doctor after a complete examination.


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The rate of creatinine in women

Due to the difference in muscle mass, women have lower creatinine levels than men. At the same time, sports activities, nutrition and age affect the concentration of a substance in the blood. But these factors do not significantly alter creatinine levels.

Well, if, as a result of laboratory tests, a significant deviation is revealed, what does this mean? This means that pathological failures have occurred in the body during the synthesis of the substance or its excretion through the kidneys.

The norm of creatinine in women at different ages:

Age Norm, μmol / l
Up to 1 year 55-99
1 to 5 years old 31-52
5 to 12 years old 34-60
12-16 years old 48-70
16 to 20 years old 51-81
20 to 50 years old 50-97
50 to 60 years old 55-88
Over 60 years old 60-89

In men between the ages of 20 and 50, creatinine levels range from 75 to 110 μmol / L. For professional athletes, it will be even higher.



The symptoms of hypercreatininemia are as follows:

  • pulling pain in the lower back;
  • a change in the volume of urine excreted (there may be too little urine, or too much);
  • high blood pressure;
  • increased body fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • swelling;
  • headache;
  • disturbed breathing.

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Severe hypercreatininemia can cause severe nausea, which often turns into vomiting. Also, the patient may have confusion, severe shortness of breath, convulsions. What should be done if such a state happened unexpectedly?

We, as a rule, with severe nausea and vomiting, do not immediately seek medical attention, citing mild poisoning. But if these signs are joined by inadequacy of actions, shortness of breath or convulsions, then immediately call an ambulance. It must be said that all these symptoms are already a consequence of the development of the underlying disease, which will necessarily manifest itself as a characteristic clinical picture.


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How to lower creatinine levels

If creatinine has increased due to physiological reasons, then you should not worry. How to reduce its level will be suggested by our recommendations:

  • temporarily exclude foods rich in protein from the diet;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • increase walks in the fresh air;
  • ensure a proper night's sleep;
  • eliminate stress;
  • consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

But how to reduce the high level of creatinine, which is several times higher than the norm, only a doctor will tell. Hypercreatininemia is a consequence of any serious illness, therefore, all goals of therapy are aimed at eliminating the root cause. In combination with drug treatment, the patient is prescribed an appropriate diet.

Alternative medicine can also help, but in this case it is imperative to consult a doctor. Some medicinal herbs for a particular disease can only aggravate the condition, and not help the patient.


Elevated creatinine in women, what does it mean? With a significant deviation from the norm, this means the development of a serious pathology. Which one, you can find out only after a complete laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. In severe cases, a decision is made to artificially purify the blood.
