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Why low blood pressure in coronavirus and what to do
Why low blood pressure in coronavirus and what to do

Video: Why low blood pressure in coronavirus and what to do

Video: Why low blood pressure in coronavirus and what to do
Video: Apollo Hospitals | Is it normal to have low blood pressure post Covid-19? 2024, May

Sometimes feeling unwell with COVID-19 provokes low blood pressure. With coronavirus infection, the appearance of this symptom can have several reasons.

What pressure can be with coronavirus infection


High blood pressure is generally considered a risk factor. This is explained by the fact that with hypertension there is an increased sensitivity of the receptors to the angiotensin converting enzyme.

This protein is necessary in order to provide the necessary tone to the arteries, that is, to maintain a certain pressure in them. When the body is confronted with a disease, the coronavirus combines with the specified protein, which causes it to enter the cells and begin to multiply intensively.


People with high blood pressure sometimes have a genetic susceptibility to these receptors.

The second reason may be the use of drugs aimed at lowering blood pressure. They block the aforementioned protein, which is why it is produced in an even greater amount in the cell. It turns out that hypertension creates all the conditions for the attachment of a large number of pathogenic viruses to cells.

This explains the poor health observed in people with hypertension infected with coronavirus infection. Increased pressure sometimes accompanies various lesions of the heart and blood vessels, for example, angina pectoris, cardiomyopathy.

The most dangerous coronavirus is for people suffering from pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, as well as for diabetics. It is they who are diagnosed with the most dangerous lung lesions.


Why do some people with corona have low blood pressure?

It all depends on the clinical picture of the course of the disease. If there are no organic lesions, then low blood pressure may be due to general weakness of the body. Usually, to cope with such a symptom of the disease, it is enough to drink as much as possible.

You can also use the standard recommendation for all people whose blood pressure drops to unusual levels: you should drink a glass of sweet tea or coffee 3 times a day.

Extensive pneumonia of the lungs can also lower blood pressure. Since the coronavirus is able to attack the receptors of the ACE2 protein, with which it later creates a connection, for this reason, arterial pressure failures are observed. In addition, there may be a lack of reaction to substances with a vasoconstrictor effect.


Medical assistance is required if weakness at low blood pressure (below 90/50 mm Hg) continues to increase. This may indicate damage to the central nervous system. In theory, such an indicator may indicate the formation of septic shock.

This complication entails a deterioration in blood flow and a reduced supply of oxygen to all tissues and organs, primarily to the brain. If the treatment is ineffective, multiple organ failure may join.


Is low pressure always dangerous

Attachment of mental shock and damage to the central nervous system are possible, but not too common. Usually, low blood pressure does not pose a significant danger if the person was healthy from the beginning. When threatening conditions appear, the matter is not limited to low blood pressure alone with coronavirus infection.

At the same time, a person has an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood, additional symptoms. If there are no other signs, it is enough to limit yourself to the standard measures recommended by the therapist.


How to increase pressure 90 to 60

What to do if low blood pressure due to coronavirus, and the ambulance does not arrive soon? At home, it is usually recommended to drink 1-2 cups of coffee and continue to drink plenty of water in the future. You can also eat something salty, as salt increases blood pressure.

All these measures can be taken while the medical team is traveling. In any case, you should call an ambulance, since with coronavirus infection there can be different, often unpredictable consequences. Hospitalization may be required, the decision on which doctors will make on the spot.


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What to do for an older person

Older people usually have high blood pressure, not low blood pressure. If it fell for some reason, this may be an alarming sign. In such cases, you should also seek medical attention. At home, before the arrival of a specialist, you can take the same measures as described above.

At the same time, senior citizens are advised to take black tea or rosehip broth, and drink a little salt water instead of coffee. Normal raisins have the ability to raise blood pressure. The main thing is not to overdo it. Taking these measures, in any case, a person will feel better.


How long can low blood pressure last: patient reviews

According to reviews of citizens who have survived a coronavirus infection, low blood pressure can be 100/60, 90/60, and even 80/60. Someone says that the symptoms of low blood pressure passed the next day, while in some patients the pressure remained at low levels for 3 days.

Some patients claim that after the appointment of prednisone or other hormonal drugs, the pressure was stabilized, and it did not decrease anymore. But such medicines are quite serious, and therefore you cannot take them on your own.



Low blood pressure with coronavirus infection is not indicated as a common occurrence. It can be a consequence of the inhibitory effect of the pathogen on individual receptors. To cope with this condition, it is necessary to undergo an examination and receive an appointment from a therapist. Urgent measures may include medication, natural remedies, drinks, and foods that naturally affect blood pressure.
