Baby we have a baby
Baby we have a baby

Video: Baby we have a baby

Video: Baby we have a baby
Video: Having a Baby *The First Step* 2024, April
Honey, we will have a baby
Honey, we will have a baby

You can, of course, just put it in front of the fact. According to the scenario, in this case, the man is supposed to grunt admiringly and, grabbing you under the white little hands, spin around his axis. But, although all women in the depths of their hearts expect such behavior, the reaction of a lover to a message about an upcoming addition is not always the same as in a movie. It may well be that the beloved on kicks will drive you to have an abortion or squint his eyes and say:"

Therefore, all Family Planning Centers trumpet with one voice: it is better to discuss the conception of heirs together, otherwise the social unit may not work out.

Okay, so together. But what if you crave procreation with all the passion of a typical woman of reproductive age, and the reckless hubby brushes off the tempting prospect like the plague? Is it possible that the number of intercourse you have decreased precisely because of his detophobia? And if there are rare moments of intimacy, the man after that nervously looks into the condom and frantically counts whether all the sperm are in place?

A man may have several reasons not to want a child. Most often it is fear of growing up and taking responsibility for someone's small life … Such a guy should definitely not be confronted with the fact of a pregnancy that has already taken place. He may not chase you away and force you to have an abortion, but the baby will not bring him joy either: dad will just start running away from home. Such a subject must be prepared for a long time and gradually, describing the charm of fatherhood and motherhood, accidentally inviting him to visit where a cute baby lives. You can "accidentally" slip idyllic pictures with charming little ones. When he begins to doubt, then the turning point will come. Catch it lukewarm!

They are still afraid that will not be able to, due to the appearance of a new family member, make enough time for work or hobbies … Of course, it would be extremely unreasonable to convince the faithful with saliva to the floor that you will take on all the worries about the baby. You just need to make a man become interested in the possibility of having a child in the same way he is interested in work or a hobby. Never talk about negative things (diapers, washing, diapers), carry away with positive things (a birthday party, a rose for a nurse, then playing Indians, a toy railroad - he definitely won't resist it!). Soon he will understand that he will definitely find time for his own child.

A lot of men jealous, believing that the wife's attention will no longer belong solely to them alone … Pretend to be a hose and somehow confidentially tell him that you are very afraid that after the birth of a child, his love will have to be divided into two. Having estimated the absurdity of the situation for himself, he will understand that all his fears are unfounded, and will become completely ready to become a dad.

And some quite deliberately believe that will not be able to fully provide the child with everything necessary (although when was poverty an obstacle to fertility?). Find out if he has any other reason to be afraid of the child, and if not, then boldly give birth. First, friends and relatives will help, and then the husband will have an incentive to earn more and improve himself in every possible way.

There are also men who already have children from first marriagesand these men believe that they have had enough in this life. They may have some unpleasant memories associated with the pregnancy of the previous wife (for example, she became very ugly, put on weight and never got into shape, or she was sick, capricious and generally behaved disgustingly for nine months). You have no choice but to swear to behave yourself and keep within limits (both physically and morally). In addition, his heart can melt outright flattery that you really want to have a child from him.

Be that as it may, when a child is born, there is no turning back. Few of the men who really love their lady of the heart remain indifferent to this event. Time passes, the offspring grow, turn into pimply youths and uncontrollable boobies, but they will always remain that invisible thread that once and for all tied you and him.
