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Andrey Razygraev: "Be yourself!"
Andrey Razygraev: "Be yourself!"

Video: Andrey Razygraev: "Be yourself!"

Video: Andrey Razygraev:
Video: Андрей Разыграев на красной дорожке "Премии Муз-ТВ 2012" 2024, September

The famous TV presenter and showman Andrei Razygraev has taken on a new project, which means that something interesting awaits us again! TLC (a channel for women from the creators of the Discovery Channel) kicks off the "Dress Up Game" show. But do not think that this is another program about how princesses are made of ordinary girls by dressing up, everything here is much more original.

Andrey Razygraev acts not only as a presenter, but also as an expert and consultant for the participants in matters of style, because he is well aware of this, since he always looks his best. About what the new project is like, as well as about what men want, about love and ideal romantic dates - in our interview!


Andrey, recently you became the host of a new TV show "Dress Up Game" with an interesting concept: men fight for the heroine, choosing her wardrobe. Very intriguing! Tell us the details: what should we expect from this show?

Blitz survey "Cleo":

- Are you friends with the Internet?

- Even too much. How would this friendship not make enemies for itself.

- What is an unacceptable luxury for you?

- Betrayal of loved ones.

- Where did you spend your last vacation?

- For the last year I have been living in a regime: wherever I wanted, I flew there. Miami, Paris, Bavaria, Tuscany, Naples, Athens, Mykonos … These are the places I have visited in the last three months. And I intend not to stop.

- Did you have a nickname as a child?

- This, of course, will make you smile, but some friends, including artists, sometimes call me that - Rozik.

- Are you an owl or a lark?

- I am a fierce owl.

- How do you relieve stress?

- Sports, friends, travel.

This is an extremely interesting and unique TV show! In recent years, our television has been living on ready-made formats from abroad, and Dress Up Game is a talented exception! Russia is the first country to launch this format! We are ahead of the rest! If the experiment turns out to be successful, then, on the contrary, the whole world will pick it up.

The peculiarity of the program is that it combines two interesting ideas at once: firstly, this is a dating show, and secondly, a program about fashion. The rules of the game are simple. There are four guys who are given a certain amount of money. Without going beyond it, they must surprise and amaze our main character with their gifts. Guys buy shoes, bags and underwear. At the same time, no one has seen the girl for whom they are doing this and knows nothing about her. That is, neither hair color, nor age, nor what social status she is - absolutely nothing, they cannot even imagine her. The only thing they know is the size of her clothes and shoes. After each round, the participant whose gift did not like the main character flies out. And you have no idea what drama and excitement this is! And the main prize is a date with the one who pleases the beauty, and, in addition, the whole set of clothes you like. If the romantic continuation does not happen - the girl still wins - she replenishes her wardrobe with fashionable things. The transmission keeps attention, half an hour in one breath. Each time, the intrigue lasts to the last. They have already started to approach me on the streets and ask questions on social networks about how to get into the Dress Up Game. In this case, I send straight to the channel's website - there are details! We are interested in extraordinary girls and charismatic guys.


According to the stereotype, men love it when girls wear mini and cleavage. But what do men really want?

- What turns you on?

- A cup of aromatic coffee in the morning.

- Which animal do you associate yourself with?

- Not myself, but my girlfriend calls me a bear.

- Do you have a talisman?

- Yes there is.

- What melody is on your mobile phone?

- That's the way (I like it)

- What is your psychological age?

- Something very close to the baby. I'm taking my first steps. I learned to say "mom" and "give".

- What is your favorite aphorism?

- Everything that exists in the world was once a dream.

I can tell you with confidence that men are by no means against mini and cleavage. So keep wearing both! But I personally think that the worst thing that can be on a girl is something loose. It is clear that behind a hoodie, many are trying to hide some flaws in their body, but it is easier to either go to the gym or accept yourself as you are. Because until you love yourself for who you are, no one else will love you.

What do you think women like in a men's wardrobe?

In my wardrobe, distribution mainly included shirts and T-shirts that girls dressed and worn around the house, and some were taken away by them forever. Strange, but for some reason no one is interested in cufflinks or ties! (Laughs.) As for what women like on men, I have several friends with whom we frankly chat, and so, I found out, these should be jeans of the correct cut, emphasizing the bottom point. (Laughs.) For some reason, women enjoy discussing her. This topic is arousing a burning stormy interest. And it seems to me that classic suits that fit well on the figure always look stylish and sexy, both on a girl and on a man.


What is the best romantic date uniform for a girl?

It seems to me that on any first dates, we all want to seem better than we really are. Sometimes we play, sometimes we overact, we get very worried, we say something out of place, and then we regret it. So, it is best to wear something extremely comfortable and natural, emphasizing your "authenticity." This is what you really are in life, in that and come. This does not mean that if you are a swimmer, you should come in a bathing suit, I mean what you wear in life, what you are comfortable in, what does not hinder your movements and your thoughts - perhaps this will be be the best uniform. If you like yourself in these clothes, you will definitely like a potential young man.

It is best to wear something extremely comfortable and natural for a date, emphasizing your "authenticity."

What does an ideal romantic date look like in your mind?

There can be a million scenarios! If this is the first date, then, of course, you have to be more restrained and more thoughtful - a modest enough cafe to chat, look at each other and - if you don't like the girl - there is always an opportunity to have time to escape. (Laughs.) Well, if you have been together for a long time and want to coincide with a date to some significant event, this is a completely different matter. Each case is different. From my experience, a special experience for the second half was made by dining in an expensive gourmet restaurant with a floating ring at the bottom of a glass of champagne. A date on the roof of a Moscow skyscraper. A modest yet soulful candlelit homemade dinner. You can also bring the girl to the airport and confront her with the fact that now we are flying to Rome or Paris. Anything you want!


Do you believe in eternal love? Perhaps you found yours?

I have found love. We all want to always believe that it will be eternal, but practice shows something else - there is nothing eternal in this life. Love itself is a special feeling. And not everyone is destined to experience it for real. It is bestowed from above. Well, if you have mutual love, then you can proudly consider yourself the chosen one!

I am one of those who, if I really fell in love, then, as they say, I dive into the pool with my head.

I am one of those who, if I really fell in love, then, as they say, I dive into the pool with my head.

There have already been three such cases in my life. We lived with one girl for 7 years, with the second - 3, 5 years, and since the present our relationship lasts a year and a half. How long will we be together? I do not know. And she doesn't know. But right now, at this moment, we are the happiest people in the entire solar system! You need to live with this feeling, and not with thoughts of the past or fear of the future.

Can you share with us a good mood formula that works flawlessly?

Be yourself. Love yourself and everyone around you. Have fun with everything that happens around you. Wake up and fall asleep smiling. Dream! Travel more often! Live in the present moment - there is only a moment between the past and the future, and, as they say, it is at this moment that our life takes place! Life is too short to waste on stupidity!


Watch the Dress Up Game on Thursdays at 9 pm on TLC
