How to shake the male imagination
How to shake the male imagination

Video: How to shake the male imagination

Video: How to shake the male imagination

How to kill a man on the spot? According to the researchers, it is not the details that have the greatest impact, but the silhouette. And of course, the way a woman presents herself.

"Few would say the waist is the sexiest part of the body," says Professor Devendra Singh of the University of Texas. "But in fact, it is she who attracts men in the first place."

The professor came to such an unexpected conclusion after analyzing world literature over several centuries - 345 thousand works by different authors. They convinced him that the only feature that made hearts beat faster from generation to generation was a slender, that is, thin, waist. And not the breasts, thighs, buttocks separately.

"A man in love generally sees only the ratio of the waist and hips," explains Singh.

The scientist tested the role of the female silhouette in male perception experimentally: he sat several dozen men at computers and gave them the opportunity to "correct" the female figures appearing on the monitor to the most attractive ones from their point of view. Relatively thin waists prevailed in almost all "final" variants. And on average, their size was about 70 percent of the width of the hips and 75 percent of the volume of the chest. Thus, the professor once again dispelled the myth about the attractiveness of skinny fashion models - "hangers", as they are sometimes called by the people. Men, it turns out, are susceptible to other forms.

"A lot of modern women exhaust themselves with diets to lose weight," Singh says, "but are their bodies getting the right shape? Maybe we should go back to Victorian fashion when ladies preferred corsets to diets?"
