Lady business, or Business for a lady
Lady business, or Business for a lady

Video: Lady business, or Business for a lady

Video: Lady business, or Business for a lady
Business lady, or Business for a lady
Business lady, or Business for a lady

Once a recording of a round table was shown on television, to which Russian women who had achieved success in their careers were invited. And the questions they were asked basically boiled down to the following:"

Forgive me, but does the husband ask his wife's opinion when he opens his own business, isn't it difficult for him to combine work and personal life? Why aren't these claims made to men in senior management positions in large companies?

A woman can be both the first and the second. A man strives to be only the first. And more often than not, he does not succeed precisely because he does not represent himself as the second, hence the problems and the predetermination of his behavior.

Our society imposes on a woman a certain secondary nature - she must necessarily consult with someone, look back at someone, make excuses, know her place, take into account the requests of her relatives, crush her “I” with her heel, believing that for her there is only a concept” we even if doing a good deed. It seems that she has no right to enter any arena, simply based on the needs of her own personality. Sorry, but the owner of the company and the teacher at school have a certain range of common problems: work, if a woman takes her seriously, takes away a lot of her energy, thoughts, creativity, and time. Both a business woman and a teacher, by virtue of their upbringing and traditions, have an attitude that a real woman's apartment should shine, shelves should be bursting with a stock of clean linen, food, the child should be healthy, well-groomed and surrounded by attention. But when you go headlong into what you love, drawing up a business plan or checking the essays of your students, you forget about a mountain of dirty dishes. And what then is the fundamental difference between one and the other? That a woman in a leadership position gets about ten times the amount of a teacher? But we are talking about the position of a woman, not about the state of the wallet.

The main problem for any working woman is when to stop? Where is the line after which doctors can diagnose you: workaholism? On the one hand, working capacity is perhaps the safest of addictions - it generates self-confidence, a thirst for life, and allows a woman to feel like an extraordinary personality. But, on the other hand, "workaholism" leads to impairment of other aspects of life, primarily personal, leads to stress, overexertion, a feeling of lack of freedom and discomfort from this dependence.

Futurologists call the XXI century the "century of women". And the roots of this definition, of course, lie in the past century, when women made a "quiet revolution", taking a worthy position, first in the field of wage labor, and then in the field of entrepreneurship. It was women who were able to take solid positions in small and medium-sized businesses, especially in the service sector. After all, business can be done on what people need always and most of all. First of all, it is study, entertainment and hobbies. Business is usually small and mobile because it is organized according to the principle of the second hearth. A club, a beauty salon, an art gallery, a hairdresser - a place ideally governed by the principles of a family organization. In this case, the matter does not interfere with the family, but helps the woman to be independent and domestic, boss, wife and mother.

Traditional types of entrepreneurial activity are no less popular, among which the leaders are trade (since the times of Kievan Rus) and small-scale production of "daily bread" - food and industrial goods.

There is, however, one more type - women who head corporations, holding companies that go into politics. They involuntarily begin to play non-feminine games and acquire masculine traits: the desire to defend a position, take control into their own hands, and occupy a niche. A new business psyche is being developed. The sexual image is leveled, becomes asexual.

Today, 80% of women entrepreneurs in Russia have higher education, almost two-thirds of them are married and have one or two children. 25% of business women started their business in the flourishing age before 35, about 40% - between 35 and 45 and another 35% - 45 years and older. The age of the firms headed by them is from 3 to 7 years. "Female" firms provide jobs for one in four workers in the country.

Women brought intuition, "agility", sociability, caring for people, emotionality of communication, and a special attitude to personal connections into management methods and business culture. These features make it possible to speak about the emerging female management style, the motto of which is: "Common sense, not victory at any cost."

Poetess Marina Tsvetaeva wrote that "success is to be in time." The quality is great! But if it is supplemented with competence and the ability to present oneself and one's ideas, choose the right priorities and create a close-knit team of like-minded people, then the probability of success increases significantly. Because it has long been known that people are drawn to those who are successful and successful in their business.

As Margaret Thatcher said: "If you want to consult a man on how to do something, turn to a man; if you want the business to come true, turn to a woman." Back in the 13th century, the Tatar-Mongol Khan's wives, along with their high-ranking husbands, took part in state councils. A century earlier, Russian princesses enjoyed similar privileges. The most intimate thoughts of the Russian princes did not dare to implement at times without first consulting their noble spouses. So, when Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich attacked Davyd Rostislavovich in 1180, he first consulted with his wife, and did not say anything to his closest associates. Today, the husband of a successful female leader often begins to suffer from an inferiority complex. It is not she who changes her attitude towards him, although a woman is inclined to look for a stronger partner, but he seems to himself untenable, accuses his wife of a disdainful attitude towards him … taught to read books, because he sincerely believed that a woman is sufficiently educated if she does not confuse her husband's shirt with his jacket. Therefore, a successful woman either tolerates such an attitude towards herself, or on a new level of her success finds another, equal man.

Business women psychologists advise, entering into relationships with men, it is easy to switch from male to female style of behavior and vice versa. This is a very correct path for a woman who has decided to establish herself in the traditionally male field. Because when a woman is completely identified with a man, her rivals easily beat her. But when a woman passes into the intuitive zone of manifestation of feminine energies, they are lost.

The feminine energy of life, like a cat that lives nine lives, at some stage becomes our support. It seems - here is the bottom, and under it - one more, and - one more … The woman intuitively feels that beyond the edge - something else. This "something" can be called whatever you want - the collective unconscious, the experience of the past lives of all wise women - but it is really intuitively transmitted.

“Women entrepreneurs,” according to Viktor Khanin, associate professor at the Faculty of Psychology at USU, “have many advantages. time seemed absurd to many. But today her business is thriving in large part due to the fact that she was the first. Compared to male colleagues, women are unpredictable, not always consistent and, as a result, are flexible in decision-making. This comes in handy, for example, in the modeling business, where it is impossible to calculate everything."

Forbes magazine has published a list of the 50 most influential business women in the world. It is led by Marjorie Skardino, president of Pearson, which publishes the Financial Times and The Economist. The second is Anne Lavergeon, president of the French state nuclear power monopoly Cogema. In third place is Mary Ma from Hong Kong, a top manager at Legend, one of the largest computer suppliers.

The compilers of the list note that the percentage of women in key positions is growing worldwide.

Now in Britain, for example, 25% of top managers are women, although 10 years ago their share was less than 10%. The share of women working in industries that were traditionally considered "male" has increased: Anne Laverjohn is in charge of the entire French nuclear power industry, Maria Sylvia Markish is the head of the largest Brazilian steel company Siderurgica National, Sari Baldouf is the head of Nokia infrastructure.

In addition, if earlier in companies that were considered "family businesses" women were, as a rule, isolated from making key decisions, now they determine strategy and tactics more than ever before.
