Oral contraceptives improve memory
Oral contraceptives improve memory

Video: Oral contraceptives improve memory

Video: Oral contraceptives improve memory

Scientists have discovered a very curious "side" effect of oral contraceptives. Fortunately, this time is not negative at all. As established by experts, after taking birth control pills in women, memory improves. In general, ladies are getting smarter.

Researchers at the University of Salzburg have found that hormonal contraceptives - birth control pills - affect specific areas of the brain. They activate the work of the gray matter, which is of great importance for improving memory.

The differences in the structure of the brains of men and women have been studied many times before. But this study is the first to look at the effects of hormonal contraception on the brain.

The results showed that using birth control pills increased brain size by three percent.

Scientists have conducted a detailed analysis of the effect of drugs on the structure of the brain, writes medikforum.ru. They found significant improvements in memory and verbal (speech) skills in those women who took hormonal contraception under their supervision. According to scientists, this effect is achieved with the help of estrogen and progesterone - hormones in the composition of drugs. A version has been put forward that estrogen and progesterone strengthen the connections between brain cells. This, in turn, improves his performance.

However, you should not get involved in taking oral contraceptives. Recall, according to German experts, in most cases, it is the use of contraceptive pills that can cause sexual dysfunctions in women.

“Problems in sexual life negatively affect the quality of life, the emotional state of a woman, regardless of her age,” said Dr. Lisa-Maria Wolvinner from the University of Heidelberg in Germany.
