Dress code from Armani: the designer revealed the secrets of the style
Dress code from Armani: the designer revealed the secrets of the style

Video: Dress code from Armani: the designer revealed the secrets of the style

Video: Dress code from Armani: the designer revealed the secrets of the style
Video: НЕДЕЛЯ МОДЫ В МИЛАНЕ 2022 | ВЛОГ#6 | MSGM, ARMANI Street Style | Финал недели моды, аутлет и подарок 2024, May

Hollywood divas and pop stars do not skimp on tips like "how to get stylish and glamorous." Oddly enough, real gurus in these matters, like famous designers, rarely give such advice. However, the legendary Italian couturier Giorgio Armani decided to break the tradition and in all details announced 21 rules of achieving style, respect and success.

1. A cheap pair of shoes is a false economy. Never skimp on the essentials - this is the foundation of your wardrobe.

2. Balance between work and life is the key to success for every man. I sacrificed my life for work, and if I could start over, I would have done it differently.

3. Black and dark blue are the most slimming colors. Feel free to experiment with shape and fabric if you stick with this color scheme.

4. Never pay too much attention to your clothes. The most stylish men are the ones who look like they're putting in the least amount of effort. After all, fashion is a way of expressing oneself, I don't think a wardrobe item can be called a disaster from a fashion point of view if the wearer feels like himself.

5. With vigorous exercise, you will develop muscles in unusual places. In this case, you should consider tailoring your clothes to order. I recently started dressing Chelsea players - these guys are very well built.

6. People say that I look 20 years younger than I am and ask what is the secret? This is partly a question of genes. My mother died at 90, but she looked 65. I hope the same will happen to me. But it's also a matter of self-discipline: don't go to bed too late, don't drink too much, don't smoke. Learn to understand and control yourself.

7. It is not always possible to get what you want, sang Mick Jagger. Yes, I wanted to be tall and have a noticeable nose. Be content with what you have and try to make the most of it. Don't waste your life trying to change things that you can't change, and don't get hung up on them.

8. Male sexuality is a matter of self-confidence. This is as much a state of mind as a state of the body.

9. Until I was 50, I didn’t think about my physical condition, then a friend told me that I had to be more vigilant. Now I work out for an hour every day in the gym. Exercise improves mood and keeps you in shape. They help you focus and feel comfortable in your own skin.

True, the prescriptions are aimed at a male audience, but in our modern world, where feminism prevails, many of them are also relevant for women.

10. Some male patterns are relevant at all times. For me, Cary Grant is still such a model - he managed to look good in a suit, even when he ran away from the plane across the field. My friend George Clooney also has this quality - he looks effortlessly beautiful no matter what he is wearing. I am very flattered that he chooses the things I have designed.

11. A jacket is the basis of a man's wardrobe. When buying it, make sure that it is neatly sewn, fits well and that you feel comfortable and confident in it. Put on a good jacket and the rest will follow.

12. Good clothing gives you confidence and improves your performance. I got a call from a friend who bought the rugby team he rooted for as a child. Things were going badly for them. He asked me to wear them and I agreed. That friend was Russell Crowe, and now his Australian rugby team, the Rabbitohs, are winning again.

13. Reputation is like handcuffs. I am considered to be a minimalist and people complain if I do something different. Better to let them speculate.

14. You know more than you think, and you can do much more than you know. When my business partner died in 1985, some thought that I would close the firm. Instead, I learned to do his job. Never underestimate your inner capabilities.

15. Hollywood black tie - a universal uniform for any evening: black suit, white shirt and black tie. It's a cliché, but it's a fact: every man goes with a black tie.

16. Choose fabrics in neutral colors, with a not too flashy pattern - they will last longer (in terms of fashion).

17. Today, more and more often it is accessories that determine the appearance of a man, so do not skimp on good shoes, belts, bags, ties and the like, and you will be able to invent more and more new suits. Remember what colors you wear and shop accordingly, but remember that you can wear either black or brown with gray. Your watch is one of your main acquisitions, it can tell a lot about you as a man. I wear my own copy of Borgo 21, they are very dear to me.

18. A well-chosen scent can be a striking characteristic. This is the first thing people feel when you walk into a room, and the last thing after you leave.

19. You must have the courage to stand up for your own beliefs. When I started experimenting with deconstruction in fashion, it went against all the dominant ideas and methods. But I just wanted to create clothes in which you would look great and feel comfortable at the same time. In the end, my ideas caught on. Now men are demanding that tailored clothing is comfortable.

20. I am happy that today men have a desire to look elegant again. The grunge era was not the best for me. I'm sure elegance is the key to a timeless appearance - that doesn't age or age you. I attribute my success to my commitment to this philosophy. For me, style is more important than passing trends.

21. No matter how hard I try, I'll never convince Sam Jackson to show up without a hat!
