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The growing moon in May 2019
The growing moon in May 2019

Video: The growing moon in May 2019

Video: The growing moon in May 2019
Video: Full Moon in Istanbul ( 19th of May 2019) 2024, April

When, from what date in May 2019 there will be a growing moon, you can find out today. This period is special, and you need to prepare for it in advance.

The influence of the growing moon

Human behavior during the growing moon is changing. At this time, he reacts vividly to everything that happens. During the growth of the satellite, energy is accumulated. This means that a person can start business, negotiate, make important decisions.


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Children are especially active at this time. They quickly assimilate new information, go to school with pleasure. The problem child becomes aggressive, he increasingly makes nasty things to his peers and parents.

In older people, with the growing moon, their well-being worsens. They do not sleep well, can hardly endure changes in the weather. It was during this period that huge queues gather near the doctor's office.

Every person is different. And it is difficult to predict in advance how the night star will affect its behavior. But to avoid trouble, you need to be prepared for anything.


From what date will the waxing moon be in May 2019

From what date to what date and when will the waxing moon be in May 2019? Astrologers are ready to answer this question. Starting from the 6th, the night star will begin to grow, and from May 20, it will begin to decrease. In the early days, it will not be possible to view the satellite, but visibility will increase every day.

At the same time, the energy potential of the satellite will also increase. All living organisms will be able to feel these changes.


Waxing moon for cutting and dyeing hair

As you know, the growing moon is the best time for a haircut. When and from what date in May 2019 you need to visit a hairdresser, you can ask astrologers. Table 1 presents the recommendations of experts for the period of the waxing moon.

date Moon phase Astrologers' advice
06.05 Growing Experts recommend combing your hair as often as possible. This will allow you to focus on important things.
07.05 Growing There is no better day for a haircut. A new hairstyle will conserve energy, allow you to get what you want.
08.05 Growing After a visit to the master, life will be filled with bright colors. Success in any endeavors is guaranteed.
09.05 Growing It is difficult to determine the influence of a satellite on a person. But astrologers recommend caution. It is best to avoid conflicts.
10.05 Growing Fashionable coloring will make the look more seductive. A good time to perm.
11.05 Growing Don't experiment with looks. They may fail. When communicating with people around you, you need to be restrained. Otherwise, life will be filled with negative energy.
12.05 Growing A new hairstyle will improve your mood. Moreover, there will be no health problems.
13.05 Growing Auspicious days for experimentation begin. Today, high hairstyles should be preferred.
14.05 Growing To improve communication with space, you need to brush your hair more often.
15.05 Growing If you cut your hair on this day, you will be able to avoid troubles and problems. Coloring will bring material well-being to the house.


Preference should be given to asymmetrical hairstyles. Such an experiment will allow you to establish a personal life.
17.05 Growing Girls who want to grow a long braid need to trim the ends of their hair.
18.05 Growing Parting down will help attract positive energy.

In the table you can find the recommendations of astrologers for the period of the waxing moon. Basically, at this time, experiments are successful, and bring pleasure to women.


Growing moon for planting

Experienced summer residents coordinate all work with the lunar calendar. This allows them to get the most out of their activities. When, from what date in May 2019, the Moon will be growing, you can find out from table number 2. Having studied the data presented, it will be possible to choose the best time for planting crops.

Cultures Favorable days in May for planting
Tomatoes 8, 10, 15-18
Cucumbers 8, 10, 15-18
Onion sets 8, 10, 17, 18
Garlic 8, 10, 17, 18
Cabbage 9, 10, 15-18
Eggplant, zucchini 8, 10, 15-18
Potato 9, 10, 15-18
Bitter pepper 8, 10, 17, 18
Bell pepper 9, 10, 17, 18
Strawberries, strawberries 9, 10, 15-17
Peas, beans, beans 9, 10, 15-17
Radish, radish 18
Carrots, beets 15, 16, 18
Greens 11-15

The waxing moon in May 2019 will be from 6 to 18. Astrologers will tell you when to do planting work.


What to do during the waxing moon

During the period when the night star is growing, you can do the following things:

  • make wishes, make plans;
  • start new businesses, work on projects;
  • open a bank account, invest money;
  • look for an additional source of income;
  • try yourself in a new business, make money on a hobby;
  • purchase equipment, expensive things for the home;
  • engage in planting work;
  • pay attention to self-improvement;
  • lead an active lifestyle, play sports;
  • schedule an interview;
  • start building a house, plan a housewarming.

Finding out from what date and time the moon will be growing is not enough. It is important to make a to-do list and start doing them. At this moment, any undertakings will be successful, it will be possible to achieve the set goals.


What to do for prosperity

On the growing moon, you can fulfill your cherished desires. To get rich, you need to buy a new wallet. If you want to find your soul mate, you need to get to know people more often. Perhaps there will be a loved one among them.

From what date and to what date the night star will begin to grow is already known. This period is special. You can discover new talents in yourself, master a hobby, or take bold deeds. Any endeavors will be successful.
