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Anastasia Volochkova: "How many times I was in love, it was for real"
Anastasia Volochkova: "How many times I was in love, it was for real"

Video: Anastasia Volochkova: "How many times I was in love, it was for real"

Video: Anastasia Volochkova:
Video: 5 minutes ago / shame on the country .. / Anastasia Volochkova. 2024, May
Nastya Volochkova: "How many times I was in love, it was for real"
Nastya Volochkova: "How many times I was in love, it was for real"

All famous people have a rather hectic life, and if they are still as beautiful and talented as Nastya Volochkova, then it is easy not to take a step so that they do not begin to be discussed. A gifted ballerina, a dazzling woman and a loving mother - Nastya Volochkova.

- Nastya Volochkova, they say that people with an extremely mobile, very vulnerable psyche become artists …

- First of all, real artists are people with talent and willpower, hard work. The world of art is the world of subtle souls. You go on stage and you have to live your whole life on this stage, you have to give part of your soul to the audience, otherwise you will end up with a dead, uninteresting performance. You open up and therefore become very vulnerable. And the world is sometimes incredibly cruel. Tests make a creative person, on the one hand, vulnerable, on the other, they temper, make him wiser, help to separate the main thing from the momentary.

Short questionnaire:

Are you friends with the Internet?

To tell the truth, no. I am friends only in one capacity - as a person who monitors his own site and answers questions in the guest book. Other publications on the Internet interest me, but, unfortunately, I rarely find time on the Internet.

What is an unaffordable luxury for you?

At the moment, I was able to afford even what I had not allowed before. For example, I considered a serene yacht vacation an unaffordable luxury for myself, but then I decided that I could afford it, and Igor and I spent unforgettable days on a yacht at sea, sailing around the Greek islands of Rhodes and Nikos.

What animal do you associate yourself with?

I don't really want to associate myself with an animal. Maybe only with a white cat with green eyes, like our cat Marquis, who lived with us for 18 years.

Did you have a nickname as a child?

Well no. Nastik is still called.

What is the difference between a man and a woman?

The function that they perform in society. The man is a protector, he is physically stronger, he is the support of the family. And the woman is the keeper of the world, the mother, in the woman the constructive, creative principle is also very clearly manifested. However, in this we are with men somewhere close. Creativity is what unites us.

What turns you on?

I'm not a watch, nothing turns me on.

Are you an owl or a lark?

I am an owl. I can stay up late at night, but getting up in the morning is a difficult test for me.

Do you have a talisman?

The only talisman is the cross, presented to me at the time of baptism. But the cross can hardly be called a talisman …

How do you relieve stress?

There are stress, of course, but I try to keep myself under control. The Russian bath helps me a lot, always with ice water and good brooms. Just ice water. I also relieve stress by communicating with my husband and daughter.

Where did you spend your last vacation?

In Rhodes.

What melody is on your mobile phone?

To be honest, I do not attach importance to such things …

Did you go to the acting profession meaningfully?

- Infinitely meaningful. My goal was to become a ballerina at the age of five.

Now I tour a lot and often organize charity concerts for children. Communicating with them, I understand that at the age of 14-15 they do not know what they would like to do. I was more fortunate: I had a goal at a very early age, so everything was subordinated to the achievement of this goal.

How did you end up in the theater?

- I got to the Mariinsky Theater in the following way: I was entrusted to dance the main part in the ballet Paquita on the anniversary of Natalya Mikhailovna Dudinskaya (legendary ballerina - ed.). Oleg Vinogradov, seeing me on stage, offered to enter the Mariinsky Theater. I got to the Bolshoi Theater just as easily: Vladimir Vasiliev, seeing me at the rehearsal, offered to go to his theater and dance the part of Odette-Odile in Swan Lake. I gladly agreed.

Nastya Volochkova, today you are performing at the theater. Tell me why behind-the-scenes intrigue is an integral part of any theater?

- Everything is very simple. The ballet world is small, there is a lot of intense competition, not always, unfortunately, fair. I try to avoid this and be honest with myself first of all.

Today I am an independent ballerina, an independent person. This saves me from bitterness, squabbles and squabbles, from the hypocrisy and cruelty that exists now in ballet, the most beautiful of the arts.

If there is a choice between love and career, although this is a very difficult question, but still, what will you choose?

- I just can't imagine such a situation. Why break yourself? There is no career without love. There can be no love without a career, because a feeling of dissatisfaction will haunt you all the time. Without a child, there can be no love or a career, because his birth brings completely new colors to life. If there was another person next to me, not Igor, who would raise such a question, I would choose a career. But my husband will never deliver such an ultimatum, because he is a strong, glorious, wonderful man who does everything to make me loved and loved him.

Can you tell me how many times you really fell in love? What kind of people were they?

- In my life I believed that every meeting is real and unique. How many times I was in love, it was for real. These were the most real personalities, communication with each of them made me better in something. Thanks to them, I became a strong, beautiful, talented, self-confident woman.

Has something completely inexplicable happened to you in a relationship with a loved one?

- The inexplicable most often happens in a relationship with a loved one, because love itself is inexplicable. And that's great. Do you really need to explain everything?

Do you share the idea, which is fashionable among some bohemian Moscow characters, that true love and marriage are incompatible concepts? As if true love does not belong to the social world and cannot live according to earthly laws. That is why not a single classic brings his heroes to marriage: the same Romeo and Juliet do not marry, but perish

- Why incompatible? Romeo and Juliet is not the best example … Love and marriage, in my opinion, are just very compatible concepts. If there is love, marriage will be happy, because a loving person knows how to forgive, knows how to trust, knows how to make his spouse happy. Another thing is that people are not always sure of their feelings, so they are in no hurry to unite by marriage. This is probably also true. It is necessary to distinguish love from falling in love.

Nastya Volochkova, a beautiful girl does not have to prove to her male partners that, among other things, she is also smart?


- I do not know what kind of girls we are talking about, in my life I have never proved anything to anyone. I only proved to myself that I could become a real ballerina, that I could be a real person. And proving anything to men is the very last thing.

Are you a leader in a relationship or, on the contrary, do you need a person behind whose back you can hide?

- In life, I consider myself a leader. As for the person who provides support, then such a person is always needed.

Today I have such people: this is my husband, my mother and my daughter.

What qualities do you value most and what do you dislike in the person who is next to you?

- I appreciate real people - sincere and kind. I very highly appreciate those who accept me for who I am, with my art, with my merits and demerits, with everything that I do. I do not accept lies, hypocrisy, vindictiveness and pettiness.

How do you deal with family conflicts?

You go on stage, you open up and therefore you become very vulnerable.

- Very easy: they simply do not exist. I guess I was lucky. For two years and three months of living together, Igor and I have never quarreled. Sometimes we argue, but it never comes to conflicts. I have conflicts with my mother, and then Igor helps us to make peace. If we are arguing about something with Igor, I can call my mother and ask her advice. We have, by and large, a very friendly family.

Nastya Volochkova, what was the most memorable day you spent with your loved one?

- This is the memory of my husband Igor. Once he invited me to a small restaurant. There was one of the days dedicated to the next date since our meeting.

The floor was strewn with rose petals, candles everywhere, a burning fireplace, a violin quartet was playing, my favorite dry white wine was on the table, Igor's fish cooked on the plates, flowers were everywhere. There may be a thousand more evenings ahead of us, but this one I will never forget.

Are there any traditions in the family?

- The main tradition is to get together on holidays. For example, my dad always gathers us on his birthday and arranges a concert. This year he played the button accordion, and Arisha danced to his accompaniment.



Do you consider yourself a domestic person or more free?

- It is impossible to separate. Of course, I prefer a quiet home evening with my husband and daughter, or with my mother, if she comes, to secular parties. I love being at home, but at the same time I love being the center of attention.

What is love for you?

- Love is life itself. It is not only the love of a man and a woman, but also love for life, for God, flowers, the sky, the sun, for children, for people, for everything beautiful. Love in my understanding is close in meaning to the word gratitude. When the soul is filled with a feeling of gratitude from looking at the sky or at the face of a loved one, this is a manifestation of love.

Nastya Volochkova, what are you ready for for love?

- For the sake of love, I am ready for a happy, wonderful and very wonderful life.

You look great despite your busy work schedule. What helps you to maintain excellent physical shape?

- The more I work, the better I look. Physical activity, Russian bath with ice water. And my teacher, the brilliant ballerina Nina Semizorova.

It was difficult to recover from childbirth, how quickly did you go on stage?

- It was very difficult to recover after giving birth. I mobilized all my capabilities. Under the strict supervision of specialists, I came to the ballet class three days after giving birth. The first rehearsal took place five days later. A month later I danced La Bayadere at the Yuri Grigorovich Theater. It took to collect the internal resources of the body, to believe in yourself, to tune in to the goal.

There are rumors that you had breast augmentation surgery …

I have forms that excite the imagination of many.

- Implants for a ballerina - the death of the profession. It's impossible to dance with them easily. Is that walking on the catwalk. I really have forms that excite the imagination of many. Maybe it would be better for a ballerina to have an absolutely flat chest, but I would not criticize nature for its beauty.

Nastya Volochkova, do you manage to do everything - both your career and chores?

- I believe that it is not necessary to combine a career and chores. I have assistants, I can not waste time on housework, but devote precious time to creativity and family.

You are a busy person, how do you bring up a child? What is in the first place for you in education?

- Well, what kind of upbringing is there. Love is what a little child needs. This is the best upbringing. You also need good care, varied communication. I try to spend as much time as possible with Arisha. I believe that the child should be respected, despite his small age. It is imperative to show him life, nature in all colors. I would like Arisha to grow up to be a good person who values and loves life. Naturally, it is important for me that Arisha develops correctly, so I often turn to my mother for advice, who early taught me to read and write, to perceive art.


- How does your day usually go?

- The day begins with a cold shower, with a declaration of love to her husband, with communication with her daughter. Then a ballet class, filming, interviews, meetings.

Many dream of a life like yours. From the outside, she seems to be full of fame and money. In general, a complete dolce vita. What is your life really like?

- My life is a self-sacrifice, daily hours of classroom and rehearsal. Endless work and striving for improvement. However, everything pays off with the love of the audience and loved ones. So I have nothing to complain about.

Nastya Volochkova, is there more luck or persistence in your career?

- I think that not even in a career, but in life, there is a lot of work, perseverance. And I'm lucky to meet people such as Oleg Vinogradov, Vladimir Vasiliev, Boris Eifman, Maya

Love is the best upbringing for a small child.

Plisetskaya, and, of course, Yuri Grigorovich, Nina Semizorova.

Do you like social events?

- I do not accept parties and try to exclude them from my life. I enjoy attending parties that are organized by interesting people close to me, but I don’t consider it a get-together.

Nastya Volochkova, how do you see your future? What else would you like to do?

- My plans also include shooting a movie. I would like to create a chamber theater and a studio for little children, and I also dream of staging a solo performance in a drama theater. Now I started studying at the managerial department of the Academy of Russian Ballet. Vaganova. And I would also like to be a happy mother, and for Arishka to be happy.
