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"Wish card": how to make dreams come true
"Wish card": how to make dreams come true

Video: "Wish card": how to make dreams come true

Video: Карта желаний. Мечты сбываются! Wish card. Dreams come true. 2024, April

Do you believe thoughts will materialize? If so, consider that you are already halfway to success. Nevertheless, knowing certain techniques for attracting health, wealth and luck into your life and applying them correctly will dramatically increase your chances of success in love, career and society - in other words, make you a truly happy woman!


Materialization rules

In his book "The subconscious mind can do anything!" John Kehoe explains in detail what should be done to make dreams come true, and your inner reserves to work for a bright and much desired future. Here are a few rules to follow to get you as close as possible to your long-standing goal.

1. A clear statement of purpose. You are required to clearly understand what you want. For example, if it is a car, you have to imagine to the smallest detail - what brand, colors and equipment it is, down to how the interior is upholstered and the headlights "blink".

2. Purity of thoughts. The desires you make and the pictures from the future you draw in your imagination should not be harmful to anyone.

3. Neatness in your desires … Learn to control your own thoughts - remember, the Universe will readily fulfill everything that you ask for, it only takes a positive attitude, a little time and patience. Do not forget - be extremely careful with your expectations, because they will definitely come true. It is no coincidence that we are all familiar with the expression: "Fear your desires!"

4. Cherish your dream! Have you noticed how successful people respond to the question of how they reached such heights? Many people say: "We dreamed!" Every time it seems to you that you are indulging in silly thoughts about what kind of life you will live in a certain number of years, a huge amount of powerful energy is concentrated around you, which, believe it or not, will work to bring to life all that what you dream so carelessly.

5. Use the visualization technique … Do you want to be happy, successful, beautiful and rich? You have to work - don't be lazy to devote a few minutes a day to visualization sessions. It is an incredibly enjoyable and entertaining process to represent your future prosperous life in detail. You can more or less focus on certain areas of it. It is important not just to think about how it will turn out, but to cultivate in yourself the feeling of owning everything that you are dreaming about. It is best to visualize in the morning - when your brain and consciousness are not yet burdened with everyday worries and your strength is enough to direct the power of thought in the right direction. If internal resources allow, you can “dream” several times a day.


6. Strengthen the effect - speak your desires out loud … They should be voiced in such a way as if you already have everything that you crave. For example, “I live in a beautiful two-story house by the sea. A warm wind blows in my face, and I smell the salty scent of sea water. The house has two floors and five rooms. " The more detailed you will imagine and describe what you want, the faster you will get what you dream of. It doesn't matter whether you work with desires in writing or orally, always avoid the “not” particle, which is categorically not perceived by the Universe. So, instead of "I'm not sick!" better say or write "I'm healthy!"

7. Create an atmosphere … Surround yourself with images of desired things, their symbols and what motivates you to achieve your goals. Are you dreaming of a vacation in a warm region? Feel free to place sea shells brought as a gift by your friends, and your sunny photo in sunglasses and a panama hat on your desktop - together with your energy, they will help make your dreams come true.

8. Build a connection between the present and the future … This can be done by borrowing images from your dreams and transferring them from an imaginary future to the present. For example, your dream is to travel across America. As it should be, you can imagine in detail a small segment of this trip: a young and beautiful girl is driving in the front seat of the car, her legs out the window, a light chiffon scarf is tied around her neck, and country music sounds in the cabin (you are familiar with it). What can be done now to make the desire come true as soon as possible? It's simple - buy a similar headscarf and listen to the very song from your dreams, imagining that you are nothing but in a car rushing along American Route 66.


Map of desires

A fairly well-known visualization tool is the so-called "wish map" on which you can project your life down to the smallest detail. It is not difficult to make it - you will need old magazines, a sheet of A4 paper, paints, glue and family photos. The paper sheet should be divided into nine equal sectors, each of which should be painted in a specific color and be responsible for a specific area of your life: inner self, love, mentors, health, children, travel, and so on. Sectors are filled with appropriate images, among which there may be specific things that you want to get - for example, a car of a certain brand, clothing or jewelry. You can use either your own photos or pictures cut from magazines.

The "map of desires" is rooted in the feng shui tradition, and since in practice this teaching has different interpretations, there can be many options for creating a "map". Choose the one that suits you the most - just make an appropriate request in the search bar of your browser, there is a lot of information on the Internet on how to make such a "map".

Nevertheless, in all approaches to its creation, there are some unifying points that are worth paying attention to if you decide to create your own "visualization map":

  • Take on the creation of a "map" only when you are in good spirits and good health.
  • Use only those photos where you like yourself - you smile and are in a great mood.
  • It is advisable not to leave empty spaces on the map - the images should fit tightly to each other.
  • Avoid images of war, death and disease, as well as energetic destruction, sadness and danger. So, if you dream of being on the ocean shore, you should not give preference to a picture that shows a high wave, no matter how beautiful it looks.
  • Concretize! If, for example, you associate love with the image of a kissing couple, be sure to sign the names of you and your chosen one (husband). Pasted a picture of the car - mark that it is yours ("my car"). Do you want to get married? Cutting out photos from a wedding celebration from the magazine, specify - "my wedding".
  • In the central sector is placed a photograph of someone or those whose life you want to "simulate". Remember, this can be either one person (for example, you), or a couple, family or other group of people united by common interests.

Little "helpers" of dreams

Feng Shui traditions are rich in various symbolic figures and amulets. It is believed that placing them in a house can contribute to the success of all its inhabitants in different areas of life. This is a good way to enhance the effect of visualization - every time you look at certain talismans, you will remember what they are for and concentrate on your desires.

Crystal lotus - the figurine symbolizes the union of masculine and feminine principles, is a talisman of love and prosperity. It can be installed wherever there is access to sunlight, which plays an important role in the strength of the amulet. Not afraid of prying eyes. It is equally successful to place it both in the bedroom and in the children's room.

Turtle - a symbol of health and longevity. It is advisable to place the talisman in a habitat related to the turtle - among plants or near water (fountain).

Toad with a coin in his mouth - attracts money to the house. It should be placed near the threshold at the front door - as if it had just jumped into your home. It is important that the coin is not welded to the figure and can fall out on occasion.

Crystal globe - a real "helper" in his career and study. If you want to achieve certain success in these areas, keep it on your desktop and rotate it periodically, while mentally focusing on your desires.

Dream, and then what you want will surely come into your life!
