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Magnetic storms in March 2022 and adverse days
Magnetic storms in March 2022 and adverse days

Until recently, meteorological dependence caused some doubts among doctors and was considered an insufficiently substantiated phenomenon from a scientific point of view. However, recent research has shown a direct link between the well-being of some people and disturbances in the geomagnetic field caused by solar winds and the magnetic activity of the sun. Tables that indicate magnetic storms in March 2022 and unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people will bring many benefits in preventing the onset of negative conditions, if they are studied in a timely manner.

Terminology and conditions

Scientific research has allowed not only to confirm the existence of a relationship between weather conditions and human well-being. They made it possible to distinguish three stages, each of which accelerates and intensifies the onset of symptoms and is capable of causing unpredictable consequences of magnetic storms in March 2022 and unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people:

  • Meteosensitivity. Mild symptoms are usually not correlated with the weather, but explained by plausible reasons and eliminated at their discretion.
  • Meteorological dependence. Manifestations of moderate severity with a more distinct complex of signs that affect the ability to work.
  • Meteopathy, in which not only functionality, but also the condition of the organs suffers, it becomes necessary to interrupt the usual way of life for the duration of the fluctuations of the geomagnetic field.

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Magnetic storms in March 2022 and unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people can occur with varying degrees of intensity and bring with them different consequences. In weak storms, minor ailments are felt, medium ones provoke more tangible symptoms. It is no coincidence that strong storms in the geomagnetic field are called geo impacts - their consequences can be devastating for people with meteorological dependence and meteopathy.

What to watch out for in March

The first month of spring is the time of a bright manifestation of the cyclical nature of solar activity, which has long been said to be impossible to predict. Such months are characterized by more than usual number of days unfavorable according to the lunar calendar. Forecasts are made in advance based on statistical analysis and scientific research from similar periods in previous years. The availability of modern equipment for monitoring the state of a daylight and its current activity allows us to make timely adjustments to the already drawn up schedule.


The table shows forecast data on magnetic storms in March 2022 and unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people:

Approximate date and time of passage The degree of intensity of geomagnetic vibrations Relationship with the lunar calendar
March 1, 2 Medium Unfavorable day - new moon
March 4 throughout the day Weak vibration intensity The beginning of the growing phase
March 18-19 Weak vibration intensity The last hours of the full moon, the beginning of the waning of the moon
31 Severe morning storm, which can significantly affect your overall health and ability to work. The moon is in a waning phase, at the junction of two constellations - Pisces and Aries

In the lunar calendar, unfavorable days are marked as negative with an absent positive energy. However, in their definition, astronomers and astrologers take into account several factors at once. One of them may accompany magnetic oscillations or appear due to the solar wind.

But they are not always identical in terms of calendar dates, so it is better to study the table in a timely manner, mark dangerous days. According to the lunar calendar, March 2, 19, 25 and 28 negatively affect a person. This is the beginning of quarters, full moon and new moon, as well as the 25th lunar day, which is unfavorable for all undertakings.

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Prevention is more effective than cure

A calendar that contains tables, graphs, lists and explanations, indicating magnetic storms in March 2022 and adverse days for weather-sensitive people can help them. People who are aware of the presence of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine and digestive systems at this time can pay special attention to taking prescribed medications, consult a doctor in advance, take precautions, or simply stay at home. This is especially true for the elderly.


It doesn't matter what caused the current ailment - a change in the lunar phases or solar activity. If a healthy person feels negative symptoms that have no rational explanation, it is imperative to undergo a complete examination. Otherwise, meteosensitivity will eventually turn into meteorological dependence, and then into meteopathy.

There are now many tips on how to avoid negative symptoms, from taking analgesics to brewing soothing and herbal teas. However, the most effective counteraction to solar activity is a healthy state of the body. In it, nature has provided protective mechanisms, so some people do not feel magnetic storms, while others are susceptible to their negative influence. In any case, you need to go through diagnostics and treat diseases in order to be less dependent on the weather.



  • Magnetic storms and days with negative energies affect a person's well-being.
  • Unpleasant symptoms intensify with each stage of weather dependence.
  • A person can take up the treatment of chronic diseases, since this is one of the reasons for susceptibility to weather changes.
  • To prepare in advance for periods of geomagnetic activity, you can study the calendar of magnetic storms.
  • Timely medication and lack of physical activity can be a preventive measure.
