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Why does the icon dream in a dream
Why does the icon dream in a dream

Video: Why does the icon dream in a dream

Video: Why does the icon dream in a dream
Video: НОВИНКИ LAMEL | Lamel The Colors Dream | Wet n Wild Color Icon | Luxvisage CC Cream 2024, April

The interpretation of what the icon is dreaming of in a dream depends on the circumstances of the dream, the state of the image, its location - in the house, in the hands of a stranger or in a church. It matters who is depicted by the icon painter on the dreaming attribute of religiosity, and who saw him in a dream. However, in addition to the narrow meaning, in this dream there is a global reminder to a person about the need to think about the spiritual side of life.

Different interpretation

Religious people assure that the only possible interpretation of such a dream relates to the spiritual sphere and does not speak of material transformations.

It must be remembered that this is harmony with your inner world and environment. To a person who sees an icon painting in good condition in a dream, this is news of the right path.


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Well-known dream books claim something else. Let's consider their interpretations:

  • The esoteric dream book considers such a dream to be a blessing of higher powers;
  • English is sure that this is a warning about the need to change the present way of life to a righteous one in order to avoid punishment in another life;
  • Family - a dream indicates the onset of a significant period in life;
  • Compiled by Miller - to patronize a powerful person in reality;
  • for Tsvetkov and Grishina - it doesn't matter if the icon is dreaming of a man or a woman, the dreamer will expect prosperity, joyful events, and the success of undertakings in any business.

Even in Freud's Dream Book, seeing an icon means the need to reflect on the moral aspect of your relationship with a partner, and not unfulfilled sexual aspirations or bad intentions.

The 21st century dream book says that the icon simply dreams of good health and success in business. The negative meaning of a dream appears only if the icon is damaged or damaged, found in a destroyed house. At the grave, she means changes during life, next to the deceased - portends the illness of one of the relatives. The fallen one testifies to the commission of a bad deed, and the burning one - to countless trials and adversities in life.


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What icon dreamed

Believers sometimes in a dream distinguish whose image they saw, and are sure that this is of no small importance. For example:

  • Three-handed simply portends health and family well-being, for those who are not married or married - a close and harmonious family life;
  • a similar meaning, if the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker is dreamed of - it promises an exceptionally favorable course of life;
  • Seraphim Sarovsky warns about entering a difficult period and the support of higher powers that will be provided;
  • to see Panteleimon the Healer in a dream for a sick person is a sign of a speedy recovery;
  • the image of the Matron promises great mutual love.

An unbeliever can only remember images known to him if he dreams of an icon of the Mother of God or Jesus Christ. Therefore, the most frequent interpretation is sought for precisely these two works of icon painting. The worst omen is the weeping icon. An astrological dream book interprets a dream about an icon as foreshadowing suffering and deprivation, and if there are many icons in a dream, they will be large and long-lasting.

The face of the Son of God

The most common explanation of what the icon of Jesus Christ dreams of is overcoming temptation, a bright symbol of faith, the need to turn to spiritual values.

According to other versions, the face of Jesus speaks of the onset of cardinal changes in life or warns that the dreamer has recently done some deeds that will inevitably affect his future. But good or bad this is a dream - you need to decide on the circumstances that accompanied it, as with an ordinary icon.


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The image of the Mother of God

Interpretations are also variable and depend on the circumstances: the sex of the dreamer, the location, the appearance of the icon or the Virgin Mary herself. Traditionally it is considered:

  • such an image comes in a dream during a difficult life period, and regardless of whether a believer or an unbeliever;
  • he talks about the promise of intercession, especially if the icon of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms;
  • if she is depicted in a dream in gilded clothes, and the image itself is with a rich salary, in gold and precious stones, this indicates a person's lack of faith in higher spiritual values, his readiness for the fall;
  • when such an icon dreamed in your own home - this is to joyful events, in the church - speaks of the need for spiritual cleansing;
  • in the generally accepted interpretation, if a woman dreams of an icon of the Mother of God, it helps in resolving a difficult life situation or a certain problem.

The dream books indicate that the addressing of such a symbolic dream is of great importance. For example, an unmarried man dreams of her only before he meets his only beloved, his betrothed, who will give birth to his children. If he is already married, then after such a dream, family ties will strengthen, and the family will live in peace and harmony happily ever after.


For a married woman, the icon of the Mother of God signals different circumstances, so you need to try to remember everything, even the smallest details of the dream. A sad look speaks of numerous mistakes, the need to change life principles and behavior. Peaceful foreshadows a bright and joyful period in life. The girl who saw the Blessed Virgin Mary in a dream will soon have a successful marriage.

For a woman, the answer to the question of why the icon of the Mother of God is dreaming depends on the circumstances and the expression on the face of the Mother of God. It can be a stern warning or a promise of wonderful life circumstances, a safe permission from childbirth, a quiet and blissful family life. The appearance in a dream of the icon of Our Lady of Kazan promises patronage and protection in reality, the constant presence of the Protector Angel. For a man, this is a victory in military affairs or a blessing to win in difficult situations.



In most cases, a dream with an icon is related to spiritual, not material values:

  1. The meaning of a dream is determined by the location and appearance of the icon.
  2. In some cases, the look that the icon painter gave to the divine face matters.
  3. The dream can also be deciphered by who exactly is depicted in the icon.
  4. Crying, black, damaged or drowned in water are bad harbingers.
