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What will be the subjects in grade 5 in 2019-2020
What will be the subjects in grade 5 in 2019-2020

After graduating from primary school, an important stage in a child's life begins. Therefore, you need to know in advance what subjects will be in the 5th grade. Having carefully studied the list of compulsory and additional lessons for the 2019-2020 academic year, you can correctly prioritize.

Basic subjects according to the curriculum of the Russian Federation

Thanks to the introduction of general standards of the Federal State Educational Standard, gymnasiums, lyceums and schools can be guided by them and correctly distribute hours of work with students, forming their own programs.

Compulsory subjects (hours per week) What is included in the course Additional subjects
Russian language (5) In-depth study of parts of speech, cases, complex and monosyllabic sentences, spelling rules Biology, where bacteria, the structure of cells, fungi and plants are studied. Their differences and similarities. Fundamentals of Ecology.
Literature (3) Domestic writers for schoolchildren, fairy tales and mythology, the basics of religion Geography, where children get to know sailors and learn to work with maps.
Mathematics (5) Numeric values in fractions, negative numbers, functions, equations, basic geometry Ethics and foundations of religious cultures. Lasts 1-2 years. The subject is transferred to secondary school in the event that it was not studied in primary.
Foreign language (3) This is mainly English. Children are taught to independently translate voluminous texts (orally and in writing), understand questions and answer them, read and write. Computer science. Develops logical thinking and provides the basics of using a PC and basic Windows programs.
History (2) Study of the history of the countries of the ancient world from the appearance of man to the Iron Age. Children will learn how the peoples of Greece, Italy, China, Egypt, etc. developed.

Social Science or Citizenship. It is considered a special course and is mastered by children at the request of the parents through the decision of the parent committee.

OBZH (basics of life and safety) - (1) The course is aimed at teaching behavior in unforeseen situations. First aid training is provided. Class hour. Conducted by the teacher to solve problems with students and organize extracurricular activities.
Technology (1) In most schools, the class is divided into two groups, consisting of girls and boys. The former learn the basics of sewing and cooking, while the latter are engaged in robotics, learn to work with wood with a jigsaw. Fundamentals of Psychology. Conducted as an optional compulsory attendance. A psychologist helps children learn basic skills for interacting with others.
Music (1) Study of classical works, biographies of composers.
Physical Education (3) Sports activities through learning games, exercising, running, jumping.
Ecology (1) Study of the basics of the relationship between nature and man. Most schools are absent. They can be replaced with natural science or natural history, if the subject of biology is not introduced.

According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education under the Federal State Educational Standard, each school must have sections and sports clubs. The child gets the opportunity to study drawing, music, chess and go to wrestling, football or hockey. Sections may vary depending on the preferences of the students and the regional characteristics of the area where the student lives.

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Moscow and a number of other regions of the Russian Federation have independently determined which subjects will be taught in the 5th grade. For 2019-2020, classes with in-depth study of subjects according to the Federal State Educational Standard were approved, where the list may differ significantly from that given in the table.

This is due to the fact that in some educational institutions from the 5th grade, after agreement with the parents, a second foreign language or additional disciplines are introduced. Depending on this, the number of hours your child will spend at school may change.


Having learned which subjects are compulsory for study in the 5th grade and having carefully studied the list for 2019-2020 according to the School of Russia program and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, parents will be able to prepare their children for this. Then the assimilation of subjects will be much easier, the child will be able to quickly master knowledge.


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And if parents have the opportunity to take textbooks at the end of summer and study with a future fifth-grader, then the child will have the opportunity to participate in the All-Russian Olympiads from the beginning of autumn. Applications for this are submitted through the class teacher, who draws up a list of participants.
