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How to process currant bushes from aphids
How to process currant bushes from aphids

Video: How to process currant bushes from aphids

Video: How to process currant bushes from aphids
Video: Life cycle of aphids 2024, April

Currants are considered a product of a healthy and balanced diet. Due to the large amount of nutrients, it strengthens the defense mechanisms of the immune system, protects against the development of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal diseases, the appearance of pathologies of the liver, kidneys and the respiratory system. Therefore, a healthy berry must definitely take its rightful place in your garden.

Currants will take care of your health if you provide them with proper and thorough care. It is especially important during a pest invasion. The most common enemy of currants is aphids. In order to preserve all its useful properties, it is important to know how the shrub can be treated during fruiting.

How to recognize aphids

Currant bushes most often suffer from two types of aphids:

  • leafy gall aphid infects white and red currants. Numerous families "settle down" on the inner side of the sheet plates. On the outside of the leaves, swellings of a rich red or yellow hue appear;
  • the shoot aphid settles on black currant. As a result of its vital activity, young leaves are twisted into tubes, then dry up. The shoots practically do not grow, they are deformed, the leaves at the tops become clumps.

Any kind of aphid also spreads viral diseases. By drinking currant juice, pests not only deprive it of nutrients, but also weaken the natural resistance to infection. After a while, the shrub may die.


Folk methods for the destruction of aphids

A huge number of insecticides have been developed to destroy aphids on currants. However, it is extremely unwise to use them during fruiting.

Therefore, the question of how to process shrubs should be approached from a safety point of view. Remember that you will have to use folk remedies that are less effective, but completely harmless to health:

  1. Soap solution … Grate with laundry soap, separate 5 tablespoons, dilute with 1 liter of water. Spray the bush. It is not recommended to use scented toilet liquid soap, as the fragrant smell can attract other pests.
  2. Wood ash mortar … Pour 400 grams of wood ash into 10 liters of liquid, after boiling, simmer over low heat for 2 hours. After cooling down, it can be used as directed.
  3. Wood ash infusion … Combine 100 grams of grated laundry soap and ash. Pour the mixture into a 10 liter container. After 48 hours, the product is ready.
  4. Tobacco infusion … Pour 500 grams of tobacco dust or makhorka with 10 liters of water, let it brew for 48-72 hours. After the specified time, strain the solution, add 100 grams of household soap crushed on a grater. Shrubs are best sprayed in the evening.
  5. Infusion of tobacco leaves … Dry 400 grams of tobacco leaves, grind into a powder. Cover with 10 liters of water and let sit for 48 hours. Strain, dilute with water in a 1: 2 ratio, add 40 grams of soap.
  6. Marigold … This product is effective against gall aphids. Collect half a bucket of marigolds, chop finely, pour 10 liters of liquid. After 72 hours, filter the precipitate, add 50 grams of grated laundry soap, mix thoroughly.
  7. Decoction of tomato stems and leaves … Take 4 kilograms of fresh and 2 kilograms of dried raw materials, pour 10 liters of water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 30 minutes. After cooling, strain, add 50 grams of crushed soap. Before use, the product must be diluted with water in a 1: 5 ratio.
  8. Potato infusion … Fill a 3-liter container halfway with the leaves and stalks of potatoes, pour boiling water, filling the entire volume of the dishes. After 24 hours, add 15 grams of laundry soap and spray on the leaves.
  9. Pharmacy chamomile - another means by which you can process currants from aphids during fruiting. Pour 1 kilogram of raw materials with 10 liters of boiling water, leave for 12 hours. After the specified time, filter the precipitate, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 3, add 40 grams of laundry soap.
  10. Red hot pepper … Grind 1 kilogram of red capsicum, pour 10 liters of liquid. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 60 minutes. After cooling down, place in a warm room for 48 hours. Strain before use. To prepare a working solution, dilute 250 milliliters of infusion in 10 liters of water.
  11. Onion peel … Pour 200 grams of raw material with warm water (10 liters). After 5 days, filter the sediment and process the bushes.
  12. Onion feather … Chop 1 kg of onion feathers, add a bucket of water. After 6 hours, strain the sediment and process the currants.
  13. Garlic … Finely chop 0.5 kilograms of garlic, pour 5 liters of water. After 24 hours, strain and use as directed.
  14. Infusion of celandine … Pour 2 kilograms of freshly cut celandine grass with 5 liters of water. Strain after a day. When using the infusion, do not forget to use a respirator and gloves. Remember that the sap of the plant is poisonous.
  15. Vinegar … Dissolve 15 ml of vinegar in 1 liter of water. Shrubs need to be sprayed with a solution 3 times a week. As a rule, after 2 treatments it is possible to completely get rid of aphids.
  16. Soda ash … Pour 20 grams of the product with a liter of liquid. The solution is effective not only against pests, but also against fungal diseases.
  17. Baking soda … Dissolve 75 grams of product in 10 liters of water.
  18. Ammonia … Add 10 milliliters of ammonia to 2.5 liters of water and spray the bushes with a spray bottle.
  19. Nettle … Collect 2 kilograms of fresh plant leaves, fill with a bucket of liquid. After 24 hours, the infusion is ready for use.
  20. Dandelion … Collect 600 grams of flowers with roots, add 10 liters of water. After 3 hours, the composition can be used.

Remember that any folk remedies for pest control are good only with regular use. It is especially recommended to repeat the treatment procedure after rain.

Prevention measures

In order not to even wonder how you can process currants from aphids during fruiting, we advise you to study preventive measures against the appearance of pests:

  • in the fall and summer, carry out sanitary pruning of the bushes. Weak and diseased shoots must be burned;
  • Get rid of ants in your area. They reliably protect aphids and carry them not only throughout the currants, but also to other plants. You can wrap the trunk of the lower branches with double-sided tape and scald the nests with boiling water;
  • fumigate the garden with tobacco, mushroom, or rubber before budding. Perform the procedure in the evening, in calm weather, for 3 hours. Do not forget that corrosive smoke is dangerous to human health, so try not to inhale it and keep at a decent distance;
  • aphids do not like harsh scents. If you plant calendula, lavender, coriander, garlic, peppermint or sage next to a shrub, pests are unlikely to express a desire to settle on your site;
  • in dry, calm weather, dust the bushes with sifted wood ash.

Now you know how you can process currants from aphids during fruiting. If there are not too many pests, it is worth trying mechanical methods of control. Prune and destroy in time
