Sergey Lukyanenko. Everybody get out of the gloom
Sergey Lukyanenko. Everybody get out of the gloom
Timur Bekmambetov and Sergey Lukyanenko
Timur Bekmambetov and Sergey Lukyanenko

- You have lived in Kazakhstan for a long time. What is more in your worldview: Eastern or Western?

- Probably, like everything in the East, it is dualistic for me: both eastern and western. Kazakhstan, of course, is not a very eastern country, but at the same time there are eastern elements there. But I am rather a bit western.

You asked, and I immediately remembered the story that Timur Bekmambetov told me. Probably everyone remembers the biblical legend about Cain and Abel. So one of them was a farmer, and the other was a nomad. Timur asked me which one of them is which? I wrinkled my brow, remembering … after all, in the traditional European sense, a farmer is good, but a cattle breeder, a nomad, is bad … It turned out that the farmer was Cain. This expresses the Eastern approach, the dualism of the world.

Everything is simple with us, this one is good, this one is bad, and the roles should be distributed like this. In fact, the Eastern understanding is always yin-yang, the interpenetration of things, good and evil merge together. East is a delicate matter. (Smiling)

- Last question. If you created the Tesla Star, which you described in the story "Creed", who would your past incarnation be?

- (Laughs) Interesting question! You know, because everyone always says: "In a past life I was probably a priest … or heir to the throne … or, conversely, a maniac murderer, a famous thief …" I will try to answer a little more original. In a past life, I was a completely ordinary person, a simple man in the street, who worked quietly and peacefully in some office and nothing interesting happened to him in life. Therefore, to compensate, now I am leading a more interesting and fulfilling life.
