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Why dream of falling in a dream
Why dream of falling in a dream

Video: Why dream of falling in a dream

Video: Why dream of falling in a dream
Video: Why do you dream of falling? What does it all mean? 2024, April

Probably, every person in a dream at least once saw a fall from a height. It may differ in some details, but the essence remains the same. Dream Interpretations give interpretations of why such a fall is dreamed of.

Classic dream book

Falling from a height means failure, disclosure of secrets. Falling into a pit speaks of a disease, a deterioration in social status.

When a person dreamed of the horror of what had happened, anxiety and crisis await him. If he stumbles or falls, this indicates the commission of an action that will lead to condemnation.


In addition to the classic dream book, there are other interpretations. In this phenomenon, scientists see a harbinger of positive and negative events. Even if I dream of a plane crashing to the ground next to me, this event is interpreted differently for each dream book.


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According to Miller

Gustav Miller gives an explanation of why a fall is seen in a dream. If at the same time there was a strong fear, this means that a person can step over himself, overcome fear and difficulties. This could lead to great luck in the future.

It is advisable to remember your own fears, write them down on a sheet. Work should be done to overcome them. Only then will success await.

You also need to take into account the details. According to them, interpretation takes place. If you dreamed about an injury, it means trouble. The person is likely to lose someone. It can also mean betrayal.


Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

If you dream of a fall in an elevator or just from a height, you will lose health and property. This may portend the deprivation of a relative. Feeling a fall means bitter regrets.

And if a person fell in a dream, this indicates trouble. The falling star indicates that dreams will not come true. If a star descended from heaven and lay down next to a person, this indicates the fulfillment of desires.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

This dream book also gives an interpretation of what dreams of falling from a height to the ground are. This phenomenon means the need for a serious choice. You should not delay with a decision, it is important to clearly pose the question and start looking for answers.

This choice can affect relationships with loved ones, so you should consult with them. Only then harmony awaits, otherwise quarrels await.


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According to Freud

If a man dreams of his own fall from a height, this means that he is afraid of failures in bed. This phenomenon also indicates doubts about personal abilities.

Falling may indicate attracting the attention of the opposite sex. It is important to be careful, as such a relationship will not end well. This interpretation is the same for women and men.


Dream interpretation Hasse

The dream book explains why the plane crashes in a dream. The vision speaks of future betrayal on the part of loved ones. You shouldn't trust anyone but yourself.

Taking into account the opinions of others, this can lead to failure. Then a person may regret it. That is why it is important to listen only to yourself, it will help you find your happiness.


Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

If I dream about the fall of the plane in which I am, it bodes well. A negative phenomenon can manifest itself in different ways. Often, troubles relate to an unsuccessful business or loss of finances.

It is also important to remember the details of the dream:

  • If a person falls to the floor, this indicates a dream come true.
  • When falling into the water, a person needs to take into account that the wish will not come true.
  • Prolonged falling and waking up means the appearance of health problems. You should be more careful about your own health.

Each dream has its own meaning. It should be correctly interpreted. This will help prepare for future events.


According to Nostradamus

The dream book gives an explanation of why a fall from a height is dreaming. It means anxiety and tension. If someone pushes a person off a cliff, then a more influential person displaces him. Falling down means unfounded fear.

If a person was foreseen that he crashed, this means a loss of control over himself. And a deliberate fall from a mountain speaks of disappointment. If a person flies into infinite space, difficult trials await him.

According to Loff

Rocks are a dangerous place. Being on top of them in a dream means that life combines both greatness and danger. To find out which quality is the most important, it is important to remember what was next. The danger can turn into something positive, since everything depends on the company.

One may dream of falling to the ground, from which awakening occurs. If the rocks are on the coast of the sea, then you are probably asking or expecting something from this element. Such dreams are equipped with a symbol of fertility. A vision of the landscape means a good position in society.


Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

If a fall into a bottomless abyss was foreseen, this is a signal of misfortune, from which one cannot be saved. When a person is pushed off a cliff by a powerful force, he will not be able to cope with enemies alone. But friends will always help out.

If you dream of flying over the vastness of the earth, then a person will find spiritual uplift. He will be successful in any endeavor.


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Family dream book

For men, such a dream can mean different interpretations:

  • Falling from a cliff and death indicate that in life you will have to look for the location of the woman you like.
  • Flying from the roof indicates a missed chance due to uncertainty.
  • Falling into a pit means shame and humiliation from a loved one.

For a woman, such a dream also has different meanings. If she fell and broke, this speaks of unrequited love for a married one. Falling out of the window is a symbol of fun among girlfriends. And flying off a cliff means a business trip.


Russian folk dream book

If a person saw that someone jumped from a bridge into the water, this means that they will still have to face him in real life. But if this character died, the Russian dream book advises you to visit a psychotherapist. The person is likely to be oblivious to their depression, but this can lead to adverse consequences.

As you can see, a fall from a height can have completely different interpretations. It is important to remember all the details in order to find out the exact meaning of such a vision. Knowing what it symbolizes makes it easy to prepare for positive or negative changes.



  1. Falling from a height can have various interpretations.
  2. It should be borne in mind that each dream book gives its own values.
  3. Sleep can portend positive and negative events.
  4. It is necessary to remember all the details of your dream.
  5. Knowing the interpretation of sleep will help prepare for life changes.
